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D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 2141 of 2281, by breygon@gmail.com

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Rank Newbie

Just attempted to install D-Fend Reloaded v1.4.4 on a Windows 10 machine and received the following error. "Error opening file for writing: D:\D-Fend Reloaded\NewUserData\FREEDOS\DCIMAN32.DLL. I've also tried letting it install to it's defaul location, (which I'd rather it didn't do). I also tried having the installer run as Administrator, same error. I've also tried installing in a compatibility mode with Windows 7, same results.

I am running Windows 10 Pro version 1511 Build 10586.218 😕 Anyway out of this quagmire?

Reply 2142 of 2281, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

You can register multiple DOSBox versions to be used in DFR via the setup dialog (page: External programs -> DOSBox). But DFR is always expecting the DOSBox program file to be named "dosbox.exe". If you rename a com file to exe, the program will not work. If you have registered multiple DOSBox version, you can choose from the profile editor (page: DOSBox settings) which version to use.

DFR is using settings per user profile. On installation the default settings and files for the user profiles are stored in <DFR program folder>\NewUserData. On first start of DFR on a new user profile (which usualy means on frist start after installation) these files are copied to <User profile>\D-Fend Reloaded. The error message means DFR could not access one of these files (may be some overactive anti-virus program blocks the file to long while scanning). As a work-a-round you can also copy the files manually:
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\AutoSetup -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\AutoSetup
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\Capture -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\Capture
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\Templates -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\Templates
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\DOSZIP -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\VirtualHD\DOSZIP
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\FREEDOS -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\VirtualHD\FREEDOS
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\IconLibrary -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\IconLibrary
<DFRprogram>\NewUserData\Icons.ini -> <UserProfile>\D-Fend Reloaded\Settings\Icons.ini
If you then after starting DFR as the last step open the settings dialog and choose "Restore 'DOSBox DOS' profile" from the "Service"-page, you should get exactly the same result as when using first run wizard.

Reply 2143 of 2281, by willow

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Rank Member

The problem is that dosbox is launched but not the game. Dfend reloaded parameters are not tkae into accounct
I only open dosbox-x window.

dosb-x conf file

Reply 2145 of 2281, by GalaxyHigh

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Rank Newbie

Hello everyone,

First, I've got to say thanks for the work on DFR. It's a top front end. Easy to use and understand.

I've hit a problem when trying to view games in Screenshot mode. If I try this view (which has been working fine up until now) the "user defined information" fields start to cross one another and half of games it can find do not displaying their thumbnail images or pop up in the wrong field. (Please see attachment to make sense of this rambling).

I'm getting an error message stating "Access violation at address 004F6379 in module 'DFend.exe'. Read of address <variable 8 letter string>" for games catalogued under W and a different address message for games begging with X.

I've tried looking in this thread but there's over nine years of posts here. Could someone link me to a post?

Using DFR v1.4.4 Portable



  • ErrorMessage.png
    File size
    7.38 KiB
    File comment
    Access violation at address 004F6379 in module 'DFend.exe'. Read of address 04831000
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • DFRscreenshot.png
    File size
    109.48 KiB
    File comment
    Games beginning with X are now showing in W's user defined information field and thumbnails not showing for game.
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Win 7 Ultimate 32
2.7GHz AMD 64 x2 5200+
GeForce 9500GT+
1x500GB IDE

Reply 2146 of 2281, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Using v1.4.4, adding more than one floppy image when starting the installer mode results in no floppy images being mounted. I'm trying to install Ultrabots (aka Xenobots) from floppy images, and the game installer requires that I swap out the images during install.

Edit: Also, the installer mode operates in secure mode, so I can't even imgmount manually.

Reply 2148 of 2281, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Maybe. I did notice that the DOSBox it uses by default doesn't support multiple floppy image mounting.

I worked around it by copying the files from both floppy images into a single directory, then mounting that as a floppy and running the installer. The installer recognized the files from each disk and copied them to the installation directory.

