Toshiba T5200 mods and upgrades

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Reply 500 of 546, by ediflorianUS

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16ShadesOfOrange wrote on 2021-06-20, 06:34:
Hey all, I gave the screen issue another look with fresh eyes (12mo later!). It's no coincidence about the PSU short and the sc […]
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16ShadesOfOrange wrote on 2020-08-22, 12:08:
  • In an attempt to quieten the fans and give them 6V instead of the 12V from the PSU connector, I shorted out 2x 12V PSU fan connectors 😱(they're dead) so I'm now running 3x 12V fans in parallel from the single left-side fan connector. I opened up the PSU but can't see any obvious issues, so for now it's running
  • I busted my screen somehow 😥. Seems to work OK in graphics mode eg full screen stuff like in Windows, but in DOS mode it's almost inverse, eg black is orange, the display sometimes becomes distorted/picks up interference, text becomes wobbly and almost unreadable.

Hey all, I gave the screen issue another look with fresh eyes (12mo later!). It's no coincidence about the PSU short and the screen being weird.

Ive found I've lost the 24v rail (yellow PSU wire). I guess the good news is the screen's probably unharmed 😃

I found a replacement PSU on ebay for $95USD which is steep, so I'll poke around in the PSU to see what "popped" 🚬. If anyone has a PSU schematic please hit me up!

BTW, has anyone attempted to build their own PSU or replace it with an off-the-shelf one?

I know I've seen schematic for the Toshiba T3100 PSU somewhere in service repair manual , online , if you really still need it and you can't find I can search for it.

And people , don't forget , keep cleaning your 1,44 Floppy drives , if they beep during boot-up (red/orange led) you are good to go, you just need to clean the head with cleaning floppy + alcohol , at least 10 times , 15 to be sure. then try to load floppy. (I also had initial issues with my floppy drive , but after a good clean 0 problems since).

as for HDD 3.5 if it's EIDE , you are not stuck to 100mbs, you use overlay app from floppy and setup your drive , works for older Seagate's fine. (tested fine on 4.3 gb , will test a 20gb soon - no bios mods or updates for T3100 required). I hear good success even up to WD120gb caviars also. (not sure how much can be used with drive but seem to work).

My 80486-S i66 Project

Reply 501 of 546, by Hamby

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fool wrote on 2022-12-30, 10:35:

Someone interested in 2MB and 8MB 40pin SIMM memory kits? Nothing is ready yet. Just scouting before I make any PWB & chip orders because these are not cheap. Also have to repair my test bench first, no RAMs without it.

I'd be interesting, depending on cost. I'm thinking of trying to install Desqview/X on my T5200, so more ram would help.

Reply 502 of 546, by fool

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Hamby wrote on 2023-02-02, 07:56:
fool wrote on 2022-12-30, 10:35:

Someone interested in 2MB and 8MB 40pin SIMM memory kits? Nothing is ready yet. Just scouting before I make any PWB & chip orders because these are not cheap. Also have to repair my test bench first, no RAMs without it.

I'd be interesting, depending on cost. I'm thinking of trying to install Desqview/X on my T5200, so more ram would help.

OK, good to know. I just orered chips, so it will take some time to test if it even works. In best case I have one pair for you, but I'll build more if there's interest.
I will update the status in T8500 thread (sig).

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 503 of 546, by ferrytale

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Hi @fool, 8MB-SIMM kit sounds intresting.

Today i was wondering, if there was a way to increase the VGA-RAM of the T5200, which is said to be just 256kB. Maybe it could be possible to get at least a SVGA mode of 640x480 with 256 colors with Win3.1?
Then i realized that there allready is 1MB of RAM installed on the VGA-board, not just 256kB!
So maybe its just the VGA-BIOS that configures the Paradise PVGA1A to only 256kB?
Has anyone ever tried to make the whole 1MB accessable?

😀 ferrytale

Last edited by ferrytale on 2023-03-21, 00:15. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 504 of 546, by ediflorianUS

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ferrytale wrote on 2023-03-19, 23:52:
Hi @fool, 8MB-SIMM kit sounds intresting. […]
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Hi @fool, 8MB-SIMM kit sounds intresting.

