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Re: R.I.P. Sound Blaster Audigy 2zs

Hi there. About those old Audigy, maybe you know if there is a way to use the Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor, which an external USB audio and video capture device? Not recognized natively by Win 10 22H2. I can't find drivers online so far.

Hardware equaliser anyone?

Hi. I have noticed from pictures or video online that people into MIDI stacks and retro audiocards sometimes have an equalizer on their desk. Most of the time, they are from Technics. I would like to know more from people using one. Are they any real advantages over a software equalizer? Is there an …

Pocket Studio 5 from Tascam

Hi. I think some of you people might have this 20 years old device as part of their MIDI stack. I have acquired one recently but i can't get past the encDSP Init Err message when powering the device. I have understood from the internet this is related to the content of the CF card but i have …

Re: Trackstar: Apple II clone on ISA card - new website up

in Milliways
Hi DeathAdderSF. I have a question about the Trackstar and sound. I believe the board could produce beeps just like to native speaker of the Apple II, and pass them to the host PC. What about music? Is there an emulation of Apple II audio card such as Mockingboard or whatever? If not, games have to …

Re: Why did you join Vogons?

in Milliways
I don't find it surprising that you are more interested in older computers. The 70s-90s was a period of creativity and innovation in personal computers. It was common to see new technologies introduced every few years, which usually led to new gaming experiences. People were introduced to a lot of …

Re: Roland MT-32 and SC-55Mkii Wiring

I would also save desk space by ditching the MPU-105. As both MIDI devices are fed by the same source, connect the computer to the MP32 IN, then the MP32 THRU to the SC55 IN and when using only the SC55, mute the MT32, when using only the MT32 don't power the SC55. The simpler the better. Or vice …

Re: K6-3+ 600 Socket 7 System - DISASTER

Maybe worth a recap. About the voltage to apply to these CPU, members who gave advices on previous post are probably right with 25 years experience, but at the time i did +0.1 to +0.2V when overclocking my K6-II, then K6-III+ to ensure to get them stable and i got no problem (no more than usual SS7 …

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