First post, by Nic-93

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So, i werent sure if this was a fitting subject to post it under, but a while back i found this on github and it seems to be leqit, got somebody i talked in private with to compile the software, but it really need's some work to sound good.
so mostly wanted to bring attention to it, if there was some people here who were interested on giving it a shot to help improving its quality and sound. I'm impressed it works at all.


Reply 3 of 32, by AppleSauce

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-02-05, 21:47:

So how much of the SC55s hardware is still an unknown quantity? Is this the last chip they had to figure out?

Either way hopefully it helps skjelten , he did some updates recently to emusc so its slowly getting there.

Reply 4 of 32, by Trelokk

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Installing a Trojan on an SC-55. Sh*t just got real... 🤣

Reply 5 of 32, by mattw

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-02-05, 21:47:

I presume the dump is not publicly available, right?

AppleSauce wrote on 2024-02-05, 22:57:

So how much of the SC55s hardware is still an unknown quantity? Is this the last chip they had to figure out?

it's the last ROM that was not dumped. however, there are significant open questions, discussed many times in different threads here, last time I believe was here:

Re: sc55mkII vs. sc55st ROM Analysis and Demo Song?!

BTW, if someone needs easy way to decrypt the SC55 WaveROMs:
Re: About Roland Virtual Sound Canvas 3

Reply 6 of 32, by kode54

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If it’s not widely distributed yet, it will probably at least end up in MAME software distribution at some point.

Reply 9 of 32, by AppleSauce

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With a recent update all the major components of emusc have been implemented and now it is a matter of fine tuning and polishing to get it sounding right.

The attachment 20240330_112045.jpg is no longer available

Reply 10 of 32, by mattw

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AppleSauce wrote on 2024-03-30, 00:24:

all the major components of emusc have been implemented and now it is a matter of fine tuning and polishing to get it sounding right.

I am guessing now it's much easier to spot when the sound is not right after the following is out of the way:

Re: sc55mkII vs. sc55st ROM Analysis and Demo Song?!

still, even when finished 'emusc' will not work for all games, because according to this list:

Re: Apparently not all GS-only sc-55s are the same, some are GM

none of those are working with SC-55 and they need SCC-1 (and/or Computer Module boxes based around it, like CM-300/500), because of specific "Capital Tone Fallback" behavior:

Re: Apparently not all GS-only sc-55s are the same, some are GM

and 'emusc' is kind of hard-coded around particular SC-55 ROM version...

Reply 11 of 32, by AppleSauce

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mattw wrote on 2024-03-30, 09:31:
I am guessing now it's much easier to spot when the sound is not right after the following is out of the way: […]
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AppleSauce wrote on 2024-03-30, 00:24:

all the major components of emusc have been implemented and now it is a matter of fine tuning and polishing to get it sounding right.

I am guessing now it's much easier to spot when the sound is not right after the following is out of the way:

Re: sc55mkII vs. sc55st ROM Analysis and Demo Song?!

still, even when finished 'emusc' will not work for all games, because according to this list:

Re: Apparently not all GS-only sc-55s are the same, some are GM

none of those are working with SC-55 and they need SCC-1 (and/or Computer Module boxes based around it, like CM-300/500), because of specific "Capital Tone Fallback" behavior:

Re: Apparently not all GS-only sc-55s are the same, some are GM

and 'emusc' is kind of hard-coded around particular SC-55 ROM version...

I guess since emusc supports multiple different roms , that might offer a way around the problem?

The attachment rms.PNG is no longer available

Reply 12 of 32, by mattw

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AppleSauce wrote on 2024-03-30, 10:07:

I guess since emusc supports multiple different roms , that might offer a way around the problem?

it doesn't do much with those ROMs other than to list them. essentially those ROMs use is limited to generate table like this one:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13LyKT … dit?usp=sharing

more details:


which is more or less hard-coding to a particular ROM version. I doubt 'emusc' moved away from that approach, even I haven't looked at their source code lately.

Reply 14 of 32, by kode54

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This synthesizer appears to be affected by this bug:

The Roland Sound Canvas SC-55mkII may be out of tune when powered on without a battery

Edit: Here's the reset procedure you need to do every time you turn it on with this emulator:

1) Press Q to turn it off.
2) Press and hold Y and U, then press Q to turn it back on.
3) Press W to answer affirmative to the reset prompt.

Edit 2: I'll report this on the issue tracker as well, but there's also an issue with missing tones in CANYON.MID. The piano has an odd bank number.

Reply 15 of 32, by Spikey

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-04-02, 17:40:
Emulator is now released. Requires rom files. […]
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Emulator is now released. Requires rom files.


Comparison with real hardware.

Either that demo is flawed or the emulation is still a long way off in terms of reverb/chorus.

Reply 16 of 32, by KainXVIII

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-04-02, 17:40:
Emulator is now released. Requires rom files. […]
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Emulator is now released. Requires rom files.


Comparison with real hardware.

Is it supposed to be this heavy on cpu (around 20% used) or its will be optimized further?

Reply 17 of 32, by Karmeck

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KainXVIII wrote on 2024-04-03, 11:29:
Karmeck wrote on 2024-04-02, 17:40:
Emulator is now released. Requires rom files. […]
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Emulator is now released. Requires rom files.


Comparison with real hardware.

Is it supposed to be this heavy on cpu (around 20% used) or its will be optimized further?

That issue is discussed, here:

Reply 18 of 32, by Karmeck

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KainXVIII wrote on 2024-04-03, 11:29:
Karmeck wrote on 2024-04-02, 17:40:
Emulator is now released. Requires rom files. […]
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Emulator is now released. Requires rom files.


Comparison with real hardware.

Is it supposed to be this heavy on cpu (around 20% used) or its will be optimized further?

This has now been addressed in the latest release.

Reply 19 of 32, by Karmeck

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Spikey wrote on 2024-04-03, 05:04:
Karmeck wrote on 2024-04-02, 17:40:
Emulator is now released. Requires rom files. […]
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Emulator is now released. Requires rom files.


Comparison with real hardware.

Either that demo is flawed or the emulation is still a long way off in terms of reverb/chorus.

This is yet to be implemented.

As stated in the comments here.
https://twitter.com/nukeykt/status/1768257753 … OwNSFpv70g&s=19

I have attached a screenshot of the comment, if those that which to view it, might not want to have/crate a Twitter account.