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Re: Benchmarking DOSBox on latest machines

in PC Emulation
Ryzen 5 2400G, DOSBox 0.74-3 (from Fedora repo) on Fedora 29 x86_64 D1: Microseconds 1 loop: 5.58 Dhrystones / second: 179272 VAX MIPS rating: 102.03 D2: Microseconds 1 loop: 5.45 Dhrystones / second: 183644 VAX MIPS rating: 104.52 DOSBox SVNr4267 (which includes jmarsh's 64-bit dynamic_x86 patch), …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

That's a shame, after all the effort put into upgrading it. The digital audio does sound clean and hiss-free, compared to the PAS16 I also have (which in turn is already cleaner than the SB16s my friends had at the time). The card does have a fair number of tantalum and SMT caps so I wonder if those …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

I wasn't suggesting the clipping is related to an MT-32 title, just that I hadn't noticed it but then I don't use it with good speakers. Mine's currently in a 440BX system and I don't have compatibility issues, apart from having to start Descent twice when using WSS. Doom [2] is click-free, as is …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

Nice work! Yeah, the wavetable is unimpressive to say the least. Some of the instruments sound barely any better than FM synthesis and the percussion instruments sound like they've been sampled at 11kHz. Still better than FM though. I don't have Civilization, the only MT-32 game I tried was The …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

Managed to read the last few files from the floppy disks that it wouldn't read last time. I've no way of testing this as I don't have a Windows 3.1 setup any more (the original floppies for those are in bad shape and anyway I don't have hardware that old). Filename B_ADSP16.ZIP File size 2.97 MiB …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

Been playing around now and haven't been able to get WSS working on Descent at all with any card. FWIW, I'm using a fully-patched Descent v1.5 and manually specified port 530h and DMA 0. - Terminal Velocity: Soundblaster audio plays in setup, but no sound at all in-game. - Doom2: Soundblaster …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

You sure it's Eusynth 1.7 (which shouldn't do anything with the SB/WSS .SYS stuff) and not the 2.23.01 SYS driver itself? I did some more testing and it turns out Descent works with WSS digital audio with either version of the sys and ld files, and even with the SoundWave 32 drivers. The trick is …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

Good know, I see the drivers have been uploaded (though to be clear, Eusynth 1.7 only breaks Descent configured for WSS digital audio, SB works fine). I don't have the games you've mentioned but Mobygames says Laserquad requires a minimum of an 8088 so it could be timing issue, depending on how fast …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

From the DOS subdirectory of the first driver floppy. I can't find the drivers online anywhere now. TBH yours is the first time I've come across another one of these cards. Back in the day everyone I knew mostly had Sound Blasters. I have a newer DOS driver, which I think I got online probably some …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

While the card does sort of work with the SoundWave32 DOS drivers (specifically the ones for the original Prosonus sample ROMs), it plays Sound Blaster digital samples at a pitch rate that's too low. General MIDI is fine though but the MT-32 mode doesn't work so the hardware isn't completely …

Re: Weames PA-9050-B (AD Echo) ROM (?) sockets

This card was sold as the Beethoven ADSP-16. The version with wavetable was the ADSP-16 Wave. The wavetable upgrade adds 2x74F174PC chips and the sample ROM. From the recordings I've heard, the samples sound just like the SoundWave32. Filename adsp16wave_upg.jpg File size 101.34 KiB Views 3627 …

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