Windows 3.1 in 256 colours

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First post, by canadacow

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CVS 12-22-2004

Includes almost complete emulation of video emulation needed for the S3 Windows 3.1 driver. There are still some bugs remaining but the interface is usable and stable

Following link is the driver needed, S3 864 v1.41B5

I've only tested 640x480 and 800x600 in 256 colors using SF or LF modes.

You may have to skip the Windows splash screen by running, "win /b".

Reply 1 of 93, by Qbix

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I get a lot of pagefaults when exiting windows.
futher than that it seems to work. with 3.1 and 3.11 for workgroups

pagefaults are in b9000 and alike......

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Reply 2 of 93, by gulikoza

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I get a lot of exceptions (or illegal opcode with full core) when running in enhanced mode. Plus it seems the mouse stopped working when I installed SB16 drivers. Standard mode is fine, other than that I too have a feeling mouse is mooving faster in X direction than Y. Somewhat annoying...but still, great job!

Reply 3 of 93, by Srecko

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Mouse cursor problems (WfW 3.11):
- if moved over a window border, disappears for a short moment
- menu item (e.g "exit windows") is selected only if I click on a lower part of it's text (i.e. cursor misplaced ?)
- edit:minesweeper:problem also caused by misplaced cursor

All those don't appear with vga 3.0 driver.

Also, mouse moving is about twice as fast in X axis direction than in Y.

Last edited by Srecko on 2004-12-23, 11:58. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 4 of 93, by canadacow

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I was aware of the mouse issue when I posted it to the CVS 😒 . It has to do with the raster drawing code being ambiguous as to what line its on.

The following lines of code are the offending parts: Qbix, Harekiet, what is the proper method for detecting what line the video card is on?

static Bit8u * VGA_Draw_VGA_Line_HWMouse(Bitu vidstart, Bitu panning, Bitu line) {
if(vga.s3.hgc.curmode & 0x1) {
Bitu lineat = vidstart / ((160 * vga.draw.height) / 640);
//Bitu lineat = vidstart / 160; 160 works only for 640x480

Reply 5 of 93, by canadacow

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Doh. Fixed my own problem. Just committed some final patches to the S3 XGA code to the CVS tree. In particular, this should fix the mouse problems. Let me know if you guys see any other visual anomalies.

Reply 6 of 93, by Qbix

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the mouse pointer and it actions behave much better.

Water flows down the stream
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Reply 7 of 93, by HunterZ

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Does this mean that the vertical mouse movement speed problems I've encountered in other DOS games under DOSBox might be fixed now too?

Reply 8 of 93, by canadacow

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No... this was an S3 XGA hardware mouse acceration improvement only.

Reply 9 of 93, by Qbix

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HunterZ wrote:

Does this mean that the vertical mouse movement speed problems I've encountered in other DOS games under DOSBox might be fixed now too?

If you can provide a complete list of games that "suffer" from it I will/can/might fix it.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 10 of 93, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Qbix: so far I've only had problems with Elder Scrolls: Arena. The mouse seems to "stick" on certain scanlines when I move it in a vertical fashion.

Reply 11 of 93, by JimLarimore

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Ack. The Dig and Full Throttle as well.


Reply 12 of 93, by priestlyboy

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It seems that Quicktime for Windows 2.11 (I was tring it with a game I Have) crashes Windows 3.1 with X3 VGA drivers.
Some Illegal Opcode I believe in the latest Version of DOSBox from the CVS.
I'll have to double check though but that's what I'm getting. When I use the VGA driver w/ Quicktime 2.11 everything runs okay.

I'll try a newer version of quicktime but I know it works with the other VGA 3.0 or VGA drivers.
These are though what I saw for 90% of the log that I dumped before it dumped out of Windows 3.1 into DOS.

43727096: CPU:Illegal Unhandled Interrupt Called 6
43727098: CPU:Illegal/Unhandled opcode 63

It just showed that over and over and over.

Helping Debug DOSBox.

Reply 13 of 93, by ninjalj

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That is windows in enhanced mode, isn't it?
INT 6 and opcode 63h (c of ROM BIOS copyright string) are "breakpoints" the VMM puts on real mode code. They cause an exception that should redirect execution to the VMM (through the IDT)

Reply 14 of 93, by wd

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The exception handling (and VMM callbacks) work as they should.
Iirc. the message priorities were lowered some time ago so they
shouldn't appear any more.
Anyways, as you said they are intentional (and crucial for
enhanced mode to work).


Reply 15 of 93, by kekko

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With "normal" core win3.11 installs and works perfectly; audio, video and all.
But with "dynamic" core it shows this message at startup and the audio doesn't work anymore.
I'm using latest cvs + sdl1.2.8. + vc.net 2003

Reply 16 of 93, by wd

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It is not supposed to work, and it won't work.

Reply 17 of 93, by priestlyboy

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the exception fixes wd. Quicktime runs properly now in enhanced mode. 😀
I can now play an old game called Castle Explorer in 256 colors. Yes an educational game but a fun one.


Helping Debug DOSBox.

Reply 18 of 93, by cyberwalker

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Rank Newbie
canadacow wrote:

The latest CVS build includes almost complete The driver needed is S3 864 version 1.41B5 and its available from an archive named 864141b5.zip . You should be able to get it here:
The only two tested (and the only modes that should work) modes are 640x480 with 256 colours and 800x600 with 256 colors (either SF or LF modes are fine).

I encountered problem in 640x480 with 256 colors, but it seems 800x600 with 256 colors(LF) is fine.

Reply 19 of 93, by waw_demmon

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Rank Newbie

Does'n work
the mouse freeze and cursor is a big black scare
please Helps me 😢

chek my screen