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Re: Mafia 16-bit + dithering.

With WARP everything works correctly (except for poor performance & windowed). dgVoodoo always renders in (at least) 32 bit internally so you'll get the same result . But, it's not the same result. 16bit + ordered4x4 (WARP)(doesn't dgVoodoo dither banding thats baked into textures?) 16bit ordered4x4 …

Mafia 16-bit + dithering.

dgVoodoo2 gives me white textures in 16-bit mode. It works fine with 32-bit +dithering, but I think it's not quite the same as 16-bit + dithering. So, the question is, am I right that 32-bit + dithering ≠ 16-bit + dithering and whats the point of applying dithering over 32-bit mode? And how to get …

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