Games you are determined to beat one day

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First post, by Shponglefan

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Are there any games that you either haven't gotten around to finishing or games you are determined to just grind until completion?

For me there are a couple games I would like to one day beat, if only to say that I did it.

Super Meat Boy (Cotton Alley world) - Back when this game launched, I'd managed to beat almost the entire game except for the last level of Cotton Alley world. One of these days I need to go back and just grind it until I can beat that bloody final level.

BattleToads (NES) - Like many, I was completely vexed by the turbo tunnel level. I did eventually get past that stage using an emulator, but don't remember making it much further in that game. I've always wanted to learn how to play this game properly and eventually beat it using the original cartridge on an NES.

What games is everyone else determined to one day complete?

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Reply 1 of 24, by leileilol

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Hexen Deathkings

it feels more contractually obligated than anything else. I've had it for decades and never really cared to give it an iota of play.

long live PCem

Reply 2 of 24, by AppleSauce

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Powerslave : DOS

I've legit got to the last level but I can't hekking beat it.

I've played it like 7 or 8 times but by the time I make it to the last room after dealing with all the bloody crap the game throws at you , I run out of time and get the bad ending.

Eventually I got fed up and decided I would "Eventually" beat it some other unspecified time.

Reply 3 of 24, by Nexxen

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Fallout 4

Night Hunter (1988) - at some point it becomes insane and damn difficult

Many SSI games I started but never finished, I much preferred Eye of the Beholder series.

Try to get as high points as possible on F-19 and F-117

Hugo House of Horrors - I don't think I finished it, at some point I got stuck and it was early 90s so no YT to check.

PC#1 Pentium 233 MMX - 98SE
PC#2 PIII-1Ghz - 98SE/W2K

Reply 4 of 24, by Sombrero

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- C&C: Red Alert Allied campaign. The only main game campaign in classic C&C games I haven't beat and it bothers me. Would also like to check out the expansions for Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 one day.

Not that determined but been at the back of my mind for years:
- Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation and Tomb Raider Chronicles. Always wanted to check out the last two classic Tomb Raiders, how could I call myself a fan of classic TR games if I don't. Should replay the third one too, I don't think I've touched that one since 1999.

Reply 5 of 24, by dr_st

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I do think I will try Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice at some point.

Mainly because I started it, and really liked the setting, but was overwhelmed by the boss battles.

It's probably not objectively good gameplay design. It's cheap and cheesy, BUT, I understand from a couple of friends that DID master it, that - if you learn certain basic techniques, the way the designers intended, your performance jumps greatly. I think I would be interested in trying to really dedicate some time to it, to do it "right".

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 6 of 24, by 386SX

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On the PC I wanted to finish both Thief 1 and 2 since decades and I had lately a great time finishing both games that I never had the patience to finish. Without codes, tricks or whatever. I suppose it will pass much time before I'll put so much time into videogaming again. It didn't happen since the release of Half Life 2, probably the last previous game I finished with the same effort.

Reply 7 of 24, by Hezus

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Still want to finish Cannon Fodder and Titus the Fox one day.

Visit my YT Channel!

Reply 8 of 24, by Namrok

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I still aspire to beat Might & Magic 1. Probably every other year or so I start it again from scratch, having forgotten everything I had been doing, how my party functioned, and losing all the maps I wrote I down. As I get older, and the gaps between play attempts lengthen, I've tried to knuckle down and just pick up from where ever I left off last time, no matter how alien it seems. Worked with Shadowrun Returns, Quake II and Syndicate. But for whatever reason I find Might & Magic 1 almost impenetrable to get back into after an extended absence.

Win95/DOS 7.1 - P233 MMX (@2.5 x 100 FSB), Diamond Viper V330 AGP, SB16 CT2800
Win98 - K6-2+ 500, GF2 MX, SB AWE 64 CT4500, SBLive CT4780
Win98 - Pentium III 1000, GF2 GTS, SBLive CT4760
WinXP - Athlon 64 3200+, GF 7800 GS, Audigy 2 ZS

Reply 9 of 24, by gerry

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i admit that when a game seems unbeatable, but i want to explore later levels etc, i am not averse to using cheats & downloadable save games

time is in short supply after all 😀

what i have noticed is that some games aren't worth the effort - arbitrary bosses with "they will hit you" scripted events (or just stacked ludicrously in its favor), resource constraints that seem to happen 'just because', massed attacks, 'only one path' in which a game cannot be beaten except by following one set of movements/commands in a precise sequence and any exception is failure - that kind of thing. It can be cool to find the magic combo of mouse & keyboard commands to beat it, but then it can also be an unrewarding waste of time

Reply 10 of 24, by chris2021

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Ghosts and Goblins #1, arcade version.

Never ran it on MAME. It any good?

Reply 11 of 24, by konc

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Hezus wrote on 2022-09-13, 16:54:

Still want to finish Cannon Fodder and Titus the Fox one day.

I played a lot of Titus the Fox as a kid, I though I was pretty good at it and that I must be getting close to the end.
Then internet happened and when I found out how many levels it has, what they look like and how that youtuber managed to finished the game I lost all hope of doing the same!

chris2021 wrote on 2022-09-15, 11:21:

Ghosts and Goblins #1, arcade version.

Never ran it on MAME. It any good?

Rumors say it's in most lists of "hardest games", I like it but I'm no masochist.

Reply 12 of 24, by chris2021

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The first 1 was hard towatds the end. It's been ages. The 2nd one I beat numerous times.

