First post, by banana cod
Hi, I'm new to this community, so if I did anything wrong please let me know, thanks!
Long story short, I'm having a strange issue when trying to run resident evil on my Windows95 desktop. If I set display to 640x480 16 bit, then run the game, the computer will black screen and freeze.
Any other resolution will black screen then shortly back to desktop.
I have tried all kinds of ways to run the game, I even made a CD and installed the game old fashion way and run the game with the CD, still no luck.
The desktop is NEC OEM desktop, Pentium 166, 128Mb memory, ATI RAGE PRO 4MB graphics card and a 4G TF card as hard drive. System is windows95 OEM, earlier version tho, it can only use FAT16.
All other games running fine, with or without direct3D, older or newer, I already tested dozens of games, only the resident evil doesn't want to work at all.
I read that the resident evil is known for being full of issues but never thought it will act up on a machine from its time.