PCMCIA Graphics and Video decoding cards

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First post, by lolo799

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Rank Oldbie

The topic would be very short if it covered only graphic cards, so I'll add MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 hardware decoding cards as well, it seems to be relevant enough...
There are 3 different type of graphic cards here, PCMCIA 16-bit, Cardbus 32-bit, and cards for PocketPC/Palmtops, I'll mention the latter but they are not compatible with x86 laptops.

So, the only PCMCIA graphic card I know of is the Canopus PowerWindow T64V Card, powered by a S3 Trio64V+ and 2MB of RAM.
It has drivers for Win3.x and Win9x.
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/19970522083958fw_ … og/webt64cd.htm
Drivers: https://web.archive.org/web/20020214180356/ht … /pwt64vcard.htm

It's important to note that it doesn't work in DOS, the card gets activated by a driver in the autoexec.bat, but the video out displays nothing before Windows is loaded, and at that point the main screen remains blank.
The memory check utility is a DOS program that displays patterns of colours on the screen connected to the T64C, so there might be a way to send all the video data to the card...

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I did benchmarks on an AST700N with a 486SX33, 8MB of RAM, and a C&T65530, testing the default VGA driver, the C&T driver and the Canopus T64C with WinTU, WindSock 3.30 and Speedy.


Video Speed: 920 KPixel/sec
Resolution : 640 x 480, 4 Bits/Pixel
Video Driver ID: VGA

window open: 0.032 Seconds
text scroll: 5.097 Seconds
line and curve drawing: 19.605 Seconds
filled objects: 3.738 Seconds
color display: 2.094 Seconds
window close: 0.397 Seconds


Video Speed: 815 KPixel/sec
Resolution : 640 x 480, 4 Bits/Pixel
Video Driver ID: * CHIPS 655XX-Linear 640x480x16

window open: 0.332 Seconds
text scroll: 8.354 Seconds
line and curve drawing: 20.602 Seconds
filled objects: 2.703 Seconds
color display: 1.874 Seconds
window close: 0.766 Seconds


Video Speed: 1773 KPixel/sec
Resolution : 800 x 600, 8 Bits/Pixel
Video Driver ID: PowerWindow 800x 600 256 colors Small fonts

window open: 0.514 Seconds
text scroll: 1.049 Seconds
line and curve drawing: 8.732 Seconds
filled objects: 1.047 Seconds
color display: 6.659 Seconds
window close: 3.689 Seconds
WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: VGA driver
Test Conducted at 11:27:41 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 16
Driver: VGA
Name: VGA
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 134 32, Float (8%) 133 96,
Int 32 (25%) 90 47
WindSock: 26
Video Components: Word Processing 113, SpreadSheets 133,
CAD 143, Paint/Draw 133
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 250 121 66 140 168

WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: CT linear4
Test Conducted at 11:43:09 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 16
Driver: LINEAR4
Name: * CHIPS 655XX-Linear 640x480x16
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 135 32, Float (8%) 133 96,
Int 32 (25%) 90 48
WindSock: 26
Video Components: Word Processing 97, SpreadSheets 139,
CAD 261, Paint/Draw 139
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 250 125 0 0 0

WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: T64V 640x480 256
Test Conducted at 12:32:11 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 256
Driver: ST08C
Name: PowerWindow 640x 480 256 colo
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 133 32, Float (8%) 129 99,
Int 32 (25%) 106 40
WindSock: 26
Video Components: Word Processing 240, SpreadSheets 441,
CAD 939, Paint/Draw 441
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 250 391 0 0 0

Show last 85 lines
WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: T64V 640x480 32K
Test Conducted at 12:37:21 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 4096
Driver: ST15C
Name: PowerWindow 640x 480 32K colo
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 135 32, Float (8%) 130 98,
Int 32 (25%) 85 50
WindSock: 27
Video Components: Word Processing 228, SpreadSheets 424,
CAD 916, Paint/Draw 424
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 252 375 0 0 0

WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: T64V 640x480 64K
Test Conducted at 12:45:36 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 4096
Driver: ST16C
Name: PowerWindow 640x 480 64K colo
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 130 33, Float (8%) 128 101,
Int 32 (25%) 105 41
WindSock: 27
Video Components: Word Processing 234, SpreadSheets 428,
CAD 921, Paint/Draw 428
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 252 380 0 0 0

WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: T64V 640x480 16M
Test Conducted at 12:54:28 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 640x480 Colors: 4096
Driver: ST32C
Name: PowerWindow 640x 480 16M colo
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 133 32, Float (8%) 132 97,
Int 32 (25%) 92 47
WindSock: 27
Video Components: Word Processing 225, SpreadSheets 414,
CAD 916, Paint/Draw 414
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 252 366 0 0 0


WindSock 3.30 Performance Test Results
System Name: T64V 800x600
Test Conducted at 12:06:50 on 1/19/112
Processor: 486SX/33
System Inf: Phoenix, Phoenix
Video Inf: , , ,
Size: 800x600 Colors: 256
Driver: ST08C
Name: PowerWindow 800x 600 256 colo
iCOMP: Int 16 (67%) 129 33, Float (8%) 128 100,
Int 32 (25%) 104 41
WindSock: 26
Video Components: Word Processing 237, SpreadSheets 438,
CAD 928, Paint/Draw 438
Memory: Base 640KB, Extended 7168KB,
Size Index 172
Environment: Windows 3.10 Enhanced Mode CPU Video Disk Memory Overall
DOS 6.22 Swapfile Active 252 387 0 0 0

Last edited by lolo799 on 2016-07-03, 09:50. Edited 2 times in total.

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 1 of 77, by lolo799

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Rank Oldbie

The Speedy results:

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Speedy speedmarks
vga 5.90
640x480 256 19.13
640x480 32k 13.76
640x480 64k 13.76
640x480 16M 8.56
800x600 256 21.60
1024x768 256 23.76
1024x768 32K 16.58
1024x768 64k 16.63

The card is fast but useless for DOS games, any Win3.x games you'd like me to test, let me know!

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 2 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

And we follow with the Cardbus cards:

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The Appian Traveler has 4MB of RAM and is compatible with DirectX 7.0, it works under Win9x and 2000.
It can handle resolutions from 800*600 upto 1280*1024 in 8, 16 and 24bpp.
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/20020716103935/ht … /traveler.shtml

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The Margi Display-to-Go exists in two versions, with 2MB or 4MB of RAM.
It has drivers for Windows 98/ME/2000 operating system or Apple OS 9.0.
It features a 64-bit graphics engine, and supports resolutions up to 800 x 600 at 24bpp, 1024 x 768 at 16bpp, 1280 x 1024 at 8bpp for the 2MB card and up to 1280 x 1024 at 24bpp and 1600 x 1200 at 16bpp for the 4MB.
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/20010331121137/ht … isplaytogo.html
https://web.archive.org/web/20010331074711/ht … aytogo_4MB.html
Drivers: https://web.archive.org/web/20090225051507/ht … /sup_dtg_sd.htm

The attachment VTBook-box-inside.jpg is no longer available

The Villagetronic VT Book is based on the Trident XP2 chip and has 32MB of 266MHz DDR.
It supports resolutions upto 1920x1440, 2D and 3D acceleration and works under Windows 2000, XP and MacOS 9.2 to 10.4
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/20050204010958/ht … _pr_vtbook.html
Drivers, from oldest https://web.archive.org/web/20050217031449/ht … k/download.html
to latest: http://www.hisdigital.com/un/download1-396.shtml

Cards for Compaq iPAQ and HP Jornada running WinCE:
-Voyager VGA From Colorgraphics
https://web.archive.org/web/20010417002404/ht … T1&item=616100V
http://web.archive.org/web/20001202031300/htt … ut_pc_card.html

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 3 of 77, by lolo799

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Rank Oldbie

To finish, the MPEG-1/2 video hardware decoding cards, all needing a laptop with a ZV port.
What is a ZV port you might ask, well, check here: https://web.archive.org/web/20010609053253/ht … lmagc/zvfaq.htm

For MPEG-1, there is the RealMagic Explorer/EZ Video MPEG - 1/Kingmax Scenic Wonder/Toshiba NWZVMPEG1 cards.

