Here's the content of INI file.
;; Config file for DirectX DLL Wrapper
;; For details, see:
RealDllPath = AUTO
WrapperMode = AUTO
LoadCustomDllPath =
ExcludeProcess =
IncludeProcess =
RunProcess =
WaitForProcess = 0
DisableLogging = 0
LoadPlugins = 0
LoadFromScriptsOnly = 0
Dd7to9 = 0
D3d8to9 = 0
DDrawCompat = 1
Dinputto8 = 0
DisableGameUX = 0
DxWnd = 0
EnableDdrawWrapper = 0
EnableD3d9Wrapper = 0
EnableDinput8Wrapper = 0
EnableDsoundWrapper = 0
SingleProcAffinity = 1
DDrawCompat20 = 0
DDrawCompat21 = 0
DDrawCompat31 = 1
DDrawCompatDisableGDIHook = 0
DDrawCompatNoProcAffinity = 0
ConvertToDirectDraw7 = 0
ConvertToDirect3D7 = 0
DdrawFixByteAlignment = 0
DdrawOverrideBitMode = 0
AutoFrameSkip = 0
DdrawEmulateSurface = 0
DdrawRemoveScanlines = 0
DdrawReadFromGDI = 0
DdrawWriteToGDI = 0
DdrawLimitDisplayModeCount = 0
DdrawUseNativeResolution = 0
DdrawClippedWidth = 0
DdrawClippedHeight = 0
DdrawOverrideWidth = 0
DdrawOverrideHeight = 0
DdrawOverrideRefreshRate = 0
DdrawIntegerScalingClamp = 0
DdrawMaintainAspectRatio = 0
AnisotropicFiltering = 0
AntiAliasing = 0
EnableVSync = 0
EnableWindowMode = 0
ForceMixedVertexProcessing = 0
ForceSystemMemVertexCache = 0
ForceVsyncMode = 0
FullscreenWindowMode = 0
WindowModeBorder = 0
FullScreen = 1
ForceWindowResize = 0
WaitForWindowChanges = 1
FilterNonActiveInput = 0
Num2DBuffers = 0
Num3DBuffers = 0
ForceCertification = 0
ForceExclusiveMode = 0
ForceSoftwareMixing = 0
ForceHardwareMixing = 0
ForceHQ3DSoftMixing = 0
ForceNonStaticBuffers = 0
ForceVoiceManagement = 0
ForcePrimaryBufferFormat = 0
PrimaryBufferBits = 16
PrimaryBufferSamples = 44100
PrimaryBufferChannels = 2
AudioClipDetection = 0