Reply 2149 of 2281, by sst

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Rank Member

Some new icons for the "D-Fend Reloaded Portable version".
Also updated icons and png


  • Filename
    D-FendReloaded Portable icons.zip
    File size
    148.4 KiB
    File comment
    Some new icons for the "D-Fend Reloaded Portable version".
    Also updated icons and png
    This .zip file, follow the structure of where the icons/png files must be placed.
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 2150 of 2281, by LiveFreeDead

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Rank Newbie

I am late to the game but D-Fend is worth my time, I noticed that since I got my new screen (QHD) that DosBOX can not start due to not being able to use such a large screen resolution, I thought we could fix this problem and allow my existing option of (original, 0x0) for the resolution for hundreds of my dos games to work would be to offer the ability to change the screen resolution before calling DosBox, it would be fairly simple to enumerate all available screen resolutions into a combo box (on the D-Fend main program settings) and allow the user to change if from "Current Resolution" to something like "1920x1080" and change it back once DosBox has exited. I grabbed a copy of the source code for a look to see if I can help, but I am a little rusty in my coding - still worth a look and I'll share my mods here in this thread if I succeed.

Reply 2151 of 2281, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

It's been a while... I've been absent from this thread for years, and also assumed somebody else would keep updating the Spanish translation. Apparently that hasn't happenned, so now that I've started using DFR again, here it is, an update to v1.4.4. Enjoy.


Reply 2152 of 2281, by DarkTemplar

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Rank Newbie

Dear creator of D-Fend Reloaded, I noticed that the list has a bit of an issue with displaying high-res png icons. I attached two files, one is a screenshot showing the problem, the other one is the png file. I think the problem is displaying the alpha channel. I am currently working on the creation of a beautiful set of icons for all my 500 entries but I can't continue as long as I don't know if you get this sorted. Would be cool in any case and I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards, Dan

Images: http://imgur.com/a/avosg

Reply 2154 of 2281, by LiveFreeDead

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Rank Newbie

I think it's mostly abandoned, I want to upgrade the source code to fix my QHD issues and could look at fixing the icon issues too, but first I need the original creator to get into contact and perhaps send me pngimage.dcu and zlibex.dcu as I am unable to compile the code with Delphi 7, it also complained about the use of inline, so I am unsure how to configure so I can make the DFend.exe, PM me if you know how or have access to his version of Source Code with the missing Delphi addons.


I got the png and zlibex working but then setsize failed saying undeclared identifier, meaning the tbitmap doesn't have the required structure, so I gave up trying to fix this now. There was other issues after that (I remarked out all setsize uses and something else failed) this project is to big to not include all files/configurations required to compile it. Also Borland Delphi 7's IDE crashes if you open the project (even on XP), so I think I'll have to leave this to an experienced Delphi coder to fix.

Reply 2156 of 2281, by LiveFreeDead

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Rank Newbie

I would be very willing to continue to update this, BUT first I would need a Virtual Machine preconfigured to be able to compile it with any software needed, I used to own a Personal Delphi 7 licence but have long lost it during PC upgrades and house clean outs and my eMails I registered with are long gone and forgotten, I don't think Borland would complain about me having access to improve this project as they had a humble beginning themselves. So if the last person who compiled this is able to share what I need, I'll gladly fix the remaining issues and compile a public release - may have to change the name to re-reloaded, but it's better than such awesome work being lost with time to.

Reply 2158 of 2281, by MattM1121

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Rank Newbie

Just wondering if anyone else besides myself is a little..."overboard" maybe?

D-Fend Reloaded Version 1.4.4

Profiles: 1101
Templates: 6
Auto setup templates: 1660
Icons: 698

Profiles by genre:
Action: 48
Adventure: 248
Compilation: 2
DLC / Add-on: 4
Educational: 0
Emulator: 3
Flight Simulator: 3
Not set: 0
Program: 2
Puzzle: 0
Racing / Driving: 1
Role-Playing: 12
Role-Playing (RPG): 136
Simulation: 38
Sports: 17
Strategy: 79
Strategy/Tactics: 200