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Fully compatible with REALmagic and OM-1 titles.
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/20010618213013/ht … gc/explorer.htm
Specs: https://web.archive.org/web/20010707141620/ht … xplorerspec.htm

And the Margi Mpeg-to-GO/FujiFilm Microdevices MPEG Decoder/Texas Instruments livegear-Interactive_MPEG/Microtech Micro_ZV_MPEG

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Compatible with Windows OM-1 Games and ReelMagic Windows titles.
Website: https://web.archive.org/web/19981205171031/ht … gi.com/mpeg.htm
https://web.archive.org/web/19970808123256/ht … ffm/ri7001.html
https://web.archive.org/web/19961220150828/ht … cs/datampeg.htm
https://web.archive.org/web/19990209035509/ht … s_6.htm#107adrv
https://web.archive.org/web/19981206052308/ht … 80/mpegcard.htm

And to finish, the MPEG-2/DVD decoder card Margi DVD-to-Go, sold by NEC, DELL and Gateway under their own brand as well.

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Website: https://web.archive.org/web/19980614171224/ht … rgi.com/dvd.htm
or https://web.archive.org/web/20010331075627/ht … ts/dvdtogo.html

Thank for reading all that, and I hope the topic will be interesting to some of you 😀

Last edited by lolo799 on 2021-12-03, 13:06. Edited 4 times in total.

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 4 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

3DMark2001 bench results for the VT Book, not surprisingly, it's really slow:
487 in the default 1024*768 32bit, 266MHz VRAM DDR
405 in the default 1024*768 32bit, 200MHz VRAM DDR
650 in 1024*768 16bit, 266MHz
1017 in 640*480 16bit, 266MHz
897 in 640*480 16 bit, 200MHz

The detailed reports:
Default settings, 266MHz mode


Name My Benchmark
Registration Name ,
Registration Key
3DMark Version 330

Platform Village Tronic VTBook 2.4 (v6.5123-11)
CPU Optimization D3D Software T&L
Width 1024
Height 768
Depth 32 bit
Z-Buffering 24 bit
Texture Format Compressed
Buffering Double
Refresh Rate 60 Hz
FSAA Mode None

Show Title Screens Yes
Continuous Benchmark No
Benchmark Run Count 1
Demo Sounds Enabled Yes
Continuous Demo No
Game Sound Effects Enabled Yes
Game Music Enabled Yes
Game Detail Level Low

3DMark Score 487
Game 1 - Car Chase - Low Detail 6.7 fps
Game 1 - Car Chase - High Detail 3.2 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - Low Detail 8.0 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - High Detail 3.8 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - Low Detail 9.4 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - High Detail 5.4 fps
Game 4 - Nature Not supported by hardware
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 178.8 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 112.3 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light) 1.0 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights) 0.8 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 9.0 fps
DOT3 Bump Mapping Not supported by hardware
Vertex Shader 4.5 fps
Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Advanced Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Point Sprites 0.2 MSprites/s


System Info Version 2.2
Installation ID 0x00000000

Manufacturer Intel
Show last 476 lines
Family	<unknown>
Internal Clock 1.40 GHz
Internal Clock Maximum 1.40 GHz
External Clock 0 Hz
Socket Designation U49
Type Central
Upgrade Slot 1
Capabilities MMX, CMov, RDTSC, SSE, SSE2
Version Modèle 9, niveau 5
CPUID 0x00000695

Level 1
Capacity 0 bytes
Type <unknown>
Type Details <unknown>
Error Correction Type <unknown>
Associativity <unknown>

Level 2
Capacity 0 bytes
Type <unknown>
Type Details <unknown>
Error Correction Type <unknown>
Associativity <unknown>

