First post, by JanTwo
Hello everybody!
Recently we've had a blackout. My Fujitsu V6535 (buildt 2009) has a shtty battery (100 to 0% in 10 secs), so it was powered-off a little rude. There was no thunderstorm, excess voltage or whatsoever - it just went off like a desktop PC when pulling the plug. Weeks later chkdsk found a (the first and only) single bad sector (still original HD, runtime +/- 10.000 hrs). Since i am not sure if the blackout was responsible for this, i stressed the HD like mad, copied and moved tons of files, wiped, formated and fdisked partitions, changed FAT32 to ntfs and vice versa - but could not produce further errors.
Before spoiling a replacement HD i better ask: Was the timing of blackout + error only a coincidence, or can a simple cold power-off most likely cause a headcrash? If yes: Are bigger / smaller / younger / older / 5200RPM / 7400RPM HDs more sensitive than others? Are SSDs as sissy? Thanks for replies!
edit: Forgot that bit: When the computer was off-current for several days, the battery it at 0%. I have to wait 15 mins before switching it on, else the power-adapter does not deliver enaugh power for booting and loading at the same time. So there might be fluctuations in voltage. Solution: Throw everything in the bin?