The Web Pro Pinball

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First post, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody,

A while ago, an MSCDEX detection issue was fixed for a couple of games, specifically for the Pro Pinball series (The Web, Timeshock). Timeshock does indeed work fine in CVS, but I cannot get The Web running. I tried various ways to mount the CD or disk-image, but everytime it just tells me that the CD is missing.

Is there anybody that has got the game running in dosbox? More details are available here:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func … 551&atid=467234


Reply 1 of 27, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

What mount command(s) are you using?

Reply 2 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for asking. I tried both

mount c d:\games\pinball
imgmount d d:\games\pinball\theweb.iso -t iso
cd \theweb


mount c d:\games\pinball
mount d d:\games\pinball\thewebcd -t cdrom -label THE_WEB -ioctl
cd \theweb

Both methods result in the same message about the missing CD. Can the game be run using a physical disc and -usecd x !?

No, doensn't work either. Maybe my copy (http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/gamefes … inball-classics) is broken for Dos. Mobygames lists it as windows only, though Dos executables are on the disc, and the dos installer works fine.


Reply 3 of 27, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Qbix said that -usecd is redundant if you are already using -ioctl. Also, is it possible that you installed the game using a different mount setting than the one you're currently trying to run with?

Reply 4 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Ah, ok, didn't know that. I double-checked the installation. Default, the game installs in c:\propin\theweb and places the user in there directly after installation. Even then, the error message shows up.
I will try Qemu to see what it gives me...

Reply 5 of 27, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

the usecd is only redundant if you use -usecd 0
not in other cases.
Anyway the code added by the patch mentioned is quite simple. I think I modified to reflect my changes.
you could try the original patch instead.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 6 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Qemu's behaviour is exactly the same, and patching the game to v1.52 or Dosbox using prompt's original patch doesn't help either.
I guess either Interplay messed up their compilation, or my copy is broken.

@prompt: Can you please check to see if your copy works in CVS?


Reply 8 of 27, by prompt

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Rank Newbie

Can you check if the game works if you mount a cue sheet that includes the audio tracks? I never tried to use the original cd or an iso without the audio tracks.
I know that the game worked just after the patch got included, so you could try to checkout the cvs of that date.
Otherwise, I don't have access to that game at the moment, but I will check as soon as possible.

Reply 9 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thank you for joining the discussion prompt! Mmm.. that's the strangest thing, my disc doesn't have any audio tracks, so I suppose that's why it rejects the CD on startup (duh!). Did you try the stand-alone version, or Interplay's compilation, prompt?
Now, let's find out if I can make a bin/cue combination with a couple of fake audio tracks to see if that helps anything...


Reply 10 of 27, by prompt

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Rank Newbie

My copy is from some compilation that I can't remember the name of, but it has the audio tracks.
If I remember correctly the windows version does not play the audio tracks, so that is may be why they decided to exclude them on your disc.
I can post the cue sheet as soon as I have access to it.

Reply 11 of 27, by prompt

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Rank Newbie

Ok, here is the cue sheet. The size of binary is 534'416'736 bytes, you will need that to calculate the length of the last track.

Reply 12 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Great, thank you prompt, I'll check it out...


Reply 13 of 27, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

Still not working for me. According to this entry http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?s … er=P&search=web the game is still not playable in DOSBox (also not in Bochs and native DOS6.22 according to the author). I've obtained a different CD with audio tracks that results in the same error mentioned in the first post.

Maybe someone can review the logging output that I've attached to see what's going on, may well be a game bug I suppose!? If I can do something myself to debug the issue, please let me know what steps to take 😅


EDIT: tested the game in VMWare on DOS6.22, doesn't work, same error. This game is a b!tch 😒

Reply 14 of 27, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

hmm they do a get abstract filename. that one might be interresting to check. (1503)

I think the driver function 85 (stop audio) is part of their shutdown sequence although it might be part of the detection as well. I don't know from my head what should be reported if there is no audio playing when issue a stop.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 15 of 27, by ripsaw8080

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DOSBox Author

I found what is keeping this game from running. I got the idea from Qbix that pulling the abstract file name from the volume descriptor is unusual, so I used the DOSBox debugger to set a breakpoint on INT 2F (MSCDEX) to see what the code was doing afterwards. It is comparing the abstract file name to the string "Pro_Pinball_1". I guess this was used as some kind of non-standard identifier. It seems that CD imaging programs don't copy the abstract file name to the volume descriptor in the image for some reason. I don't know if this was intended as a weak copy protection, or maybe it just kind of works out that way. Once I saw what the problem was, it took 2 seconds to get around it... but being a bit warez-ish, I probably shouldn't go into details. 😉

Reply 16 of 27, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

does it work with an iso with the correct abstract filename ?
It could be that our routine is broken. it is afterall not that often used.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 17 of 27, by ripsaw8080

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DOSBox Author

I confirmed that DOSBox is reading abstract filename from the iso correctly (by hacking the image). So it seems there are two possibilities: 1) the abstract filename wasn't copied into the image, 2) the original disc had an error in mastering such that the abstract filename was left blank and therefore the DOS version of the game can't work. The second possibility isn't beyond the pale, because the Windows version of the game on the disc was probably used more often than the DOS version at the time.

Reply 18 of 27, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

what is the volume label of the disk?

My MSCDEX specs says that the abstract filename was (at that time) limited to the 8.3 standard and that any longer was an extention

Get Abstract File Name

AX 1503h
ES:BX Transfer address; pointer to a 38 byte buffer
CX CD-ROM drive letter (A=0, B=1, ... Z=25)

MSCDEX will copy the name of the abstract file in the VTOC for that drive
letter into the buffer space provided. The abstract filename is presently
restricted in the High Sierra proposal to 8.3 but we require 38 bytes here
for the possibility at a later date of handling 31 character file names plus
6 bytes for a ';' and 5 digit version number and 1 byte for a NULL at the
end. Carry will be set if the drive letter is not a CD-ROM drive and
error_invalid_drive (15) will be returned in AX.

But maybe the mentioned "later date" had allready arived at that time. (I got 2.1)

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 19 of 27, by ripsaw8080

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

The volume label is "THE_WEB". I guess you're wondering if the abstract filename was not copied to the image because it's not a valid filename (either in format, or the fact that there is no such file in the root directory of the disc)... and that may be the case. However, by hacking the strings in either the game executable or the disc image, the game starts up and works. I opted for a 1-byte hack of the code in the executable so it doesn't care if the strings match or not.