Today i was wondering, if there was a way to increase the VGA-RAM, which is said to be just 256kB. Maybe it could be possible to get at least a SVGA mode of 640x480 with 256 colors with Win3.1?
Then i realized that there actually is 1MB of RAM installed on the VGA-board, not just 256kB!
So maybe its just the VGA-BIOS that configures the Paradise PVGA1A to only 256kB?
Has anyone ever tried to make the whole 1MB accessable?

😀 ferrytale

on CGA , under NC(northon) , you could check all memory allocation units. (Sram,256kbGpuram, dos ,nc & so on - what and where the memory and how it's used) - not sure if it's helpfull but I just wrote to anyone interested.

My 80486-S i66 Project

Reply 505 of 546, by dj_pirtu

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From 4MB to 12MB. Newest version of Open Cubic Player started working!

Other specs:
-486SXL2/40 with cache flush circuit
-original 387/20
-10GB HDD (taken from original XBOX)
-modded BIOS for CPU with XTIDE
-Gravis Ultrasound MAX
-3COM ethernet

Running DOS 6.22 & WfW 3.11. Maybe I'll install Windows 95D (Razorback version) too aside with 3.11, just for fun.

Reply 506 of 546, by kdevries

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fool wrote on 2022-12-30, 10:35:

Someone interested in 2MB and 8MB 40pin SIMM memory kits? Nothing is ready yet. Just scouting before I make any PWB & chip orders because these are not cheap. Also have to repair my test bench first, no RAMs without it.


I am very interested in a 8mb 40pin SIMM kit, can you please contact me on kdevries for prices/availability ?



Reply 507 of 546, by kdevries

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Or though the vogons message option ?

Reply 508 of 546, by kdevries

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ferrytale wrote on 2023-03-19, 23:52:
Hi @fool, 8MB-SIMM kit sounds intresting. […]
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Hi @fool, 8MB-SIMM kit sounds intresting.

Today i was wondering, if there was a way to increase the VGA-RAM of the T5200, which is said to be just 256kB. Maybe it could be possible to get at least a SVGA mode of 640x480 with 256 colors with Win3.1?
Then i realized that there allready is 1MB of RAM installed on the VGA-board, not just 256kB!
So maybe its just the VGA-BIOS that configures the Paradise PVGA1A to only 256kB?
Has anyone ever tried to make the whole 1MB accessable?

😀 ferrytale

Very interesting, hopefully it will be possible to use that 1mb !!

Reply 509 of 546, by dj_pirtu

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Installed Windows 95D Lite (by Razorback) yesterday and it runs nicely. Wintach says it's faster than WfW 3.11 😀

Reply 510 of 546, by fool

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kdevries wrote on 2023-03-28, 07:40:
Hi, […]
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fool wrote on 2022-12-30, 10:35:

Someone interested in 2MB and 8MB 40pin SIMM memory kits? Nothing is ready yet. Just scouting before I make any PWB & chip orders because these are not cheap. Also have to repair my test bench first, no RAMs without it.


I am very interested in a 8mb 40pin SIMM kit, can you please contact me on kdevries for prices/availability ?



I will make another small batch in future with some fixes. I've been working with other projects recently, but thanks dj_pirtu for smoke testing in T5200 meanwhile!
I'll let you know when those are available.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 511 of 546, by kdevries

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Thnxs for the update 👌🏻

Reply 512 of 546, by ferrytale

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IanB wrote on 2018-01-16, 04:10:

7. Patched the BIOS to support all the above

Hello IanB.

How did you manage to patch the BIOS, and what tools did you use?
Just dissassembling the .BIN-file and changing the assembler code?

I used your patched BIOSes for my T3200SX and T5200 and this is working very nice, but i also have a T3200SXC and i would like to have its BIOS patched too.
Can you tell me/us how it is done or could you provide a patched BIOS for this model too?

Thank you very much.

Reply 513 of 546, by OldCat

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That is brilliant, thanks for sharing!

