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Re: microATX and AGP

So, some questions about sound. I read about getting stuff like MT-32 to work through a gameport + SoftMPU. Or a Sound Canvas through the gameport. But from the threads I've found, that's not working in pure DOS with a SB Live. Is that correct? Are there any PCI sound cards (Vortex 2 maybe?) that …

Re: microATX and AGP

Cool, thanks for the replies! What PSU wattage would be safe for say a: - 3ghz P4 Northwood - GeForce 4 Ti - some floppy emulator like Phil from Philscomputerlab is using - some SD or CF to IDE adapter - 1 or 2 sound cards... current plan is getting a SB Live and a Vortex 2 (if I ever find one of …

Re: microATX and AGP

I gave up on the mATX thing. I want more slots to stick things in. Thanks for the "all in one build" suggestion. I'll look into it. But as I said, I'm not necessarily looking to get the cheapest thing possible. Consider that I'm thinking of things like Voodoos and MT-32s. :) Even started looking …

Re: microATX and AGP

Right, so now I'm looking at going for a Pentium III instead. I was thinking it would be better for DOS compatibility and after all, most of the Windows games I want to play are probably not newer than the PIII times. I found this board which looks interesting: ASUS P2B-S Would 133 FSB CPUs work on …

Re: Turtle Beach Montego II Unboxing

in Marvin \ Sound
GiSWiG wrote on 2017-03-07, 14:00: I was able to pickup a single Montego II card for $5 yesterday and it works. Not sure if it was the real one or one that came with a Dell but it matches the pictures. What's the difference between the real and the Dell one? Is the one from Dell worse in some ways? …

Re: microATX and AGP

You mean $200 in total or just for the motherboard? I don't think I have a certain budget in mind, just looking at the options. Got to say that the Asus P4P800-VM recommended by gen_angry above seems a bit expensive and not easy to find, at least in Europe. GeForce 4 Ti also looks quite expensive …

Re: microATX and AGP

Very useful, thanks! That board looks good and thanks for reminding me about that website, I'll start digging through it. Looks like it would be useful to find boards with universal AGP even if I can't silence that voice in my head that tells me I need to have a Voodoo card. Oh yeah, and actually I …

microATX and AGP

Hi, I have some experience building modern PCs, but I haven't dealt with old hardware in more than 20 years now. Got some mid-life crisis thing and looking to build an old PC, you know the kind I could not afford back then, or something like that. Anyway, first thing is that I'd like a microATX …

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