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Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

Guys, I Finally purchased my First Intel i7 CPU Its a i7-3770k CPU I want to upgrade the i5 CPU in my HP z220 to an i7 And I bought some more Memory too for a Total of 32gb. So I am Maxing out this HP z220 workstation and Running Win-11-Pro

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

Plug-n-Play Retro NAS for Retro Computers . Guys, I purchased a couple of the Dual hard-drive Raid-0 NAS devices. These are EASY to Setup and Work Great with DOS, Win-3x, Win-95 thru Win-10 Linux, Old Macs, etc. They Support Old versions of Apple Time Machine backups too iTunes and Plex. Works with …

Re: Windows 10 (general use and browsing) is it better to have a CPU with more cores or more MHz?

I am running Win-10 Pro and Win-11 Pro on an HP z220 with 16gb RAM and Sata SSD, Quad Coer i5-3470 Its performs okay but I would NOT go less than this config. I am also running both OS on my HP z440 with 64gb RAM and Nvme SSD with 16-core Xeon E5-2670v4 Performs pretty good. Best computer I have …

Re: EAX appreciation thread

R.I.P. ( Audigy 2zs ) Guys I have used the Audigy 2zs since Win98.( 1998 ) until today. It still works inn Win-10 and Win-11 I use to love this sound cards Crystal Clarity, Voice, treble and base. But I don’t us it anymore. Today I use the USB Sound Blaster Creative GC7 Dac which takes your PC …

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