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Re: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1000 MHz Slot A and Epox 7KXA Rev. 0.4 VIA KX133 stability problems

It has nothing to do with cooling, because the Asus K7M 1.04 AMD-751 that I also have, works without any problems with the 1Ghz T-Bird. It is a timing issue with KX133 based boards. Here are some infos: https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1069330 I will get a Asus K7V-T VIA KX133 …

AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1000 MHz Slot A and Epox 7KXA Rev. 0.4 VIA KX133 stability problems

Is anyone here, that can run the fastest Slot A CPU with a Epox 7KXA Mainboard? I know that the VIA KX133 officially doesn't support Thunderbird CPUs, but I can run the current 750Mhz Version of the T-Bird without any problems, and if I install the 1 GHz version, the system hangs all the time, also …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

BSU_bryT wrote: AMD Athlon 1000MHz Epox EP-7KXA Samsung 256Mb SDRAM Leadtek GF2 GTS 32Mb Samsung 40Gb Maxtor 15Gb […] Show full quote AMD Athlon 1000MHz Epox EP-7KXA Samsung 256Mb SDRAM Leadtek GF2 GTS 32Mb Samsung 40Gb Maxtor 15Gb AMD Athlon 1000 Orion Classic or Thunderbird? I have a Athlon 1000 …

Re: Artex's 3DFX Voodoo5 6000 Thread

I have installed copper heatsinks on the backside of the VSA 100 Chips and one on the bridge chip. Also a 220 mm big side fan from the case. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vampirediaries/images/c/ca/But-why-meme-generator-but-why-84103d.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130811194815 Longer life of the …

Re: Artex's 3DFX Voodoo5 6000 Thread

Artex wrote: titsmcgee wrote: Are you the guy that put plydoo all over a voodoo6000? That guy is Trevormacro. And yes, he sucks for destroying so many of these rare cards with his 'skills.' Does he have more 6000 cards in his collection? There are also old videos from him on youtube.

Re: Artex's 3DFX Voodoo5 6000 Thread

Dear 3Dfx fans! I also have a V5 6000 with Hank Rework Rev. 3700A. :) I have make a video of two games from 2002 (2 years after 3Dfx was gone!) that runs very well on the 6K, Mafia 1 (D3D) and Jedi Knight 2 (OpenGL) with 1280x1024x16 and 2xFSAA! :) Mafia 1 on the Voodoo5 6000 AGP Star Wars Jedi …

Re: Artex's 3DFX Voodoo5 6000 Thread

Dear 3Dfx fans! I also have a V5 6000 with Hank Rework Rev. 3700A. :) I have make a video of two games from 2002 (2 years after 3Dfx was gone!) that runs very well on the 6K, Mafia 1 (D3D) and Jedi Knight 2 (OpenGL) with 1280x1024x16 and 2xFSAA! :) Mafia 1 on the Voodoo5 6000 AGP Star Wars Jedi …

Re: My Desktop Dos Box

I remember this occurred even at the time for Prophecy. There is either a patch or a fix though, so fear not. Sorry I can't remember the details but I have recently run this game, and also ran it back near the time of release and it always had the video playback skipping issue. But it can be fixed. …

Re: My Desktop Dos Box

Hmm I tested now a bit around and installed Wing Commander 4 + Win9x patch. The DOS version runs flawless. The Win9x exe makes some trouble. The sound in the video is cracked. So I thought maybe slow CPU issue and I switched to a K6-2 500 and upgraded the memory at the same time to 128MB. Same …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

Here is one of my 3Dfx retro PCs, build in autumn 2017. CPU: Intel Pentium III 1000E SL4KL@ 1100MHz 1,70V (110MHz FSB) CPU Kühler: The biggest one that I have (Gelid Extreme Thermal Compound, 50 mm AMD fan@7V) Case: Chieftec Dragon CS-601 black Mainboard: Asus P3B-F 1.04 i440BX USB: 1.0 Onboard RAM: …

Re: Are Voodoo graphics card THAT good ?

Both V1 and V2 also relied on a good companion card to make sure the image remains clear on the monitor. And don't forget about pass-through cable. There were vast quality differences between those. That would be interesting: https://translate.google.at/translate?hl=de&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F% …

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