First post, by Dornil
Since I moved to the current generation of NVidia cards, I've been trying hard to get Rowan's MiG Alley running perfectly. The problem is in certain graphical artifacts:
Holes in the dashboard and in land textures at the horizon, pixel trails behind moving objects, framerate dropping below 25 fps at the ground level... This is not a unique case for a DX7 game.
The best result so far I achieved with dgVoodoo 2: no holes, no trails, good fps, antialiasing working, even full hd resolution available. But! There is a black square across most part of the screen!:(
This appears to be the games's loading screen, which was supposed to go away once 3D world loads, yet it stays. Or, probably, a part of game's 2D menu, running in the background - I don't know for sure. Is there a way to get rid of this black square?!
My configuration is:
I5 2500K, overclocked to 4200 (removing overclock doesn't solve the problem).
NVidia GTX 1060 6gb, 397.31
Windows 7 Ultimate
dgVooDoo config:
; === Text based config file for dgVoodoo2
; === Use this file if you are a game modder/hacker or an experted user and
; want to modify some advanced properties not available via the CPL.
Version = 0x255
; OutputAPI: "d3d11warp", "d3d11_fl10_0", "d3d11_fl10_1", "bestavailable"
; Adapters: "all", or the ordinal of the adapter (1, ...)
;FullScreenOutput: "default", or the ordinal of the output on the adapter (1, ...)
; ScalingMode: "unspecified", "centered", "stretched", "centered_ar", "stretched_ar",
; "stretched_4_3", "stretched_4_3_crt", "stretched_4_3_c64"
OutputAPI = bestavailable
Adapters = 1
FullScreenOutput = default
FullScreenMode = true
ScalingMode = centered_ar
ProgressiveScanlineOrder = false
EnumerateRefreshRates = false
Brightness = 100
Color = 100
Contrast = 100
InheritColorProfileInFullScreenMode = false
KeepWindowAspectRatio = true
CaptureMouse = true
CenterAppWindow = true
; DesktopResolution: Desktop (native) resolution can be forced for dgVoodoo's internal calculations.
; Useful for rare applications that pre-set the desktop to other than the native
; resolution before dgVoodoo gets in action. Only the compact format can be used here,
; and applies to all outputs of the desktop.
; DeframerSize: When resolution is forced to other than the app default then
; a black frame is drawn around the output image coming from a wrapped API
; to remove scaling artifacts -
; frame thickness can be defined in pixels (max 16, 0 = disable)
; ImageScaleFactor: Integer factor for scaling the output image coming from a wrapped API
; Always done by nearest point filtering, independent on scaling mode
; (0 = max available)
; Separate factors can be defined for horizontal and vertical scaling
; by subproperties, e.g.
; ImageScaleFactor = x:3, y:2
;ForceNearestPointFilter: When the scaling is done by the wrapper for the given scaling mode,
; you can force nearest point filtering instead of bilinear one
; FreeMouse: If true then physical mouse is free to move inside the game window
; when using emulated scaling and/or application and forced resolution
; differs; can be useful when a game relies on the physical window size
; WindowedAttributes: You can define attributes for forced windowed appearance (separated by commas):
; 'borderless' - forces the app window not have any border
; 'alwaysontop' - forces the app window into the top-most band
; Environment: Software environment in which dgVoodoo is running: can be left unspecified (native)
; or can be set to 'DosBox' or 'QEmu'.
DesktopResolution =
DeframerSize = 1
ImageScaleFactor = 1
ForceNearestPointFilter = false
FreeMouse = false
WindowedAttributes =
Environment =
; VideoCard: "voodoo_graphics", "voodoo_rush", "voodoo_2", "voodoo_banshee", "other_greater"
; OnboardRAM: in MBs
; MemorySizeOfTMU: in kBs
; Resolution: either "unforced", "max", "max_isf", "max_fhd", "max_fhd_isf", "max_qhd", "max_qhd_isf", "%d x"
; or subproperties: h: horizontal, v: vertical
; + optional subproperty refrate: refresh rate in Hz
; e.g. Resolution = max, refrate:60
; Resolution = 2x, refrate:59
; Resolution = h:1280, v:1024, refrate:75
; or just use the compact form like "1024x768@60" or "512x384"
;Antialiasing: "off", "appdriven", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x" (your GPU must support the chosen one)
VideoCard = voodoo_2
OnboardRAM = 8
MemorySizeOfTMU = 4096
NumberOfTMUs = 2
ForceBilinearFilter = false
DisableMipmapping = false
Resolution = unforced
Antialiasing = appdriven
EnableGlideGammaRamp = true
ForceVerticalSync = true
ForceEmulatingTruePCIAccess = false
16BitDepthBuffer = false
3DfxWatermark = true
3DfxSplashScreen = false
PointcastPalette = false
EnableInactiveAppState = false
; DitheringEffect: "pure32bit", "dither2x2", "dither4x4"
; Dithering: "disabled", "appdriven", "forcealways"
; DitherOrderedMatrixSizeScale: integer scale value for dither matrix size
; 1 = normal, 2 = double size, etc.
