Reply 240 of 280, by DracoNihil

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Stupid question but does the BASSMIDI library support loading SoundFont 1.x SBK? Or do I need to somehow convert said files over to SF2?

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 242 of 280, by DracoNihil

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Has anyone ever converted Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri's SBK? (Filename: FF.SBK)

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 243 of 280, by autoexecdotbat

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I I haven't dun that, because I don't have a compatible sf1 to 2 converter. vienna could do that but it requires a real sound blaster live! card, which I don't have readily available at the moment. and I don't think I have the sbk itself either, since I got the xmi files from another forum post, which was geared twards the sb16 versions. If anyone could link me to a good program tat can convert sf1 to 2, let me know.

to win the game you must defeat coppa!

Reply 244 of 280, by kode54

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Just FYI, all SF2 compatible Creative cards come with a 1MB file in the drivers, that happens to be a dump of the AWE32/64 sample ROM, to facilitate loading old banks that used ROM samples. It should be simple enough to write a converter which works when supplied this file.

Reply 245 of 280, by Enverex

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Reposting this as I think it got lost, being the last entry on a page:

BASSMIDI seems to work generally fine for me (as I use it for MIDI in Foobar) but I do have one issue - I can't open the configuration program on Windows 10. If I try (even as admin) nothing happens. I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no change. Double clicking the executable seems to do something for a moment but nothing ever appears or opens. It's weird as BASSMIDI works fine and I can load soundfonts in Foobar, but the configuration program just won't load.

Reply 246 of 280, by JayCeeBee64

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autoexecdotbat wrote:

could somebody convert this sf1 soundfont into sf2 for me?

Gave this a shot with Awave Studio but can't test it - don't have any AWE32/64 cards and my SBLive! is in cold storage. Try it out and see if it works.


Ooohh, the pain......

Reply 247 of 280, by rfnagel

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Ye old SoundFont 1.0 (SBK) to 2.0 (SF2) conversion utility... NOTE that if the SBK includes AWE32/64 ROM samples, those will NOT convert properly.

Also note that if you have an SBLive and Vienna Soundfont Studio installed, Vienna will convert an SBK to SF2, and ADD all of the missing ROM samples (e.g. an offshoot of what kode54 was referring to).

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 248 of 280, by DracoNihil

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Thanks, Rich.

Though how will I go about determining if a SBK is dependent on the AWE ROM samples?

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 249 of 280, by rfnagel

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I *THINK* that if you try to load the resulting SF2 into Viena ( http://www.synthfont.com/Viena_news.html ) it will display an error message that the soundfont contains ROM samples.

BTW, I think you had previously asked about the Terra Nova SBK? IIRC, it doesn't contain any ROM samples.

Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel

Reply 250 of 280, by autoexecdotbat

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the msx soundfont didn't contain rom samples.

to win the game you must defeat coppa!

Reply 251 of 280, by DracoNihil

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I'd like to report here that the driver is working perfectly fine under Windows 10. No audio pops or hitches.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 252 of 280, by VEG

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I've tried to use VST MIDI Driver. I've installed it, choosed Yamaha S-YXG50 VST, set VST MIDI Synth (Port A) as a default MIDI Synth. After it I had tried to listen MIDI file using the WMP from the Windows 7 x64. It works, but when I'm closing WMP, the vsthost32.exe and wmplayer.exe don't close. The window of the WMP disappears, but the process does not terminate. So, after playing 10 different midi files I have 10 ghost vsthost32.exe and wmplayer.exe processes. When I use default Microsoft MIDI synth, the problem disappears. Anyone else have this problem?

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 253 of 280, by cicerocf76

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For some reason soundfonts in general aren't working in dosbox for me. Everywhere else it does, and dosbox even says bassmidi's output is heard but the sound is still the microsoft one, even though i selected my soundfont. Help pls?

Reply 254 of 280, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++
cicerocf76 wrote:

For some reason soundfonts in general aren't working in dosbox for me. Everywhere else it does, and dosbox even says bassmidi's output is heard but the sound is still the microsoft one, even though i selected my soundfont. Help pls?

I suggest using D-Fend Reloaded, as it lets you choose which synth to use for a game and then double-checks on each game launch that it's activating the correct one.

Reply 255 of 280, by Laukku

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Are you sure the soundfont is loaded into BASSMIDI properly? When you open BASSMIDI Driver Configuration, is the soundfont listed in the program window under the correct tab? You could put it both on "SoundFonts (port A)" and "SoundFonts (port B)" to make sure (and remember to click "apply"). Which version of Window are you using? Have you tried different numbers for the midiconfig value? You can change the value directly in DOSBox by typing "midiconfig X" in the command prompt, where X is the number you want.

My YouTube account, with miscellanous DOS game stuff: http://www.youtube.com/@LaukkuPaukku

Reply 256 of 280, by HunterZ

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Note also that you can run "mixer /listmidi" at the DOSBox command prompt to get a list of synths and their midiconfig numbers.

Reply 257 of 280, by cicerocf76

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The problem isnt bassmidi, since other stuff like Windows média player uses it fine. The problem is something to do with dosbox

Reply 258 of 280, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Please post a screenshot of mixer /listmidi and your dosbox.conf.

Reply 259 of 280, by Tarvis

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I think the 'Default MIDI Synth' dropdown is broken on the most recent versions of bassmididrvcfg.exe. There is no confirmation dialog when Apply is clicked and the selection doesn't actually get saved.