First post, by dougan78

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I noticed that with Windows 10 the NE2000 support doesn't seem to work. When I launch a IPX game and it gets to the part where it does the pairing the dosbox console shows a FATAL Bad Memory Block. I am sure this has to do with the networking portion. I know win10pcap is newer and windows 10 updated the driver stack for the network to NDIS 6 and there is no backwards compatibility for NDIS 5 like windows 8.1 had. So I was wondering if anyone knows how to/can update the NE2000.dff/patch to support Win10pcap/Windows 10.

Thanks in the advance for any information/help. I liked using the old school ne2000 approach to networking vs the tunneling stuff builtin to regular dosbox.

Reply 1 of 4, by dougan78

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Rank Newbie

No one else has issues like this? Thanks.

Reply 2 of 4, by danrevella

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I experimented the same issue, but I may offer no solution... sorry.

Reply 3 of 4, by DaveDDS

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Did anyone ever find a solution to this?

I've just been trying to use my my DDLINK tool under DosBox on Win10 (with win10pcap) and I am experiencing the same thing.

The "other end" (Win7 using winpcap) does see the init packet, but the Win10 end fails as the NE2000 packet driver reports that It can't send the packet.

Interestingly my "SNIFF" network sniffer can see packets from the packet driver and can send! (Seems to work normally)


Reply 4 of 4, by DaveDDS

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Rank Newbie

Simple (and stupid) reason it didn't work ...

I had just copied my DOSBOX setup from one system to the other in order to test it, and I hadn't thought to change the MAC address...
so both instances of DosBox though the emulated NE2000 had the same MAC ...

This became obvious when testing with "SNIFF" because although each end could see broadcast from the other end, once I tried sending
to the actual other end ... it was receiving it's own packets!

Probably not the cause of the original posters problem, the fact that sending to your own MAC address causes the "FATAL: Memory Block Error"
may give a clue. (not a particularly indicative message in this case).

(and yes, I do know that the original post is years old and probably either found a solution of gave up by now ... but just posting this information
in case anyone else - like me does a search on the error message and finds this thread)

Dave ::: https://dunfield.themindfactory.com
or: "Daves Old Computers" -> Personal (near bottom)