DirectX Version 9.0

DirectDraw Version 5.03.2600.5512

Description Pilote d'affichage principal
Manufacturer Trident
Name Village Tronic VTBook 2.4 (v6.5123-11)
Total Local Video Memory 32 MB
Total Local Texture Memory 32 MB
Total AGP Memory 0 bytes
Display Driver tridxp2.dll
Display Driver Version 5.2.3790.0115 built by: WinDDK
Driver WHQL Certified No
Max Texture Width 2048
Max Texture Height 2048
Max User Clipping Planes 6
Max Active Hardware Lights 0
Max Texture Blending Stages 3
Textures In Single Pass 3
Vertex Shader Version N/A
Pixel Shader Version N/A
Max Vertex Blend Matrices 0
Max Texture Coordinates 3
Vendor ID 0x1023
Device ID 0x9960
Sub-System ID 0xf8f8f8f8
Revision 0x89

Resolution 320x200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 200x320x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 320x240x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 240x320x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 512x384x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 384x512x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 400x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 720x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x576x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 576x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 600x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 600x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 800x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 600x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1600x1200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1200x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1600x1200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1200x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1600x1200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1200x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 320x200x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 200x320x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 320x240x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 240x320x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 512x384x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 384x512x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x400x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 400x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 720x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x576x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 576x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 600x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 600x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 800x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 600x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1600x1200x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1200x1600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 800x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 600x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 800x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 600x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 800x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 600x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 800x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 600x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 160 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1024x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 768x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1280x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1024x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1440x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1080x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1080x1440x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1080x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1440x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1080x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1600x1200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 65 Hz
Resolution 1200x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 65 Hz
Resolution 1792x1344x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1344x1792x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1792x1344x16-bit RGB [565] @ 67 Hz
Resolution 1344x1792x16-bit RGB [565] @ 67 Hz
Resolution 1856x1392x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1392x1856x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1920x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1400x1050x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1050x1400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1400x1050x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1050x1400x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1400x1050x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1050x1400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1400x1050x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1050x1400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 720x400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 400x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 720x400x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 400x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 70 Hz
Resolution 720x400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 400x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 720x400x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 400x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 720x400x16-bit RGB [565] @ 88 Hz
Resolution 400x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 88 Hz
Resolution 720x400x32-bit RGB [888] @ 88 Hz
Resolution 400x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 88 Hz
Resolution 832x624x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 624x832x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 832x624x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 624x832x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 832x624x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 624x832x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 832x624x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 624x832x32-bit RGB [888] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 960x600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 600x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 600x960x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 90 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 90 Hz
Resolution 1280x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 960x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 100 Hz
Resolution 1344x840x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 840x1344x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1344x840x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 840x1344x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x900x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 900x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x900x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 900x1440x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1440x900x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 900x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1440x900x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 900x1440x32-bit RGB [888] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1440x900x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 900x1440x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1600x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1600x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x1600x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1600x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1024x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1600x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1024x1600x16-bit RGB [565] @ 85 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 75 Hz
Resolution 1920x1200x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1200x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 2048x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x2048x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x1024x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1024x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x1024x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 856x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x856x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 856x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x856x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x540x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 540x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x540x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 540x960x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x16-bit RGB [565] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x16-bit RGB [565] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 1152x864x32-bit RGB [888] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 864x1152x32-bit RGB [888] @ 72 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 704x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x704x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 704x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x704x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 704x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x704x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 704x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x704x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 704x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x704x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 704x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x704x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 480x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 480x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 480x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 720x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 480x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 720x483x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 483x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x483x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 483x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x483x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 483x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x483x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 483x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x483x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 483x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x483x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 483x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x800x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 800x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 640x800x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 848x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x848x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 848x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x848x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 852x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x852x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 852x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 480x852x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x960x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 960x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x960x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 720x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 1280x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 768x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 1360x765x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 765x1360x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1360x765x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 765x1360x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1920x1035x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1035x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1920x1035x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1035x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 24 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 640x430x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 430x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 640x430x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 430x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 30 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 640x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 480x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 640x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 480x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 61 Hz
Resolution 704x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x704x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 704x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x704x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 720x480x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 720x480x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 480x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 720x483x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 483x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 720x483x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 483x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 26 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 26 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 26 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 26 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x16-bit RGB [565] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 1920x1080x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 1080x1920x32-bit RGB [888] @ 31 Hz
Resolution 320x256x16-bit RGB [565] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 256x320x16-bit RGB [565] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 320x256x32-bit RGB [888] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 256x320x32-bit RGB [888] @ 50 Hz
Resolution 640x512x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 512x640x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 640x512x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 512x640x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 720x576x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 576x720x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 720x576x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 576x720x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 768x576x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 576x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 768x576x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 576x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1280x512x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 512x1280x16-bit RGB [565] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1280x512x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 512x1280x32-bit RGB [888] @ 25 Hz
Resolution 1360x768x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1360x16-bit RGB [565] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 1360x768x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz
Resolution 768x1360x32-bit RGB [888] @ 60 Hz

