First post, by jodymcdougle
hey! i'm Jody! i'm looking to make new friends! i used to play on the TEN network and earlier networks prior to that. been a multiplayer gamer since the days of decent etc. 🤣. looking to get into some old school team games (rise of the triad, doom, duke3d, etc). haven't played any of those titles in quite sometime; really miss the days of Big Box gaming!
kinda bummed out on a few aspects of my life as of late; so it'd be nice to sort of relive some of those old titles.
you'll have to point me in the right direction, cause i haven't played online in quite sometime with the exception of Nintendo Switch; so maybe we'll talk via Facebook messenger or something until i am able to get things to work on my own. we might have to start off doing co-op until i can get back in shape 🤣 cause i get my little butt kicked in Black Ops and MK 11 🤣. but it'd be awesome to work together and fight some bad guys!
Jody McDougle