First post, by 7F20

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Is this possible?

I am doing this: mount d d:\ -t cdrom

and the CD I insert is detected only if it's in the drive before I start DOSBox. After I start DOSBox, the filesystem doesn't seem to recognize any new CDROMs I put in the drive. I have a feeling this is expected behavior and that I'm missing some kind of simple solution, though I've gone through the manual and nothing is jumping out at me. I also tried adding the -usecd 0 switch with no difference


Reply 1 of 5, by jmarsh

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Rank Oldbie

First make sure the DOSBox build you are using has been compiled with physical CD support.
Check the output of "mount -cd" to confirm the physical drives are detected by DOSBox, and which value to use for -usecd.
Then use either "-aspi", "-ioctl_dio", "-ioctl_dx", "-ioctl_mci" or "-noioctl" to test different low-level interface methods.

Reply 2 of 5, by 7F20

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jmarsh wrote on 2023-11-28, 02:28:

First make sure the DOSBox build you are using has been compiled with physical CD support.
Check the output of "mount -cd" to confirm the physical drives are detected by DOSBox, and which value to use for -usecd.

Yes it is, and yes, I did this. That's how I got -usecd 0

Then use either "-aspi", "-ioctl_dio", "-ioctl_dx", "-ioctl_mci" or "-noioctl" to test different low-level interface methods.

I already tried -noioctl and it was "unsupported"

is there anyway to know which, if any of those will work, or is it all just trial and error?


Reply 3 of 5, by 7F20

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Ok. I just gave up because I couldn't get any of these things to work, and it was recommended to me that I should try burning my CD roms to ISO and mounting them.

I am able to mount the images, but now the game I am playing is asking for me to swap CDs into drive D, but I can only figure out how to mount the 6 different CDs as separate drives and that doesn't seem to work.

Is there some way to mount all 6 discs images as drive D and just swap them out when the game prompts me?


Okay nevermind I figured out how to do it with control f4. Still kind of annoying I had to burn all my CDs to ISOs, but I guess I don't play that many 6 CD games from the DOS era

Reply 4 of 5, by ripsaw8080

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FYI, in addition to swapping mounted images, Control-F4 also rescans drives (by discarding the cached directory contents), so that may have been the solution after inserting a different disc in the physical optical drive. Rescanning isn't necessary when switching disks with physical floppy drives mounted with the "-t floppy switch", because the directory cache is not used in that case.

Reply 5 of 5, by 7F20

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ripsaw8080 wrote on 2023-11-28, 05:18:

FYI, in addition to swapping mounted images, Control-F4 also rescans drives (by discarding the cached directory contents), so that may have been the solution after inserting a different disc in the physical optical drive. Rescanning isn't necessary when switching disks with physical floppy drives mounted with the "-t floppy switch", because the directory cache is not used in that case.

🤣. Okay I will definitely try this and report back if it works. Thanks

Ok tried it and made no difference.

I solved my specific issue by just using images, so I'm ok.