Reply 514 of 546, by luisvieira

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IanB wrote on 2018-01-21, 14:59:
Edit: It turned out that the machine had a later 32K VGA BIOS instead of the previous 24K one and that required the 3.xx Phoenix […]
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Vipersan wrote:

Something about my 5200 doesnt appear to like the Award ??

It turned out that the machine had a later 32K VGA BIOS instead of the previous 24K one and that required the 3.xx Phoenix or later 5.30 Award BIOS to work

Here is a zip with all the main BIOS and VGA BIOS versions found so far including patched versions:

T5200 BIOS pack 1-2a.zip
This contains BIOS versions 1.20, 1.30, 3.00, 3.10 & 5.30 and the 24K and 32K VGA BIOS
All versions except for 1.20 have been patched and there are two different versions of each patch, one with XTIDE that uses workspace in low memory and one that uses workspace in high memory. See the readme.txt file in the zip for more details.

I'm currently using "T5200 BIOS V5.30 (Award) patch 1.2 with LOMEM XTIDE 640K.BIN" but the others are included in case of any compatibility problems.

As the T3200SX is very similar, I've patched some of the BIOS versions for that as well:

T3200SX BIOS pack 1-0.zip
The four patched versions in the zip have had little testing as I don't have one myself but vipersan has confirmed they will all boot OK.

Also as XTIDE is GPL software, here is the source for the custom version included in all the above:
These BIOSes have XTIDE Universal BIOS built in, support for a 3.5" second floppy, slave IDE and they will initialise 486 upgrade processors on the T5200. No guarantees, use at your own risk.

I will update this post with any new versions if required and the current patch update is 1.2
The changes from the previous 1.1 patch posted here are:
1. Enable both A20 and Flush mods if A20 mod detected (previously only A20 enabled)
2. Add HIMEM version of XTIDE
The only reason to upgrade from the 1.1 patch is if you intend to install an upgrade processor and do the A20 & Flush mods for improved performance or you find some compatibilty issue (1.1 only had LOMEM XTIDE)

Hello. I'm new here and I have a T5200 with bios v1.2. Please , how do I burn this changed bios and which one should I use ? Thank you all
I am brasilian and my english is very poor, sorry

Reply 515 of 546, by ediflorianUS

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Hello. I'm new here and I have a T5200 with bios v1.2. Please , how do I burn this changed bios and which one should I use ? Thank you all
I am brasilian and my english is very poor, sorry

I would suggest leaving current bios. For hdd upgrade just use ontrack and a seagate.

My 80486-S i66 Project

Reply 516 of 546, by Bojan

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mikeyp wrote on 2019-04-01, 13:05:
Hi IanB […]
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Hi IanB

Are you still willing to HDD/XTIDE patch rubbish Toshiba BIOSes for others please? I have a Toshiba T1850C where the old Conner HDD is failing. I'd love to get it up and running again with either a period hard drive or CF card. I'd be very grateful if you can.

My thread is here Old Toshiba notebook - limited HDD replacement options?
and this bios is here: T1850C.zip

Thank you.


Hi Michael,
In that zip file there are two executables:, but no bin file:

Can you tell me what they are for?


Reply 517 of 546, by channelmaniac

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Hey everyone,

I have a pair of 1MB 40-pin SIMMs for the T5200 sitting on my bench. They were rescues from Computer Reset.

They need a home. You can pick them up free at my shop in the Dallas Metromess or for cost of shipping fees.



I learned to fix things to have things affordably.

Reply 518 of 546, by CloudInMyHead

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channelmaniac wrote on 2023-09-14, 05:40:
Hey everyone, […]
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Hey everyone,

I have a pair of 1MB 40-pin SIMMs for the T5200 sitting on my bench. They were rescues from Computer Reset.

They need a home. You can pick them up free at my shop in the Dallas Metromess or for cost of shipping fees.



Hi Raymond,
I'd like to get them. I have four Toshibas right now, T5100, T5200 (2), T5200C
I could use the ram in some. i will pay for shipping. I emailed u at Arcadecomponents.com

Reply 519 of 546, by channelmaniac

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Email replied.

I learned to fix things to have things affordably.