; 0 = automatic (the aim is to have some retro feel&look)
DitheringEffect = pure32bit
Dithering = forcealways
DitherOrderedMatrixSizeScale = 0
; VideoCard: "svga", "internal3D", "geforce_ti_4800", "ati_radeon_8500",
; "matrox_parhelia-512", "geforce_fx_5700_ultra"
; VRAM: in MBs
; Filtering: "appdriven", "pointsampled", "bilinear", "linearmip", "trilinear"
; or the integer value of an anisotropic filtering level (1-16)
DisableAndPassThru = false
VideoCard = internal3D
VRAM = 1024
Filtering = 16
DisableMipmapping = false
Resolution = h:1920, v:1080
Antialiasing = 8x
AppControlledScreenMode = true
DisableAltEnterToToggleScreenMode = true
BilinearBlitStretch = false
PhongShadingWhenPossible = false
ForceVerticalSync = false
dgVoodooWatermark = false
FastVideoMemoryAccess = false
; VendorID, DeviceID, SubsystemID, RevisionID:
; can be defined only for SVGA and Internal3D card types
; DefaultEnumeratedResolutions: you can define what resolutions should be enumerated to the application by default
; "all", "classics", "none"
; ExtraEnumeratedResolutions: you can add extra resolutions (separated by commas, max 16) that will get
; enumerated to the application as display adapter supported ones -
; can be useful if an app supports rendering at arbitrary resolutions
; and you have a particular favorite resolution that are not
; enumerated to the application by default
; you can either use the compact resolution format here, or
; "max", "max@refrate" meaning your desktop resolution with a potential refresh rate, or
; "max_4_3", "max_4_3@refrate", "max_16_9", "max_16_9@refrate"
; meaning the maximum resolution with the given aspect ratio calculated from
; the desktop resolution with the given refresh rate, e.g. "max_4_3@60", "max_16_9"
; EnumeratedResolutionBitdepths: you can filter what bitdepths are included in the resolution enumeration
; any subset of {"8", "16", "32"}, or "all"
; DitheringEffect: "pure32bit", "ordered2x2", "ordered4x4"
; Dithering: "disabled", "appdriven", "forceon16bit", "forcealways"
; DitherOrderedMatrixSizeScale: integer scale value for dither matrix size
; 1 = normal, 2 = double size, etc.
; 0 = automatic
; DepthBuffersBitDepth: internal bit depth of depth/stencil buffers for 3D rendering (32 bit is not recommended)
; "appdriven", "forcemin24bit", "force32bit"
; MSD3DDeviceNames: if true then original Microsoft D3D device names are exposed
; (some applications check for them and they fail)
; RTTexturesForceScaleAndMSAA: if true then forced resolution scaling and MSAA is
; applied also to rendertarget textures
; Set it to false for games requiring pixel-precise rendering
; but be careful it can EASILY break certain things, not recommended
; SmoothedDepthSampling: if true then extra smoothing is added to depth textures
; when they are sampled
VendorID = 0x0
DeviceID = 0x0
SubsystemID = 0x0
RevisionID = 0x0
DefaultEnumeratedResolutions = all
ExtraEnumeratedResolutions =
EnumeratedResolutionBitdepths = all
DitheringEffect = pure32bit
Dithering = forcealways
DitherOrderedMatrixSizeScale = 0
DepthBuffersBitDepth = appdriven
MSD3DDeviceNames = false
RTTexturesForceScaleAndMSAA = true
SmoothedDepthSampling = true
; This section affects only debug/spec release builds
; Info, Warning, Error
; "Disable" - disables all messages and debugger break
; "Enable" - enables messages and disables debugger break
; "EnableBreak" - enables both messages and breaking into debugger
; MaxTraceLevel: Maximum level of tracing API calls
; 0 - Disable
; 1 - API Functions and methods
; 2 - Additional trace info for internals
; LogToFile: if false or debugger is detected then output goes to the debug output
; if true and no debugger detected then output goes to 'dgVoodoo.log'
; (not implemented yet, always the default debug output is used)
Info = enable
Warning = enable
Error = enable
MaxTraceLevel = 0
LogToFile = false
Please advise!
P.S.: Is there a SPOILER feature in the forum, so I could post my dgVoodoo config, without cluttering the whole page?