Resurrecting this thread for future reference regarding the T3200SX.
Since HighTreason is not on this forum anymore apparently I just wanted to update this thread with new (now old) information regarding the BIOS and possible HDD substitutions for their Conner drives. While Conner drives with a capacity of under 1GB are mostly regarded as sturdy and reliable, they won't last forever.
Since HighTreason had successfully combined the most recent BIOS 03I with the HDD restrictions bits broken from version 03C, progress documentation and BIOS dumps are available from here -->
The T3200SX in contrast to other models of this series (T3200 + T3200SXC) suffer from a rather hefty BIOS limitation present in any BIOS after revision 03C. Version 03C was the last BIOS that let you boot from any type of HDD (even if no Conner drive is detected). Later BIOS revisions simply refuse to boot from anything that does not have "CP" (Conner Peripherals) in the first bits of the name string.
Since this limitation was documented, the following solutions surfaced for this rather specific problem.
1] Using a Network bootable ISA card with a modded XT-IDE chip to circumvent the boot restriction and force it to boot from your desired IDE device.
2] Flashing the BIOS chip (which is thankfully socketed) to either the old version 03C or to a combination/hybrid of 03C and 03I that has been created by HighTreason (download on site above) (recommended)
3] You have BIOS 03C or older, you are golden.
4] Stick to original hardware (Conner drives) (if you happen to have one in the veins of CP-3044, don't even look at the eBay prices, I dare yeh)
What the old BIOS / modified hybrid BIOS does what the new BIOS doesn't:
With the old BIOS (up to version 03C) you are able to change the HDD type option in the BIOS regardless of the type of HDD connected. So you are able to "force" the HDD detection even if there is no Conner drive connected (for example a CF-adapter instead). If you connect a genuine HDD, it will result in you being able to use the first 40 MB of said HDD. To use the rest of space, or to make use of Adapter like CF/SD, overlay software then will do the rest for you (C/H/S translation).
With the newer BIOS versions the BIOS will simply lock the setting to "no HDD connected", if there is anything other connected than a Conner drive (either it looks for the specific model in the name string, or - as others have suggested, albeit this is not confirmed yet - it looks for the "CP" at the start of the idetity string).
There have been reports that there are other models from Toshiba of that era that suffer from the same type of limitation when it comes to HDDs. But as for the T3200 series, only the T3200SX seems to be affected.
Dropping this info here for other ppl and their possible future endeavors into these neat bulky plasma machines.