First post, by mr stabby

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Rank Newbie

first i would like to say that i think dosbox is great.

heres my problem. ive gotten harvester to run just peachy with dosbox. however, it crashes at very specific times. lets say i walk into a room and talk to someone...so far so good. then if they turn hostile and attack me, the game crashes with the error "ERROR! [id:0499] - "Memory allocation error, size -1"". if i walk into a room and someone or something is already hostile toward me, i have no troubles. ive managed to get very near the end of the game by avoiding this bug...but i cant ignore it any longer if i want to finish it.

sometimes when it crashes like this it also gives me the address of the error, with all that extra tech info that i cant read. but when it happens, it also mentions something about a "missing segment". not sure if this matters. any help is appreciated.

things ive tried:
*the loadfix command
*allocating more memory
*disabling EMS and XMS memory
*checking my cd image files for corruption
*mashing all the keys at once
*cursing microsoft for completely abandoning DOS

intel P4 2.4 ghz
1gb rdram
radeon 9700 pro 128mb
creative sb live!
intel mobo i850E
win XP sp2
dosbox 0.63

Last edited by mr stabby on 2005-11-01, 19:27. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2 of 21, by mr stabby

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Rank Newbie

ive been messin with the sound in several different ways. nothing helps.
i hadnt seen those CVS builds yet...they were interesting. i tried 3 of them, but they all give me the same error. was worth a shot though.

Reply 3 of 21, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Have you tried allocating less memory? Negative values often mean that you are making more RAM available than the game can count, so it's wrapping around to something weird and causing an error.

Reply 5 of 21, by wd

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

Some other things to try:
use the full or dynamic core (dosbox.conf),
use xms=false, ems=false with very high (64)
and very low (2?) values
try the debugger enabled version, maybe there's
some usefull info around the crash in the logs

Does the same thing happen if you just start the game and
play for a while (that is no saving etc.)? Also try to have
loadfix loaded when testing this last thing.

Reply 6 of 21, by mr stabby

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Rank Newbie

well i found out the problem...it was a botched installation. my installshield has been flaky, and i recently fixed it (it was an odd problem). now that ive reinstalled the game again, i get no more crashes! now i can KILL WHOEVER I WANT!! YAY! ahem...anyway, thanks for the help all the same everybody. i had fun learning about dosbox.

Reply 7 of 21, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Thanks for posting the solution to your problem. I'll have to add that to my list of common problem causes, as it's come up a few times on the forum lately.

Reply 13 of 21, by RoachMan

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Rank Newbie

Hey I'm having the same problem here with Harvester. I encounter crashes when ever the same specific characters become hostile. I've downloaded every dosbox cvs build I can find and still nothin'. Is there anything else I could put into the config file that would fix whatever is going wrong?!?


Reply 14 of 21, by Tracido

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Rank Newbie

Yeah, this isn't *fixed* in the slightest, not here. I have done all of this stuff all day, including installing from dosbox, & not using the install outside of the dos installer. I'm having the exact same issues & even used all the things from the other threads were also tried that many others never seemed to fix are having the exact same issue with no results. Gawd, I wish there was more information on this.

Please if anyone has any info out there, share it, every place I use to go for info on this game are long gone this seems to be all that's left... 🙁

My dosbox runs everything fine until I make a violent move on anyone or they change from a neutral to violent state against me & (like they react to my violence or change into violence during conversation), the moment they do, it gives that image, & no way to play this game. 😠


  • Harvester issue doc.JPG
    Harvester issue doc.JPG
    File size
    67.39 KiB
    File comment
    ERROR! - "Memory" full image of code report in dosbox
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
    File size
    6.89 KiB
    File comment
    Harvester .conf file
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 15 of 21, by Tracido

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Rank Newbie

Yeah, ANYONE who has this problem the issue is not the installer itself, it's the code made with the installer, it's not the copy, it's where you install the game. The problem arises if you install it ANYWHERE BUT c:\ DO NOT INSTALL in the SUGGESTED c:\HARVEST with the installer. I just wasn't made clear enough by the vague discussion that THAT is what the problem really is, sheesh. 😳 😁

Reply 17 of 21, by Tracido

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Rank Newbie

No it does not, this topic is entirely misleading. So are ALL the others I went through where you arrogantly deleted my post as well. Great place for help when this is all that's left. I was bumping it to further explain the method he went through & how I missed it and others may have as well.

I finally figured it out & was trying to HELP others who may have this issue, as the answer to this issue is exactly what I said.

If you even read what I just wrote, which you obviously didn't. It purely has to do with removing the "\HARVEST" sub-folder DURING the install, nothing to do with anything else stated in these threads.

It's very simple & although I am glad for the install FAQ (Mine's installed in a completely unique place working flawlessly but, the DOSBOX virtual INSTALL MUST be C:\ & NOT C:\HARVEST)this NEEDED to be explained as to what was really the issue here & it was merely hinted at in the thread where my post was deleted.

Reply 18 of 21, by wd

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

where you arrogantly deleted my post as well.

I've arrogantly deleted a one-line posting where you arrogantly resurrected a 3 years old thread
posting arrogantly identical information as in this thread.

NEEDED to be explained as to what was really the issue here

Yeah and instead of posting confusing information put the information into a nice shape
stating how you mounted the cdrom, how you mounted the c-drive, what steps during
the installation you took to get a flawless installation. THEN people can use this when
they are trying to install the game, and everybody will like you for your explicit guide
to installing this game.