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DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 2060 of 2093, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Neville wrote on 2024-12-11, 23:10:

Just noticed that DBGL v0.98 seems to have trouble opening game packages created with 0.99. It's understandable, but I wonder if there's any easy fix for this. I'd like to keep trading packages between my desktop (Windows 10 and DBGL v0.99) and my laptop (Windows 7 and therefore DBGL v0.98).

Not sure what's going on there, but you should be able to use DBGL0.99 on Win7 using lib/swtwin64.jar from 0.98 as explained here.

Reply 2062 of 2093, by Alexis78

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Rank Newbie

Hello, Is here Where I can ask about DBGL?

I have a question about swapping floppies disk when I install a video game (Sam & Max multiple floopies disks).

Reply 2063 of 2093, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Swapping floppies only works in DOSBox SVNs or DOSBox forks. You need to mount all of them as A: and floppy, then press CTRL+F4 during emulation to change between them.

EDIT: Before installing the game, the Mounting tab should look like this:


Reply 2064 of 2093, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie


I'm having a spot of bother with DBGL 0.99 and DOSBox Staging 0.82.0.

I can create a game profile successfully with DOSBox Staging 0.82.0 set as default, and the game will run. However DBGL will hang if I then try to edit the profile I just created.

I normally use DOSBox ECE, and my ECE game profiles run and edit just fine, but there are a few games like "Spellicopter" that need Staging to run correctly. I've resorted to editing the profile conf file directly for these few profiles.

For the record, here is my DOSBox Staging config:

Attached is my database.log where I add the new game profile, save it and test run the game, then edit the profile and change the machine type to cga. At the point of clicking OK to save the edited profile, DBGL hangs and I need to force close the app.

Thanks for any help!


Reply 2065 of 2093, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

Here's another small update to fix the problem mentioned by dosdog, above. Also fixed is a minor issue related to DOSBox-X 2024.10.01 and 2024.12.04 detection.


Reply 2067 of 2093, by ColetteDiskette

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Rank Newbie

I'm having a few issues with the 0.100beta2 build, myself. I'm on Arch Linux and using a DOSBox Staging portable build, and it's the only DOSBox version I have set up. This is how I've got that set up:


I can set up games just fine with a couple big caveats:

- For me, under 'Add Profile' everything from "DOS" down is grayed out except for things I've changed in the global config for the set up DOSBox. This means I'm stuck manually editing configs to change anything beyond an applied template.

- The "Add Game Wizard" button instacrashes DBGL. It did this for me before 0.99, as well. The crash output is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(SWT.java:4903)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(SWT.java:4837)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(SWT.java:4808)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.error(Widget.java:597)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo.setText(Combo.java:2560)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.wizard.AddGameWizardDialog.updateControlsByProfile(AddGameWizardDialog.java:386)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.wizard.AddGameWizardDialog.onShellCreated(AddGameWizardDialog.java:327)
at org.dbgl.gui.abstractdialog.BaseDialog.open(BaseDialog.java:112)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow$18.widgetSelected(MainWindow.java:526)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:265)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:91)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent(Display.java:5855)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:1617)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:5065)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:4517)
at org.dbgl.gui.abstractdialog.BaseDialog.open(BaseDialog.java:120)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:55)

Now for the positive: The new support for forks is very much appreciated, and has me excited to use DBGL again! Thanks for everything you do. 😄

Reply 2068 of 2093, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie

Happy new Year to all of you.

I try to make dbgl portable under Linux.

On the homepage you can find instructions for Windows, how to even use Java in portable mode.

Is this also possible for Linux?

Reply 2069 of 2093, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the heads-up, ColetteDiskette. The crash you mention should be fixed in beta3.
Both issues are most likely related, though. I suspect something is wrong with the config file "colette-base.conf" that you have configured, can you please share it (via PM) ?

dbgl-user, DBGL can be made portable by editing the dbgl startup script, and changing -Ddbgl.data.userhome=true to -Ddbgl.data.userhome=false .

Reply 2070 of 2093, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie

Hi rcblanke.

Thank you, i already did that.

Now what i am looking for is a portable Java enviroment too. For this, I have already unzipped jdk-11.0.25+9-jre inside the dbgl folder.

In a last step i guess you need to point to that new location within the startup script, but how exactly?

Reply 2071 of 2093, by ColetteDiskette

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Rank Newbie

Apparently my account is too new to send PMs here, but I can post it here since it's not that large.

