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Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

Hi Chris, you are aware that there are some older episodes that don't play, right? (“Sorry, we're unable to play this episode” message). I don't know if these videos have been intentionally taken down or if it’s a temporary problem of the video hoster, just though to mention it. For example as I …

Re: MS-DOS 6.22 Memory Optimizations (Conventional free: 643.600 (629K))

in DOS
1) Weird, there seems to be some inconsistency between documentation and comments. Obviously what you did and quoted is the correct one since it's working :) 2) Ah OK, so this is DOSMAX's job.. I didn't know that files-stacks-etc size affects and can be seen in the size of MSDOS. That's really …

Re: MS-DOS 6.22 Memory Optimizations (Conventional free: 643.600 (629K))

in DOS
Thanks for this, great info! I have some points for discussion/clarification, not necessarily for your post but for this thread in general: 1) In hiram's documentation and site, for example http://www.mdgx.com/umb.htm#HIR it is stated in bold that HIMEM.SYS must be loaded BEFORE the UMBPCI.SYS line. …


in DOSBox General
Could you give us the actual code you have (either attached file or just the listing) in order to replicate the problem? At first me too didn't think that the problem was dosbox related, I imagined some error in your program, but stating that it only happens when running the same code from within …

Re: I need help running Jazz Jackrabbit

in DOSBox General
I probably shouldn't even reply to this since it doesn't seem you did anything of what was proposed above. Anyway, you're not going to get any solution to your "problem". A simple 10" google search confirms above posts and reveals that this is not a problem, the game IS designed this way. Knowing …

Re: Windows 3.x specific games

in Windows
I'd add Bermuda Syndrome (1995), underrated IMO. Does run in Win95, but also 3.x I'm not sure if it counts for your search since it wasn't originally released only for 3.x, but most of 3.x games could run anyway in Win95

Re: Protac AV202P3 - Can anybody tell me *anything* about this card and how to get it working?

Pictures don't help at all, but I think I remember that those cards where known as "master boomer". Since there are no better answers, have a look at http://museum.ttrk.ee/th99/i/P-R/51311.htm to see if the layout matches that of your card, I can't really judge by the blurry and small pictures of …

Re: Are casual games dead?

in Milliways
The games you describe are the only kind I still play, I just can't go through learning a million things to play a game anymore. Probably I'm getting old 😀 btw the video you posted is a Brix-like game, one my favorites back then

Re: Dethkarz on Windows 7

in Windows
Maybe try nGlide in case there is a (highly probable) difference in performance? Haven't done any comparison myself, just saying...

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