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Re: Am486DX4-100 troubles

Try to run ctcm from c't magazine (heise). ctcm ctcm /nop (if command before fails) ctcm /vid Also try Speedsys 4.78 A general rule in the age of the 486 was to avoid graphic cards from Oak, Realtek and Trident. Tseng (ET4000W32, ET4000), S3 and Cirrus Logic have been better.

Re: AMD 5x86 X5-133

If you are interested in DVD playback on a socket 3, you might be interested in finding a Dxr2 decoder card. https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=225174#p225174 What do you think of using an ATI 3D RAGE II+DVD in a socket 3 board? What drivers do you recommend, what DVD playback software supports …

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