Went through some boxes of cards to see what I had, to motivate myself to test and list some for sale (elsewhere than here). As I haven't looked at this gear for at least 5 and maybe 8 years, there were a few surprises in the form of cards I didn't know or had forgotten I had (Gainward 6600GT...), or that turned out to be not in the machine I thought they were in (PCX2... and I seem to have 2...), or weren't actually the sort of card I thought they were (what I had thought was a Banshee largely because of the green heatsink turned out to be a Savage 4).
Then ran some tests on cards already in my recently de-mothballed PC, found some connection issue or other and thereby fixed some runime glitches (or so it seemed). More things worked than expected (voodoo2s especially).
Ran some DOS games on both my Windows 98 machines, which caused them to hang. Evidently I have lost the magic touch. Couldn't immediately get dosbox to run them either. Simply been too long to remember clearly, I havent done this for years. Need to take it one step at a time.
Installed a 3DLabs VP970 in one of my 98 boxes, expecting it to fail to boot, but in fact it runs fine. I'm sure that motherboard hated it 5/8 years ago. However, seems that if I go into Display Settings -> Advanced -> Advanced and change the optimised application to (say) Diablo II from the default Directx, a reboot is required after which the graphics driver has to be reinstalled, wtf. This card used to be fine under 2000 (and those advanced settings worked there...), unfortunately that's not in my plans at present.
All of which reminds me how time-consuming faffing with hardware can be.