Hi viritys,
the mobygames downloader will now create the given capture folder if it does not exist. This should fix the first problem.
The mobygames data reader is a bit more tricky: Decoding html entities like " is no big problem (and is fixed now). The html parser in D-Fend Reloaded is quite simple and was never intended to read multiline texts like descriptions. As a first step it tokenizes the text and I cannot see if a new token started due to a </p><p> or due to a <a href=""> later. So if I do not rewrite the whole mobygames reader code there is nothing I can do at this point.
Things like multiselect on the filter tree or some more features to the games list are quite common wishes. But the tree and the list view are just runtime library components and the tree component does not support multiselect. So as long as I do not rewrite the complete tree view, I can't implement a multiselect, sorry.
But now a good news: I still haven't got any answer from HunterZ about improving the parsing of the [autoexec] section but have decided to release 1.3.3rc2 anyway. When HunterZ sends me an example [autoexec] section which should be better parsed, I will make an rc3 - that's no big problem. You can find 1.3.3rc2 as usual here.
And last but not least there is something I would like to inform you about: I have been noticed by another open-source author there is somebody how offers a rip-off of D-Fend Reloaded. He has renamed DOSBox and D-Fend Reloaded in the source, removed and GPL notice, wrote himself in the program information dialog as the only author and added some really ugly splash screen to DOSBox and D-Fend Reloaded. He has done the same with some other open-source projects. It looks like he thinks GPL means "public domain, no right at all", which is obviously wrong. He has also a "Donate" button on his webpage and is selling the source code. So he wants to earn money with the work of the DOSBox team and of me. I'm currently taking with the DOSBox team what to do. At the moment I don't want to mention the name of the DFR rip-off or the webpage her because I do not want to make this rip-off more popular by Google etc. As soon as there are new information, I will tell you.