Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 46780 of 53747, by retrogamerguy1997

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Socket3 wrote on 2022-10-22, 16:12:

Abit BH6. I love 90's abit boards, could not pass this one up. Came with a 333Mhz Pentium II and 64MB of PC100 SDRAM. I also have a BE6-II. I wonder what the differences between the two are.

I'm kinda jealous you got a BH6. Mine gave up the magic smoke months ago and fleabay prices are pretty high.

Reply 46781 of 53747, by smtkr

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retrogamerguy1997 wrote on 2022-10-22, 20:16:
Socket3 wrote on 2022-10-22, 16:12:

Abit BH6. I love 90's abit boards, could not pass this one up. Came with a 333Mhz Pentium II and 64MB of PC100 SDRAM. I also have a BE6-II. I wonder what the differences between the two are.

I'm kinda jealous you got a BH6. Mine gave up the magic smoke months ago and fleabay prices are pretty high.

What's magic about a BH6? Couldn't you just hunt down a BX6r2 instead. It's pretty much the same, isn't it?

Reply 46782 of 53747, by bestemor

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I don't know about any magic, but... here you can find some more info on the slightly different models:
Abit BE6 and BH6 - any good?
(click on the gif picture attached to the second post)

Reply 46783 of 53747, by Ensign Nemo

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I picked up a bulk collection listed as old controllers for $20 locally. The guy didn't list what he had, but I noticed a couple of Microsoft controllers in the pictures that I could use with an old pc.

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It also came with an old light gun! If it still works, that will be a steal.

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Apparently, this light gun either works with s-video or VGA. I'd rather use a light gun with an old CRT TV, so I lucked out and got the s-video version. It also came with an adapter that lists clutch and gas/break on the ports. I assume that this was meant for a set of driving controllers that weren't included.

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Lastly, it came with a VGA converter. I think this could be useful for emulating retro computers with a Raspberri Pi, as I have a couple of 4:3 monitors that only support a VGA connection. The older Pis support component audio/video, so I could probably use this to connect a Pi to one of my monitors and get a proper aspect ratio for emulating older computer systems.

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Reply 46784 of 53747, by AppleSauce

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Today this came in , its a 8mb Japanese virge vx from IO-DATA with the original box and registration card.

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Reply 46785 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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Got this nice little GTX 660 2Gb today along with other Socket 775 parts, P35 motherboard with a 4500 Duo and 3Gb of memory, seller also threw in a nice Intel PCI network card and a Samsung DVDRW. Rather nice parts lot for 30AUD, I think the GTX 660 alone would sell for that, the motherboard isn't in great condition cosmetically so will be heading for the spares bucket.

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Reply 46786 of 53747, by liqmat

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AppleSauce wrote on 2022-10-24, 01:59:

Today this came in , its a 8mb Japanese virge vx from IO-DATA with the original box and registration card.


That is a thing of beauty.

Reply 46787 of 53747, by RaiderOfLostVoodoo

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 02:33:

Got this nice little GTX 660 2Gb today...

Posts a graphics card which is better than the one in my main computer.
"Retro"... xD

Reply 46788 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:09:
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 02:33:

Got this nice little GTX 660 2Gb today...

Posts a graphics card which is better than the one in my main computer.
"Retro"... xD

Well its not exactly strictly by the book retro but its not really modern either ..we really need a tag for that hardware that falls into that weird zone where its not one or the other. Its the same deal with my 1st generation Ipod Touch, its too old to be modern but not quite old enough to hit that "Retro" tag.

Reply 46789 of 53747, by Shponglefan

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:27:

Well its not exactly strictly by the book retro but its not really modern either ..we really need a tag for that hardware that falls into that weird zone where its not one or the other. Its the same deal with my 1st generation Ipod Touch, its too old to be modern but not quite old enough to hit that "Retro" tag.

It's a decade old card. That's retro in my books. 😁

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 46790 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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Shponglefan wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:59:
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:27:

Well its not exactly strictly by the book retro but its not really modern either ..we really need a tag for that hardware that falls into that weird zone where its not one or the other. Its the same deal with my 1st generation Ipod Touch, its too old to be modern but not quite old enough to hit that "Retro" tag.