Pixel Format 32-bit ARGB [8888]
Pixel Format 32-bit RGB [888]
Pixel Format 16-bit RGB [565]
Pixel Format 16-bit RGB [555]
Pixel Format 16-bit ARGB [1555]
Pixel Format 16-bit ARGB [4444]
Pixel Format 8-bit Indexed()
Pixel Format 8-bit YUV [800]
Pixel Format 16-bit AYUV [8800]
Pixel Format FourCC [UYVY]
Pixel Format FourCC [DXT1]
Pixel Format FourCC [DXT2]
Pixel Format FourCC [DXT3]
Pixel Format FourCC [DXT4]
Pixel Format FourCC [DXT5]
3D Capabilities Subpixel Accurate Rasterizing, Stencil Buffers, Table Fog, Vertex Fog, W-Fog, Specular Gouraud Shading, Anisotropic Filtering, Bilinear Filtering, Point Sampling, Trilinear Filtering, Additive Texture Blending, Multiplicative Texture Blending, Subtractive Texture Blending, Environmental Bump Mapping, Environmental Bump Mapping With Luminance, Factor Alpha Blending, Vertex Alpha Blending, Texture Alpha Blending, Texture Clamping, Texture Mirroring, Texture Wrapping, Guard Band Support, Rendering to a Window, Mipmap LOD Bias Adjustment, Point Primitive Support, DXT Compressed Textures

Defaults settings, 200MHz mode:

3DMark Score 405
Game 1 - Car Chase - Low Detail 5.7 fps
Game 1 - Car Chase - High Detail 2.8 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - Low Detail 6.4 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - High Detail 3.2 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - Low Detail 7.5 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - High Detail 4.4 fps
Game 4 - Nature Not supported by hardware
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 139.9 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 109.6 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light) 1.0 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights) 0.8 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 7.0 fps
DOT3 Bump Mapping Not supported by hardware
Vertex Shader 4.2 fps
Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Advanced Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Point Sprites 0.2 MSprites/s

1024*768 16bit, 266MHz mode

3DMark Score 650
Game 1 - Car Chase - Low Detail 8.6 fps
Game 1 - Car Chase - High Detail 4.4 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - Low Detail 11.1 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - High Detail 4.6 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - Low Detail 13.0 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - High Detail 7.1 fps
Game 4 - Nature Not supported by hardware
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 245.5 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 151.6 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light) 1.1 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights) 0.8 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 11.8 fps
DOT3 Bump Mapping Not supported by hardware
Vertex Shader 4.7 fps
Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Advanced Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Point Sprites 0.2 MSprites/s

640*480 16bit, 266MHz

3DMark Score 1017
Game 1 - Car Chase - Low Detail 11.8 fps
Game 1 - Car Chase - High Detail 5.7 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - Low Detail 17.1 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - High Detail 6.0 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - Low Detail 24.6 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - High Detail 12.4 fps
Game 4 - Nature Not supported by hardware
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 137.9 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 132.4 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light) 1.1 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights) 0.8 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 24.3 fps
DOT3 Bump Mapping Not supported by hardware
Vertex Shader 5.0 fps
Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Advanced Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Point Sprites 0.2 MSprites/s

