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D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 1760 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

@viritys: Fixed.

@HunterZ: If you could send me an example conf file I could have a look at it. But I can't promise you very much. As you already said parsing free-form texts for useable information isn't easy.

When I'm done with this I will release 1.3.3rc2. There are also some other interesting things: 1.3.3rc2 will show a new tree section "Recently started" showing (up to) the last 50 games started in the games list. Additionally the DFR tray area icon context menu will have a new secton "Recently started" showing the last 10 games started.

Reply 1761 of 2281, by viritys

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Rank Newbie

Great! You might've accidentally squashed another bug while fixing it - when you add a windows game manually, the screenshot directory is created correctly within D-FR, but it won't create the actual path before exiting the profile editor. This will cause a side effect when trying to download cover shots from MB - D-FR will misleadingly complain "Error reading data from www.mobygames.com". When you exit and get back in to the profile editor, the directory is created and downloading the cover shots work again.

On somewhat related note, there's a small bug with reading the descriptions - it seems DF-R doesn't handle reading HTML too well. When Mobygames' game description has hyperlinks or uses cursive, it causes line breaks in the downloaded notes. Additionally "'s are "'s. Larry 3 is a perfect test subject: http://www.mobygames.com/game/leisure-suit-la … t-of-the-pulsat

BTW, now that I've opened my mouth, here's something I'd like you to consider - the ability to pick more than one filter from the tree structure. That would add the ability to browse the game collection more effectively. If we could pick multiple choices, we could do stuff like "show action games from Sierra", "show espionage strategy games" "show adventure games from 1992" etc.

Reply 1762 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi viritys,

the mobygames downloader will now create the given capture folder if it does not exist. This should fix the first problem.

The mobygames data reader is a bit more tricky: Decoding html entities like " is no big problem (and is fixed now). The html parser in D-Fend Reloaded is quite simple and was never intended to read multiline texts like descriptions. As a first step it tokenizes the text and I cannot see if a new token started due to a </p><p> or due to a <a href=""> later. So if I do not rewrite the whole mobygames reader code there is nothing I can do at this point.

Things like multiselect on the filter tree or some more features to the games list are quite common wishes. But the tree and the list view are just runtime library components and the tree component does not support multiselect. So as long as I do not rewrite the complete tree view, I can't implement a multiselect, sorry.

But now a good news: I still haven't got any answer from HunterZ about improving the parsing of the [autoexec] section but have decided to release 1.3.3rc2 anyway. When HunterZ sends me an example [autoexec] section which should be better parsed, I will make an rc3 - that's no big problem. You can find 1.3.3rc2 as usual here.

And last but not least there is something I would like to inform you about: I have been noticed by another open-source author there is somebody how offers a rip-off of D-Fend Reloaded. He has renamed DOSBox and D-Fend Reloaded in the source, removed and GPL notice, wrote himself in the program information dialog as the only author and added some really ugly splash screen to DOSBox and D-Fend Reloaded. He has done the same with some other open-source projects. It looks like he thinks GPL means "public domain, no right at all", which is obviously wrong. He has also a "Donate" button on his webpage and is selling the source code. So he wants to earn money with the work of the DOSBox team and of me. I'm currently taking with the DOSBox team what to do. At the moment I don't want to mention the name of the DFR rip-off or the webpage her because I do not want to make this rip-off more popular by Google etc. As soon as there are new information, I will tell you.

Reply 1763 of 2281, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Sorry, I have been without Internet for a few days.

I've attached a couple of GOG.com .conf files.

Note that in the case of Descent 2, it mounts a renamed CUE file. Other games that use CD images sometimes mount an ISO-only file that is usually named something like "game.gog".


  • Filename
    File size
    7.23 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
    File size
    9.92 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 1764 of 2281, by Alexander

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

The current version of D-Fend Reloaded already has a mount command processor for [autoexec] sections. But the DOSBox conf file style comment line

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

in the [autoexec] section confuses these processing functions. If you remove this line, the mount command will be interpreted. DFR 1.3.3 will understand DOSBox conf file style comments in the [autoexec] section. Additionally it will process imgmount commands for mounting CD images.

Reply 1766 of 2281, by willow

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Rank Member

1)Could you add a refresh rate option in dfend reloaaded?
Dosbox version of daum (teakwong x y) has this option but dfend reloaded cannot to change.

I have 120 hz lcd. In direct3d or directdraw mode I have only 60hz. In overlay or surface I have only 110hz.

If I launch game wihtout dfend reloaded in direct3d, I have 120hz and not 60hz.

2) At each time that I launch game with dfend reloaded num lock is turn off.
If I use dosbox without dfend reloaded, num lock stay turn on.
I don't know I I forget an option i ndfend reloaded or not.
I need help.

Reply 1767 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi willow,

1. I cannot add GUI elements for each custom DOSBox build function but you can add any conf file commands to the conf file used when starting DOSBox. Just write the lines you need into to text field
Profile editor -> DOSBox settings -> Custom settings
These lines will be added to the conf file which is used when starting the profile in DOSBox.

2. You can set up the initial num lock status here:
Profile editor -> Hardware -> Keyboard -> Num lock status

Reply 1768 of 2281, by willow

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Rank Member
Alexander wrote:
Hi willow, […]
Show full quote

Hi willow,

1. I cannot add GUI elements for each custom DOSBox build function but you can add any conf file commands to the conf file used when starting DOSBox. Just write the lines you need into to text field
Profile editor -> DOSBox settings -> Custom settings
These lines will be added to the conf file which is used when starting the profile in DOSBox.

I tried to add in custom settings but lines are not considered

[vsync] # vsyncmode: Synchronize vsync timing to the host display. Requires calibration within dosbox. # Possible val […]
Show full quote

# vsyncmode: Synchronize vsync timing to the host display. Requires calibration within dosbox.
# Possible values: off, on, force, host.
# vsyncrate: Vsync rate used if vsync is enabled. Ignored if vsyncmode is set to host (win32).
# Possible values:.


If I add


it dooesn't work.

If I add other lines like

autoscaler = non

it works.

There is a problem with these lines. I don't know if it's a problem with defend reloaded or dosbox daum xy version.

Alexander wrote:

2. You can set up the initial num lock status here:
Profile editor -> Hardware -> Keyboard -> Num lock status

I have tried to all options of num lock: do not change, on and off and num lock is desactivated when I start game at each time. edit: num lock options work with dosbox 0.74 official but it doesn't work with this version of dosbox http://ykhwong.x-y.net/

The problem is that dosbox 0.74 official is buggued with might&magic IV&V: world of xeen. I must use dosbox at http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ to play without bug at world of xeen.

Reply 1769 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

You can view the conf file used for starting DOSBox by clicking "View DOSBox conf file" from the context menu of any profile. DFR is just passing your additional lines to DOSBox. So if these lines do not have the intended result in DOSBox it's a problem in the DOSBox build you are using.

As far as I know DOSBox is just using the system num lock status when starting. The DFR num lock etc. switches are carried out by using FreeDOS tools to set the num lock status. In DOSBox 0.74 (and older) this works fine. If this does not work in your DOSBox build then something is broken in this release.

BTW: I have played World of Xeen in DOSBox 0.74 and for me it worked fine.

Reply 1770 of 2281, by willow

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Rank Member
Alexander wrote:

You can view the conf file used for starting DOSBox by clicking "View DOSBox conf file" from the context menu of any profile. DFR is just passing your additional lines to DOSBox. So if these lines do not have the intended result in DOSBox it's a problem in the DOSBox build you are using.

As far as I know DOSBox is just using the system num lock status when starting. The DFR num lock etc. switches are carried out by using FreeDOS tools to set the num lock status. In DOSBox 0.74 (and older) this works fine. If this does not work in your DOSBox build then something is broken in this release.



I try many builds (since may to december 2012) of this version of dosbox and same thing. Num lock is turn off at each start of game.

Although, it's a version that you speak about in your software (red circle).

BTW: I have played World of Xeen in DOSBox 0.74 and for me it worked fine

Yes, I have tried a new and it works. I don't why but I have tried three days ago and the cursor in the high of the screen disappeared.

Reply 1771 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi willow,

Although, it's a version that you speak about in your software (red circle).

Yes, I know this. And I'm trying to support these special builds as good as possible. But I there are so many options in these builds and most of them only affect a small number of users (from the small number of users not using the default DOSBox build). Adding GUI elements for all features available in some special builds would result in very large profile editor pages - with most of the elements hidden most of the time. To catch all the things not directly supported (with GUI elements) there is the custom settings field which just goes to the DOSBox conf file.

And now some good news: I have just released D-Fend Reloaded 1.3.3.
(If you are already using 1.3.3rc3 the only change is an updated DOSZip version.)

Reply 1772 of 2281, by willow

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Rank Member
Alexander wrote:

Hi willow,

Although, it's a version that you speak about in your software (red circle).

Yes, I know this. And I'm trying to support these special builds as good as possible. But I there are so many options in these builds and most of them only affect a small number of users (from the small number of users not using the default DOSBox build). Adding GUI elements for all features available in some special builds would result in very large profile editor pages - with most of the elements hidden most of the time. To catch all the things not directly supported (with GUI elements) there is the custom settings field which just goes to the DOSBox conf file.


For num lock problem, I have written to the author of dsobox daum and this answer is:

Num lock will be deactivated and activated again in general if you already have it turned on. […]
Show full quote

Num lock will be deactivated and activated again in general if you already have it turned on.