Reply 13 of 24, by mockingbird

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Star Trek 25th Anniversary Edition - There are two paths in the game, one where you defeat the Klingons in the ship-to-ship combat sequence and vice-versa... I refuse for some reason to finish the game with the latter.
Turok - Stuck at the final boss and then got preoccupied with other things and had to disassemble that computer and misplaced the savegame
Quake - Ditto... Played quite a bit of Quake Multiplayer back in the 90s, but only played through the actual game several years ago.
Doom - Plain vanilla Doom... Started playing recently on authentic hardware, got to E1M5 and it froze my 486... So now I need to ditch this 486 platform for another (SIS chipset Asus motherboard -- gonna try my Shuttle UMC 486 PCI board instead). Never liked Doom when it came out in the 90s after being an avid Wolfenstein fan... But Doom is an acquired taste, and it's actually quite appealing now.

I find I don't actually play anything unless I have it running on authentic hardware... With emulation it's always the same story with my subconscious: "Yea, I have the capability to play it anytime, why now?".... With my old machine a press of the KVM button away, I take 15 minutes off from work and actually play the darn things.


Reply 14 of 24, by ThinkpadIL

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By the way, is here anyone who is NOT determined to beat games at all and appreciate them rather as some sort of piece of art?

Reply 15 of 24, by spiroyster

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To many to list tbh, ones that stand out and I would probably attempt to finish before others...

Been wanting to finish these for a long time.. no level skipping/cheating which I have done with them in the past...
Lemmings (Amiga, all 120 levels)
Populous 2 (Amiga, I heard there are 999 levels 😀)
Ecco the dolphin (MegaDrive, end to end this has been a personal goal for about 30 years)
Sonic CD (MegaCD)
Z (PC)
Settlers (Amiga)
Flashback (Amiga)

One day want to get around to completing end to end, just never had time...
Cannon Fodder (Amiga)
C&C (PC)
DukeNukem3D (PC)
Crysis (PC)
Bioshock (PC)

Arcade games that I want to 1LC which I can already 1CC
Bat Rider
Dodonpachi 2
Dead or Alive 2
Elevator action returns
Metal Slug
Shock Troppers

ThinkpadIL wrote on 2022-09-15, 14:55:

By the way, is here anyone who is NOT determined to beat games at all and appreciate them rather as some sort of piece of art?

Don't you want to see ALL the art though... like the bits of art you can only see at the end 😀

Reply 16 of 24, by ThinkpadIL

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spiroyster wrote on 2022-09-15, 15:00:
ThinkpadIL wrote on 2022-09-15, 14:55:

By the way, is here anyone who is NOT determined to beat games at all and appreciate them rather as some sort of piece of art?

Don't you want to see ALL the art though... like the bits of art you can only see at the end 😀

In many cases there are secret codes and cheats, so one serious admirer of computer games as pieces of art is able to reach the end almost effortlessly 😀

Reply 17 of 24, by spiroyster

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ThinkpadIL wrote on 2022-09-15, 15:05:
spiroyster wrote on 2022-09-15, 15:00:
ThinkpadIL wrote on 2022-09-15, 14:55:

By the way, is here anyone who is NOT determined to beat games at all and appreciate them rather as some sort of piece of art?

Don't you want to see ALL the art though... like the bits of art you can only see at the end 😀

In many cases there are secret codes and cheats, so one serious admirer of computer games as pieces of art is able to reach the end almost effortlessly 😀

And there are also many cases where different endings can only be seen by actions/scores/paths achieved prior to reaching the end. Which simply starting at the last level won't activate. 😀

I see what you are saying though... Personally, while I do like game art, especially older 16-bit styles which I feel have a unique (nostaligic) charm these days (although at the time it was simply trying to make the most of the hardware avaliable)... but I also like fun. I like to be challenged, and I like the sense of personal achievement... even if no one else cares. The sad thing is, there is sooo much these days that I expect I will die not even having tried half the games I wanted to growing up, let alone released in the last 20 years... which for some reason isn't near as many as I want to at least try released in the last millenium).

Reply 18 of 24, by ThinkpadIL

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spiroyster wrote on 2022-09-15, 15:23:

And there are also many cases where different endings can only be seen by actions/scores/paths achieved prior to reaching the end. Which simply starting at the last level won't activate. 😀

I see what you are saying though... Personally, while I do like game art, especially older 16-bit styles which I feel have a unique (nostaligic) charm these days (although at the time it was simply trying to make the most of the hardware avaliable)... but I also like fun. I like to be challenged, and I like the sense of personal achievement... even if no one else cares. The sad thing is, there is sooo much these days that I expect I will die not even having tried half the games I wanted to growing up, let alone released in the last 20 years... which for some reason isn't near as many as I want to at least try released in the last millenium).

I wouldn't say that I like game art too much. For me it is a sort of Modern Art, kind of art that in order to understand and admire it, you need a good explanation. And I do not understand it yet. For example I can't understand how one can like those 8-bit and 16-bit games soundtracks. Even when being plaid on the most advanced soundcards to my ear they sound not simply bad, but very bad.

And regarding enjoying playing games, I'm not a gamer and since age of 12 or so I've stopped enjoying playing them, all of them. Sense of personal achievement? I have it only in relation to a real life. But nevertheless I still appreciate efforts put into their creation.

So, since I'm not into gaming, I'm trying to understand and start admiring them but from the different angle of view. 🙂

Reply 19 of 24, by robertmo

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konc wrote on 2022-09-15, 13:15:
Hezus wrote on 2022-09-13, 16:54:

Still want to finish Cannon Fodder and Titus the Fox one day.

I played a lot of Titus the Fox as a kid, I though I was pretty good at it and that I must be getting close to the end.
Then internet happened and when I found out how many levels it has, what they look like and how that youtuber managed to finished the game I lost all hope of doing the same!

There is a dosbox version with save states 😀