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Re: Roland SC-88 Pro (hopefully) helpful hints

SuperDeadite wrote on 2022-10-12, 03:56: ChrisTOTG wrote on 2022-10-12, 02:13: derSammler wrote on 2017-11-25, 10:32: To change GM patches and make the SC-88 Pro sound exactly like the SC-55 or SC-88, you must first enter compatibility mode: Does it make the sc88pro sound like the original sc55? Or …

Re: I bought a CT4330 but a CT3600 (with 8MB RAM) was delivered. Not sure if I should keep it or get a refund/replacemen

The CT3600 card doesn't route FM through the EMU8000 chip, so no chorus/reverb on the FM. Furthermore, the CT3600 doesn't have onboard RAM, but that shouldn't matter, as you got 8MB with your card. [...] Both the CT3600 and the CT4380 have CQM, so even if you cared, it wouldn't matter. That all …

I bought a CT4330 but a CT3600 (with 8MB RAM) was delivered. Not sure if I should keep it or get a refund/replacement.

I bought a card listed as CT4330 online. The pictures of the item in question were actually of a CT4380, and while I was happy to buy the CT4330 I would have loved to see a CT4380 arrive today. What actually arrived... was a CT3600 with 2x4MB SIMMs. There is so much info on these cards that I can't …

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

This card sounds like the most amazing piece of new-old tech I've seen in a long time. There is one person in the world making new Nixie Tubes. There are people making new Gravis Ultrasound and MIDI cards. We can attach a solid-state storage device to a 30-year-old PC with a variety of new hardware. …

Re: Might and Magic IV issues

Um... TFM, if you're listening, I haven't been able to get XEEN CD to run using DOSBox or VDMSound 2.04. Can you please post the details of how you configured VDMSound to make it work? Or create a thread in the VDMSound forum & put it there 😁

Re: Might and Magic IV issues

Maybe I'm missing something here... Did I read that someone has the CDROM version of XEEN running under DOSBox or VDMSound? Please put up your config info so I can try it out... I have been unable to get it to even load, let alone load with skipping sound.

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