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Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

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First post, by Almoststew1990

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I am rarely excited for graphics cards and resolutely do not buy tickets for hype trains. I am however feeling it's time for my four year old 1070ti to be upgraded as it's rarely able to hit 60 (let alone 144FPS) at high settings , which is ultimately what I'm after.

I was pleasantly surprised by NVIDIA when I read a summary of their announcement today. Big performance improvements and raked the crazy prices back in a (but still not exactly what i'd consider good value) I think I'll go for a 3080 if I can convince myself I am allowed to spend that much on a GPU. Is anyone else thinking of getting a 3090/80/70?

Goes without saying that I'll be waiting for reviews and trying to wait to see what AMD have to say (no idea when that is)!

Last edited by DosFreak on 2020-11-06, 18:10. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 264, by DosFreak

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Yup, going to upgrade from a 1080TI to a 3080.

For monitors was eyeing the LG 38GN950 or 38WN95C but will wait till the end of the year to see what other monitors appear. So my 27" 2560x1440 @ 144hz will be used with the 3080 until then.

I can still game at around 60-70 fps at 2560x1440 with all details with the latest games so interested to see what I'll be getting with the new card with and without RTX. Possibly at least 80% faster without DLSS? Mabye the last time I had that big of a leap was upgrading from a Cirrus Logic 2D card to a TNT1 heh.

Also waiting for the new AMD processors to come out before deciding to upgrade from my 6700k.

Biggest issue for me is syncing all the online store games chews up 3TB of HD space and that's not counting steam which is stored on a share on my FreeNAS server. None of the other game store clients work with symlinks and I'm not interested in using VHD and the M.2 and SSD drives are small. Think when I upgrade motherboards will get one with two m.2, one m.2 for OS and VMs and the other a 8TB QLC SSD for games and ripping.

Currently using 4x 2TB 2.5" SSD in a RAID5 and been running that way since 2016 but don't like having to disable the RAID to update the firmware, deal with hardware RAID nonsense (although guess I could switch to Windows software RAID).

I heard the 3090 takes up three PCI-E slots and also supports nvlink.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2020-09-02, 01:03. Edited 9 times in total.

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Reply 4 of 264, by Standard Def Steve

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I thought I'd never need more than a 1080Ti and a nice tailwind behind me, but then I tried running Flight Simulator at 4096x2160. I don't think I've seen frame rates that low since I played Doom 3 on a Ti4400.

I'm *really* looking forward to the 3080.

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Reply 5 of 264, by SodaSuccubus

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Im more optimistic about this generation then I was about the 2000s series. Still not too blown over the pricing for the higher tier cards. But I doubt we'll ever get back to that sweet price ratio of say, the 900 series.

Il probably flip my 2080S for a 3070. As a 1440p 144hz user, il take any jump in performance I can get.

Reply 6 of 264, by luckybob

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i have the cash right now saved for the 3080. I will be getting the 3090 if I can get some items sold.

I haven't upgraded since the RX480. I'm VERY overdue.

On a side note. I looked on craigslist, and the prices for 2070's (and higher) have dropped like a STONE. I can get a 2080 for <$400 already

CP2077 is going to look AMAZING at 4k with all the eye candy turned on.


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 7 of 264, by cyclone3d

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Might get a 3070 to replace my 2080.... Would be nice to get a 3080.or 3090 though..... The cards look lik they are going to be crazy fast.

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Reply 10 of 264, by Almoststew1990

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luckybob wrote on 2020-09-02, 07:37:

On a side note. I looked on craigslist, and the prices for 2070's (and higher) have dropped like a STONE. I can get a 2080 for <$400 already

On Gumtree (UK version of Craigslist) it's the opposite, suddenly a lot of 2000 cards appeared for sale last night, not at reduced prices. 2080S for £500 2070S for £450, yeah no thanks! (The 3070 launch price here is £500 and the 3080 is £650)

Reply 13 of 264, by robertmo

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vetz wrote on 2020-09-02, 08:14:

This huge performance upgrade from one generation to another havent been seen since the 6000 series back in 2004.

I'm deffo interested!

This huge energy consumption upgrade has never been seen before.
(noise upgrade...)

Last edited by robertmo on 2020-09-02, 21:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 15 of 264, by kolderman

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rmay635703 wrote on 2020-09-02, 21:17:

I like how the cards number doesn’t mean anything anymore

How many cards have sported 3XXX for example?

Well there were Radeons, but not Geforces.

The 4xxx series will be interesting though....comparing a 4060ti with a 4600ti and a HD4600 🤣

Reply 16 of 264, by darry

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robertmo wrote on 2020-09-02, 21:21:
vetz wrote on 2020-09-02, 08:14:

This huge performance upgrade from one generation to another havent been seen since the 6000 series back in 2004.

I'm deffo interested!

This huge energy consumption upgrade has never been seen before.
(noise upgrade...)

My personal TDP limit for a video card is about 175W, preferably 150W . "Dammit, Jim . I want a computer, not a space heater";) I wonder if there will be a nice Geforce 3000 series member for my needs .

Reply 18 of 264, by darry

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robertmo wrote on 2020-09-02, 21:50:

you are out of luck my friend
they want to crush consoles this time
no compromises 😉

I fear that you are right . I will probably want to sit this one out and wait for the die-shrunk update, unless something like an RTX 3060 ends up being both faster and equally/less power-hungry than my RTX 2070 . I can dream .

Might be more melting/smoking than crushing going on for RTX 3090 SLI users, I fear . Then again, if someone can afford 2 x 1499 US$ for two of those, he or she can probably afford whatever is needed to dissipate the 2 x 350W they generate !