640*480 16bit, 200MHz

3DMark Score 897
Game 1 - Car Chase - Low Detail 10.9 fps
Game 1 - Car Chase - High Detail 5.4 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - Low Detail 15.2 fps
Game 2 - Dragothic - High Detail 5.6 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - Low Detail 20.5 fps
Game 3 - Lobby - High Detail 10.5 fps
Game 4 - Nature Not supported by hardware
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 124.9 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 95.1 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light) 1.1 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights) 0.8 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 19.6 fps
DOT3 Bump Mapping Not supported by hardware
Vertex Shader 5.0 fps
Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Advanced Pixel Shader Not supported by hardware
Point Sprites 0.2 MSprites/s

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 5 of 77, by Kahenraz

User metadata
Rank l33t

Thanks for this! I knew that there were sound cards and DVD decoders but not actual video cards. The T64V is an especially fascinating item.

I own one of the Mari DVD-to-Go cards. Here is a link to the drivers (from Dell) and a technical article:

http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/Dri … driverId=R20715

Due to contractual obligations, Margi never distributed the drivers; they could only be obtained by the OEM who resold it.

Reply 6 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

MPEG1 decoders too, those are even more rare than the MPEG2/DVD-to-Go cards that you can get dozens on ebay at any time, I bought the Scenic Wonder on taobao, only place I could find one.
There's a T64V on Yahoo at the moment, it keeps being relisted every week because no one wants it apparently...

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 7 of 77, by Kahenraz

User metadata
Rank l33t

Can the MPEG2 decoders not decode MPEG1?

Reply 8 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

Yes they can, but the older MPEG1 cards are supported under Win3.x.

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 9 of 77, by quailstorm

User metadata
Rank Newbie

I uploaded some VillageTronic VTBook 3D content to YouTube.

Half-Life 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPdUs1cJU_c
Mortyr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpmeI3otM0
Quake 3 Arena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YDONuJXfV8

For some reason I only get 274 Marks in 3DMark 2001SE on default settings (1024x768x32). My laptop is a MAXDATA 6000T, Northwood P4M, 1GB DDR333, 60GB HDD and S3 PROSavageDDR integrated. 2 PCMCIA slots on left side.

I also tested Half-Life 1 which runs well, Max Payne runs too, but power is not enough.

Sadly 3D mode doesn't really support windowed games (freezes the system), and there is no 640x480 either, so it is really tricky to use the Trident for gaming, except in Max Payne. That game allows you to select GPU.

Reply 10 of 77, by Mike1978

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Hi all, sorry I’m reasonably late to this conversation however I would very much like to source the Canopus power window T64V card. I have got another item to add to this list however it’s not a stand alone video card but it’s a universal docking station made by CNF called “the bus” it has a pcmcia card interface it runs with Win 9x and also integrates, network, vga (4mb on board), parallel, serial and mouse / keyboard connectors.

I bought it with a hope it would work with the IBM PC110 but no matter what combination I try I’ve never got the video card to work with the machine. Though I’m sure with the right machine it would function. I paid a lot of money for delivery from the US more than the item cost itself a few years ago.

I’m quite the enthusiast when it comes to the pc110 and I’m currently restoring some with destroyed screens using an interface designed by a friend I have in Japan for it to work with a modern LCD as most the screens on the machines have perished due to the atmosphere in Japan.

So this article caught my imagination and I just hoped I could find one for sale. I keep checking yahoo auctions but so far no luck.

Happy to provide pictures and more details of CNF the bus but can’t show it operational with the pc110 though I do have an old xp machine that I maybe able to load windows 95 onto to test it further.

So if anyone has the t64v card and would be willing to part with it then please let me know!

Reply 11 of 77, by Anonymous Coward

User metadata
Rank l33t

The Trio64 results are interesting, because PCMCIA is roughly similar to the ISA bus, so this gives us an idea of how Trio64 would be on a desktop system with ISA. I think it's relatively easy to get Trio64 chips too, so perhaps somebody could build a custom ISA card around it.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 12 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie
Mike1978 wrote:
Hi all, sorry I’m reasonably late to this conversation however I would very much like to source the Canopus power window T64V ca […]
Show full quote

Hi all, sorry I’m reasonably late to this conversation however I would very much like to source the Canopus power window T64V card. I have got another item to add to this list however it’s not a stand alone video card but it’s a universal docking station made by CNF called “the bus” it has a pcmcia card interface it runs with Win 9x and also integrates, network, vga (4mb on board), parallel, serial and mouse / keyboard connectors.

I bought it with a hope it would work with the IBM PC110 but no matter what combination I try I’ve never got the video card to work with the machine. Though I’m sure with the right machine it would function. I paid a lot of money for delivery from the US more than the item cost itself a few years ago.

I’m quite the enthusiast when it comes to the pc110 and I’m currently restoring some with destroyed screens using an interface designed by a friend I have in Japan for it to work with a modern LCD as most the screens on the machines have perished due to the atmosphere in Japan.

So this article caught my imagination and I just hoped I could find one for sale. I keep checking yahoo auctions but so far no luck.

Happy to provide pictures and more details of CNF the bus but can’t show it operational with the pc110 though I do have an old xp machine that I maybe able to load windows 95 onto to test it further.

So if anyone has the t64v card and would be willing to part with it then please let me know!

There was another T64V Card for sale at some point, google shows images for it from a long gone auction, but none since.

Please take pictures of the CNF docking station, thanks.

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 13 of 77, by Mike1978

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Hi just had the bus out of storage, it’s actually a 2mb video card. I managed to fry the power supply as forgot to put it through a voltage stepper luckily though I had a suitable replacement.

I’ve had this running today and can confirm with the pc110 it works for the network, keyboard and mouse. But still can’t get the vga output to work. I suspect it maybe a hardware conflict or the pc110 isn’t up to it. Being a 486sx rather than the recommended minimum spec of a pentium processor.

Seems to be a Cirrus chipset for the video I took off the cover and took some pictures.

Hopefully I’ve figured out the website enough to add some images:

The attachment 8F228AA7-F2C4-4030-8B3D-46AA48879ED4.jpeg is no longer available
The attachment 0D286D9B-FCB9-44BA-A788-3B1BD652C8A0.jpeg is no longer available
The attachment 783028E6-4EA4-4086-8E62-C6B67F2543C8.jpeg is no longer available
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Reply 14 of 77, by Mike1978

User metadata
Rank Newbie

I always wished I had an old desktop with an eisa slot as I suspect it could be run using the connector..

Interesting tech.

On the back label it suggests this is the 4th (and likely final iteration) - though there is a cut out with a usb icon on the case but no visible connector or solder points on the board.

This model must be the Ethernet revision there is no notion of what version 3 had:
Model 11001 theBus - School Bus Yellow (not mine)
Model 11002 theBus - Transit Black
Model 11004 theBus with Ethernet - Transit Black

Reply 15 of 77, by Mike1978

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Few more pics showing the software

The attachment 50C6DF91-7D29-4D42-A01B-2F7E14468143.jpeg is no longer available
The attachment F260B58A-6700-4E3A-9493-DE1F24E6734B.jpeg is no longer available

You’ll note by the indicators on the first pic that I don’t have the mouse and keyboard attached.

Seems the green indicates the network added fine and this corresponds in control panel.

I’d only fallen across this by accident on eBay one time so I think they’re pretty rare.

Reply 17 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the pictures, that's a nice device.
Could you upload the drivers for it?

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 18 of 77, by Mike1978

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Yes by all means is there a particular place to do so or do I just attach them to this thread?

Reply 19 of 77, by lolo799

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

If it's small enough you should be able to attach it in the thread.
Do you have the original box of the device?

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics