First post, by elianda
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- l33t
I recently bought a VGA framegrabber card and used it right away to record some video from my retro PCs.
I put some of them up on my ftp site. Try to view in original video resolution or it will get unsharp like on a TFT with non-native resolution.
This is a bootup from one of my 386DX-40 from BIOS to WfW 3.11 using a Dual Monitor configuration with a ET4000 / N9 GXiTC. So in the beginning you see the textmode screen from the ET4000 and after the windows boot logo vanishes the N9 card takes over in 1280x1024 16 bit color accelerated.
same PC running Wintune2:
This is the same PC (386DX-40) running Tritons Crystal Dream 2 using GUS (ofcourse):
edit: I fixed the aspect ratio issues.
lower quality youtube video here:
After this recording I found out that my other 386DX-40 is a bit faster in the chessboard scene...
A quite rare Demo video, this is Smash Designs first PC demo called 1st Demo II. It uses a Voodoo2 / GUS in DOS:
(640x480 resolution, runs on a Slot A Athlon 650 MHz)
I also did a short video how fast Firefox runs on my P166MMX in NT4 with Taskmanager open to see memory usage.
(1280x1024 resolution)
and finally some recording from an Amiga, it's the beginning of the Turrican 2 intro:
Looks like the Grabber card is able to grab also this signal.
From my first impression the quality is very nice, with a bit adjustments it can be synced such that the input pixels are identical with the video pixels to get a sharp representation. (see f.e. the FF2 video)
As soon as I get an adapter I will also try if the cards grabs a signal from a C128.
So what do you think?