AdLib GOLD clone is now a reality

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First post, by keropi

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let me present you the latest addition to the hardware clones lineup of unobtanium things 🤣



This is a fully-fledged AdLib GOLD clone reverse engineered by JimWest from his original card.
It works with the original AdLib Gold drivers and everything works and sounds like the original card.
There only 2 things that got cut off from the clone because they made no sense to add since nothing was released for them: the propriety CD-ROM and MODEM interfaces.
These functions are only added to the point where the tests and driver checks pass.
Everything else is implemented 100% and functions identical to the original card.

The clone (as expected) works with the original GOLD drivers:








There will be a limited run of this card , complete ready for use with the Surround Module and a bracket.
Just like the original every component on the card is expensive and of premium quality.
We have not yet secured all needed parts - but the most important ones like the old Yamaha/Analog Devices and Philips chips are all bought .
This has been worked in the past few months but now it is finally in the point where nothing more can be added or fixed so it was finally time to show it 😀

So check this space for future announcements , as usual one will be able to go to pcmidi.eu and express interest to buy the card there - once it's dedicated page gets created and everything is finalized!

Thanks for looking! 😀

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 1 of 202, by weedeewee

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Rank l33t

Neat !

so the original had a cdrom interface? from what I can gather from the internetz, the gold 2000 had some sort of scsi interface. that would've been so handy on those old xt computers 😁

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Reply 3 of 202, by Tiido

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Rank l33t

Awesome ~

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 5 of 202, by Boohyaka

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Rank Oldbie

Hoooooooly moley my mind is blown! JimWest, can't believe after buying a computer off you and discussing your surround module project, I'll see your name again behind such an awesome thing today? This is bloody fantastic! You guys are fucking legends keeping the dream alive. Shut up and take my money (yet again).

Reply 6 of 202, by Jo22

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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 10 of 202, by RetroGamer4Ever

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Disruptor wrote on 2022-05-21, 22:52:

Does there exist a Windows 95 driver for it that supports digital sound output?

The Ad Lib brand had been defunct for several years, by the time Windows 95 was released.

Reply 12 of 202, by Disruptor

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Rank Oldbie
RetroGamer4Ever wrote on 2022-05-21, 23:20:
Disruptor wrote on 2022-05-21, 22:52:

Does there exist a Windows 95 driver for it that supports digital sound output?

The Ad Lib brand had been defunct for several years, by the time Windows 95 was released.

I know.
Although there exists a Windows 3.1 driver, I was not able to get it running on Windows 95.
The driver included in Windows 95 just supports the OPL3, but no digital sound.

I was called to upgrade a PC to Windows 95 but without a driver for digital output I had to replace the AdLib Gold with a Sound Blaster 16.
This was the way how I got my AdLib Gold.

Reply 13 of 202, by bjwil1991

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Rank l33t

Looks really sweet. Got an Adlib Gold clone with a Sony CD-ROM interface in my Wyse WY-2108 that uses a weird joystick/MIDI cable.

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Reply 15 of 202, by aitotat

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Wow! Looks excellent! I also like the idea about high quality non-PnP card. I hope the limited run won't be too limited because I really want one of these also. Actually I want one of these much more than MK8330.

Reply 16 of 202, by Beegle

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Rank Member

Amazing work, definitely count me in!
Would LOVE to play with this and review it 😀

Plus I need an additional surround module.

Last edited by Beegle on 2022-05-31, 05:30. Edited 1 time in total.

The more sound cards, the better.
AdLib documentary : Official Thread
Youtube Channel : The Sound Card Database

Reply 18 of 202, by dreamblaster

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Thanks for your support !

Reply 19 of 202, by Lennart

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Wow, this is exciting news yet again! Congratulations to everyone involved.

Are there any plans to sell the surround module separately? I've got an original Adlib Gold that would definitely benefit from one 😀