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Re: Ways to dump memory to a file->

Hm... in many cases it might be a better idea to dump memory into a binary file instead of text...? Then you can examine it using a hex editor (if you know what you are looking for) or load it in a disassembler if you want to analyze the code parts. But if you want to examine the game code, try …

Re: screen size

Hi, what solution would be ok for you? Having an option of fullscreen with black border around maybe? Have you tried using specific scalers, to make it more agreeable? Here's the documentation: https://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Scaler - using e.g. scaler tv2x might make the large pixels much less …

Re: DOSBox Feature Request Thread

There is a feature in dosbox-x that should be backported to dosbox. OpenDML (AVI 2.0) avi support. I actually have a diff between r4000 and dosbox-x's files for that somewhere, but basically the issue is that if you're recording the video using the internal recording mechanism, if it hits the file …

Re: DOSBox debugger

This may be a dumb question, but how does the IV command actually work? Or what are its limitations? I started a program (protected mode NE exe) under the debugger by doing "debug program.exe", then used the IV command to name some addresses as variables. I also saved the variable list with the SV …

Re: DOSBox Compilation Guides

g++ -g -O2 -mno-ms-bitfields -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -s -o dosbox.exe dosbox.o winres.o cpu/libcpu.a debug/libdebug.a dos/libdos.a fpu/libfpu.a hardware/libhardware.a gui/libgui.a ints/libints.a misc/libmisc.a shell/libshell.a hardware/mame/libmame.a hardware/serialport/libserial.a libs/ …

Re: DOSBox Compilation Guides

Applied the following patch. --- dosbox-r4228/src/debug/debug_gui.cpp 2019-05-26 13:36:35.000000000 -0700 +++ devel/src/debug/debug_gui.cpp 2019-06-16 14:14:10.389844800 -0700 @@ -274,12 +276,12 @@ noecho(); /* don't echo input */ nodelay(dbg.win_main,true); keypad(dbg.win_main,true); - #ifndef …

GTA1 - crash when changing video mode

I found a freeze/crash problem with the original Grand Theft Auto. When playing, video mode set to 640x480x32, press F11 and choose video mode 800x600x32. Dosbox freezes and audio starts looping. Choosing certain other video modes may also result in a freeze, or sometimes distorted aspect ratio. If …

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