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Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Looks like the 1.0 beta 5 archive is missing README.txt , this has instructions on how to load HDPMI32i.exe , the BLASTER environment variable (SBEMU sets that automatically, unless it's already set which means it'll use its settings), and some options for JEMMEX (which is only required for real- …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Can't get audio at all under Windows 10 with the RV630 (Radeon HD2600XT) so can't even test SBemu but I did notice SBemu code has support for RV630 as {"ATI RV630", 0x1002, 0xaa08, AZX_DRIVER_ATIHDMI } but the actual card under Windows10 reports hardware IDs different - HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV …

Re: Vogons.org on Windows 98

There's a method of hosting a proxy on a modern computer that might get you through, forgetting the name. That'll be retro-proxy . There's also FrogFind! , which is a search engine for vintage computers. It will let you browse Vogons but it strips out a fair number of things including the ability …

Re: Hi guys ! Strange problem. Toshiba 330CDT. dos 6.22. 2 games are stuttering when loading new area, only 2 games

It's probably the hard drive power management, which can be quite aggressive on some laptops, spinning it down after a very short period, possibly less than a minute. Mute the audio for the game and listen for the hard drive spinning sound going away. When you go to a new area or the game autosaves, …

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