Meanwhile, if you are still having issues with the led, please use a parameter "-disable_numlock_check" with dosbox.exe. (read dosbox svn-daum manual for details)

Some frontends like D-fend Reloaded will set SDL_VIDEODRIVER to DIRECTX, likely leading to the num lock problem.

I recommend you to use SDL_VIDEODRIVER to WINDIB and this is default in my release. (also read dosbox-svn daum manual for details if you are using other frontends)

I try to use windib instead of directx and it doesn't work.

I notice that if I launch dosbox.exe without dfend reloaded, num lock stay on. If I use dfend reloaded to launch dosbox.exe, num lock disappeared. There is a problem between num lock and dosbox.exe about daum version.

If I add "-disable_numlock_check" in "additional command line parameters when calling dosbox", numlock stay on if I launch dosbox.exe with dfend reloaded.

Unfortunately, If I launch game, num lock disappeared.

I don't know why.

Reply 1774 of 2281, by Alexander

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

Hmm, that's strange. I looks like you have tried everything possible. Besides comparing the conf file used when you start DOSBox directly and the one used by DFR there is not much more you can do.

Yes, there is: Open the program options dialog and choose the advanced more (bottom right of the dialog). Go to External programs -> DOSBox and click "More settings for this DOSBox installation". A new dialog will open, in this dialog you will find the checkbox "Center DOSBox window".

Reply 1775 of 2281, by talregev

User metadata
Rank Newbie

It will be nice to have when you can selected multiple profile at D-Fend, and can deleted them or export them.

It will be nice to have if you can export and import a windows profile game.


Reply 1776 of 2281, by talregev

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Found a bug.
When you create a profile, and you download more then 4 picture (screenshots) from moby to the profile,
go to the last 4 picture and move the whole window.
you will notice that 2 pictures picture 1 and picture 4 (if you count from left to right, up then down) switching each other.


Reply 1777 of 2281, by Alexander

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

It will be nice to have when you can selected multiple profile at D-Fend, and can deleted them or export them.

You can export multiple profiles at once via the File->Export menu and you can uninstall multiple profiles at once via the Extras menu.

It will be nice to have if you can export and import a windows profile game.

Because Windows games usually have own installers and need registry entries etc. importing/exporting Windows games via DFR is not a so good idea in general. DFR can do this but not to confuse beginners this feature is turned off by default. You can enable it from the page External programs->Windows games of the setup dialog.

When you create a profile, and you download more then 4 picture (screenshots) from moby to the profile, go to the last 4 picture and move the whole window. you will notice that 2 pictures picture 1 and picture 4 (if you count from left to right, up then down) switching each other.

That a general weakness of the listview component used to display the screenshots and cannot be improved from my side. Sorry.

Reply 1778 of 2281, by talregev

User metadata
Rank Newbie

It will be nice to have when you can selected multiple profile at D-Fend, and can deleted them or export them.

You can export multiple profiles at once via the File->Export menu and you can uninstall multiple profiles at once via the Extras menu.

It more simpler if you selected them all, and then you can use the same
command (del or right click then delete for deletion, and right click Export, for exporting).

It will be nice to have if you can export and import a windows profile game.

Because Windows games usually have own installers and need registry entries etc. importing/exporting Windows games via DFR is not a so good idea in general. DFR can do this but not to confuse beginners this feature is turned off by default. You can enable it from the page External programs->Windows games of the setup dialog.

I have many D-Fend on my computer, and I want to have to try many versions of it, so it really hard to export manually all the 100 windows game profile.

When you create a profile, and you download more then 4 picture (screenshots) from moby to the profile, go to the last 4 picture and move the whole window. you will notice that 2 pictures picture 1 and picture 4 (if you count from left to right, up then down) switching each other.

That a general weakness of the listview component used to display the screenshots and cannot be improved from my side. Sorry.

Can it done in other way? you can't think for other solution?


Reply 1779 of 2281, by Alexandra

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Rank Newbie

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the wonderful program. I've taken to using it for all my old DOS and Windows games. Love it!

Quick feature suggestion: It'd be nice to have a monospaced font option (like Courier) for the Notes field. This would let the user create neater-looking notes that better respect spacing. For example, here is a (messy-looking) excerpt from a list of cheats I keep in the Notes field for Outlaws:

olrunawaytrain // Play as a min car
olscreening // Show cutscenes
olfps // Show frame rate
olgps // Show player coordinates
olscore // Skip level

It would be nice if it could look like this:

olrunawaytrain // Play as a min car
olscreening // Show cutscenes
olfps // Show frame rate
olgps // Show player coordinates
olscore // Skip level

Much more readable. 😀