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Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
I just published the code here: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=66361 Don't visit the thread until you locate the other issues. I kept the code closed-source mainly for one reason - to get my eBay seller's feedback from zero to some higher numbers. There are some projects I will be ready …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
This feels like an old good quest and, funny enough, I tested the CMS by using Monkey Island :) Please don't post your code yet, I'm curious about the other issues and would love to tackle them either. I'd love to hear what kind of problems that would be now. Anyway, thank you for letting us know, …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Oh guys, not everybody at once please! Anyway, after 100€ for parts, more than one month of waiting for delivery and about 5 hours of tinkering, I have a working solution. I tested it on two cards with CT1366A an both work just fine. The difference is quite marginal, but it took some time to …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Ah, just looked at YM3812 pinout pin5 on GAL corresponds to WR on YM3812 and is also hardwired to pin1 of both SAA1099P. Ok, don't understand yet, why pin5 is then needed to switch CS in the equations pin15/16 at all.

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Hi guys, yesterday I finally got all the hardware required to analyze this. I ordered everything in China and it takes forever to get it. However, I spent today already some time to look at it and, so far, it makes at least a lot of fun :) Anyway, if I burn the well known equation to the GAL, I …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
suntac wrote: scorp wrote: Thank you for the note, I'll try my 386sx-16 when I'm once so far 😀 I meant something like an 8088 at 4.77MHz 😀 hehe 🤣 ok, then I'll have to get one first. That 386sx is the slowest one, I have. However, with turbo off it's around 8088 by 8 MHz, may be it is already …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
My device can be connected to the ISA bus with an adapter and its autodetection feature works too. SB 2.0 can't support C/MS autodetection, fortunately most games don't care. :) That is awesome, very nice work. Btw, the old Prince of Persia 1.0 usually sounds weird on C/MS. The trick is to use as …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Very cool, I already played around with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UxQgYc3ELU However, it's just a matter of fun to have it on the old SB 2.0 to be able to try it in some real games (there are not too many anyway)

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
I see it following way: it is cool, that suntac found the solution, kudos man! He invested money and time to research and implement a solution and it is fine to get the money back (or at least a part of it). For the rest of the community his work is still a great contribution, since now we know, …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Holy crap! Calm down people, please, I really didn't want to give this whole topic such a bad taste direction. I was really just curious, didn't want to earn money with it or s.t. else, but just was curious.

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
suntac spent time and figured this out even when the original creative pals don't work. Stating you want to copy his work is just a dick move plain and simple. It doesn't even cost that much, you give the man some money for his time and you get CMS working on your cards , it's only fair. unless you …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
^ you need to buy the GALs from suntac to get this new version , only the older CT1336-only version is free Thanks man, I'll buy that. However, would be still interesting to know, what the difference between CT1336 and CT1336A related to CMS is. Seems funny, that a lot of people are trying to …

Re: SB 2.0 CT1350 CMS chips dumped

in Milliways
Today I tested suntac's new cms gals, they work fine with both CT1336 and CT1336A controllers. I even replaced the GAL on my CT1336 card LOL Excellent work suntac! Hi guys, I just registered here to ask the question. I have two of CT1350B with CT1336A cards and a pile of required chips. I would …

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