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First post, by jamie175313

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Rank Newbie

Currently trying everything i can with this to increase the fps and get better compatibility with directx8 for windows 10

This is what it currently does. Any type of Character or Monster that is in the game this is there texture and unsure of how to fix this.


  • Untitled.png
    File size
    843.87 KiB
    File license
    Public domain

Reply 2 of 4, by mrpenguinb

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Rank Newbie
jamie175313 wrote on 2021-11-26, 03:54:

Anyone know how to fix the Texture Tearing in this ? i've tried multiple settings with voodoo2

Try setting the GPU in the DirectX tab to the GeForce FX Ultra.

What GPU/chipset/card/adaptor does your computer have? The video cards in dgVoodoo2 are emulated, you don't need to match dgVoodoo2 to your actual GPU.

Reply 3 of 4, by Garrett W

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Rank Oldbie

I thought the OP were trying to use an actual Voodoo2 for a moment there.

Perhaps it would be helpful if you let us know which game you're trying to play; Perhaps someone else has already figured out a way to do so.

Reply 4 of 4, by darry

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Rank l33t++
Garrett W wrote on 2021-11-29, 10:42:

I thought the OP were trying to use an actual Voodoo2 for a moment there.

Perhaps it would be helpful if you let us know which game you're trying to play; Perhaps someone else has already figured out a way to do so.

That and the Voodoo 2 is 1998 era hardware. By 2004, its relatively small max texture size, lack of Direct7+ features and performance were unlikely to make playing many then new games particularly pleasant, even when possible through hacks or workarounds .

That said, not all games require the latest and greatest hardware, so if your game isn't too demanding, it may well be possible to make it work well on your Voodoo 2 .

Doh, I misread . It's not an actual Voodoo 2 . Sorry .