It's a decade old card. That's retro in my books. 😁

Ya see this is the most amusing part about "Retro" every man and his dog has a different idea what that word means exactly in the context of old PC hardware.

Its actually the one part about this forum that makes me chuckle a bit since no one here has the correct answer.

Its my belief that there isn't one and what one person see as retro another will see it as either being too modern or too vintage and thats perfectly ok, I enjoy seeing other opinions about the term "Retro".

For me .. this card is what 6/7 generations old now ..GPU tech moves damn fast and 7 generations makes this card old. Old to the point even nVidia doesnt support it anymore or the next generation (700 series) either. (Its old as dirt and more than Retro for me)

Reply 46791 of 53747, by Grzyb

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 04:56:

For me .. this card is what 6/7 generations old now

For me, if it's PCIE, it's modern...

Nie tylko, jak widzicie, w tym trudność, że nie zdołacie wejść na moją górę, lecz i w tym, że ja do was cały zejść nie mogę, gdyż schodząc, gubię po drodze to, co miałem donieść.

Reply 46792 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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Grzyb wrote on 2022-10-24, 07:20:
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 04:56:

For me .. this card is what 6/7 generations old now

For me, if it's PCIE, it's modern...

PCI Express has been around since 2002 so 20 years now ...People do tend to forget how old it is, PCIe 2.0 I guess is what many consider to be modern PCI Express and even that is from 2007.

For me its PCI Express 3.0 that I dont bother collecting, I have a very nice Ivy Bridge box but other than that nada.

Reply 46794 of 53747, by OMORES

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Speaking of PCI-E...

This Asus Radeon X700 good for a Windows 9x setup on a PCI-E only motherboard.

My best video so far.

Reply 46795 of 53747, by gerry

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OMORES wrote on 2022-10-24, 15:44:

Speaking of PCI-E...

This Asus Radeon X700 good for a Windows 9x setup on a PCI-E only motherboard.

that should be be excellent for just about anything 9x era related!

Reply 46796 of 53747, by eesz34

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Shponglefan wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:59:
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-10-24, 03:27:

Well its not exactly strictly by the book retro but its not really modern either ..we really need a tag for that hardware that falls into that weird zone where its not one or the other. Its the same deal with my 1st generation Ipod Touch, its too old to be modern but not quite old enough to hit that "Retro" tag.

It's a decade old card. That's retro in my books. 😁

So my main AMD A8 computer with it's original 2007 case, HDD and LCD monitor is retro! Everything else is much newer though.

Reply 46797 of 53747, by pete8475

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eesz34 wrote on 2022-10-24, 19:02:

So my main AMD A8 computer with it's original 2007 case, HDD and LCD monitor is retro! Everything else is much newer though.

I got that beat! My main PC is in an In-Win matx case from October 20 1999. 😁

Everything else in the machine is fairly new though.
32gb ram
m.2 1tb drive

Reply 46798 of 53747, by WJG6260

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Came across a nice VLB card yesterday.

Should round out the VLB S3 Vision/Trio comparison I've been working on quite nicely, as well as the overall VLB roundup I've been constantly adding to/updating.

Seller's photo:

-Live Long and Prosper-

Feel free to check out my YouTube and Twitter!

Reply 46799 of 53747, by Shponglefan

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Picked up this Epson Equity III+ this past weekend. I'd been seeking one of these for a little while. Prior to finding this one I couldn't even find photos of this particular model from the Epson line.

It's a 286 system (12 MHz AMD processor) similar to the Epson Equity II+, albeit with some more interesting features. It has nine ISA slots (seven 16 bit and two 8 bit), a triple speed selector (6, 8 and 12 MHz), a front slide out motherboard (once the RAM/BIOS board is removed), and three front accessible 5 1/4 drive bays.

Interestingly that despite having an extra ISA slot, it's still a couple inches narrower than an IBM 5170 (or typical clone).

I've got a few ideas for outfitting this system. I'd like to try to get at least 3 or 4 sound cards in it, as well as a CD-ROM. I also found another seller selling surplus internals from another Equity III+ system. So I ordered that extra motherboard and will likely use that for overclocking experimentation. I'd like to try to boost this up to at least 16 MHz.

Ultimate goal will be turning this into a 286 multimedia machine. Who needs a 486 for that anyway? 😁

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards