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First post, by twiz11

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I am having issues with infinimer to work in windows 10, it seems like it hasn't been updated since 2010 and I have tried compatibility modes. push comes to shove ill get it working in Virtualbox

something about XNA framework not playing nice

will have to contact zachtronics to see if a patch has been released since 2009 2010

Reply 1 of 1, by mrpenguinb

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Rank Newbie
twiz11 wrote on 2021-09-30, 00:58:

something about XNA framework not playing nice

Have you installed XNA Framework? You can download it at the same site you get Infiniminer: http://thesiteformerlyknownas.zachtronicsindu … om/infiniminer/
Specifically the game requires XNA 3.0 Runtime.