## This is Colette's base config for DOSBox Staging 0.81.0

# fullscreen: boolean
fullscreen = false
# display: integer
display = 0
# fullresolution: 'original', 'desktop', or a fixed size, e.g. 1024x768 ('desktop' by default).
fullresolution = desktop
# windowresolution: 'default', 'small', 'medium', 'large', or a fixed size, e.g. 1024x768.
windowresolution = default
# window_position: 'auto', or a specific position, e.g. 250,100.
window_position = 0,0
# window_decorations: boolean
window_decorations = true
# output: 'texture', 'texturenb', 'opengl', 'openglnb'
output = opengl
# texture_renderer: 'auto', 'opengl', 'opengles2', 'software'
texture_renderer = auto
# mute_when_inactive: boolean
mute_when_inactive = false
# pause_when_inactive: boolean
pause_when_inactive = false

# aspect: 'auto', 'on', 'square-pixels', 'off', 'stretch'
aspect = auto
# integer_scaling: 'auto', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'off'
integer_scaling = auto
# viewport: 'fit', WxH, N%, relative H% V%
viewport = fit
# monochrome_palette: 'amber', 'green', 'white', 'paperwhite'
monochrome_palette = amber
# glshader: 'crt-auto', 'crt-auto-machine', 'crt-auto-arcade', 'crt-auto-arcade-sharp', 'sharp', 'none', or a custom one
glshader = sharp

pcspeaker = impulse

mixer master 50 pcspeaker 25

Reply 2072 of 2093, by ColetteDiskette

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Rank Newbie

Oh, I just tested that new build and can confirm that the Add Game Wizard at least doesn't instacrash for me now. I'll get around to setting up something pretty soon, but I at least wanted to report back with that for now. 😄

Reply 2073 of 2093, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thank you ColetteDiskette; I see what you did here.

The DOSBox config file should actually remain untouched, with all the original default values, for DBGL to work properly. That is to say, you should at least keep all sections and items in there, as it is the only thing DBGL can use to check for supported features. You can make changes to the default values in the conf if you want, but it is recommended to use a DBGL Template if you'd want to deviate from the defaults. Also, if you want, you can make that Template 'default' so it is automatically applied to any new profile.

Thus, the reason that

everything from "DOS" down is grayed out

is because all these sections are missing in your dosbox conf.

Note that you can simply enter a new filename in the "Config file" input field, and DBGL will suggest to create that clean config file for you, automatically.

Last edited by rcblanke on 2025-01-02, 20:58. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2074 of 2093, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

dbgl-user, to make a minimal portable JRE, you need to install JDK 17 or newer. I would recommend openJDK21 (apt install openjdk-21-jdk). You will also need jlink (apt install openjdk-21-jdk-headless).

Then enter the DBGL folder and run:

jlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=1 --strip-debug --module-path dbgl.jar --add-modules java.base,java.desktop,java.scripting,java.xml,java.logging,java.naming,java.sql,java.transaction.xa,java.datatransfer,jdk.unsupported,jdk.crypto.ec,jdk.localedata --include-locales da,de,el,en,es,fi,fr,it,ko,nl,pl,pt-BR,ru,sk,sl,sv,zh --output jre

This should create a jre folder inside the DBGL directory.

Then adjust your dbgl startup script to use the jre folder like so:

export SWT_GTK3=0
symlink=`find "$0" -printf "%l"`
cd "`dirname "${symlink:-$0}"`"
./jre/bin/java -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -Djava.library.path=lib -Ddbgl.data.userhome=true -jar dbgl.jar

This should make the Java dependency portable. Please keep in mind, that you will want to place the DOSBox version(s) that you use, also in the DBGL folder. That way, you can reference them using relative paths, as to also have that portable.


Reply 2075 of 2093, by ColetteDiskette

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Rank Newbie

Oh! Yeah, when it said 'config file' I didn't realize it was asking for a stock config for the purpose of knowing what in the world to do with all these forks. I already had a setup with a global config and just kind of plugged it in as an assumption on my part. It makes sense to me now. I appreciate it!

Reply 2079 of 2093, by T.B.

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Rank Newbie


since the new 0.99 version, I'm unable to start the app on macOS Sonoma 14.7.2

The icon jumps up for 1 seconds and then closes immediately.

This is the log I got:

Thomas@Thomas-Mac-mini ~ % /Applications/Spiele/DBGL.app/Contents/MacOS/dbgl ; exit;
Launching DBGL using 64-Bit VM 18.0.2 on Mac OS X v14.7.2x86_64, HSQL Database Engine 2.7.3, SWT v4966cocoa
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
no swt-cocoa-4966r5 in java.library.path: /Users/Thomas/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.
no swt-cocoa in java.library.path: /Users/Thomas/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.
no swt in java.library.path: /Users/Thomas/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.
Can't load library: /Users/Thomas/.swt/lib/macosx/x86_64/libswt-cocoa-4966r5.jnilib
Can't load library: /Users/Thomas/.swt/lib/macosx/x86_64/libswt-cocoa.jnilib
Can't load library: /Users/Thomas/.swt/lib/macosx/x86_64/libswt.jnilib
Can't load library: /Users/Thomas/.swt/lib/macosx/x86_64/libswt-cocoa-4966r5.jnilib

at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:345)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:254)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(C.java:19)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:110)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:51)

It doesn't matter rather I'm using the x86 or arm version.

I am grateful for any help.
