I don't have a lot of experience with cases which use drive rails, if only because I've always preferred cases without drive rails if I had the choice between a case with, and without needed drive rails so most of my cases don't use drive rails. And the reason is the obvious one, sourcing new ones will be difficult if your case happens to not come with enough spare sets of drive rails.
If I really need to mount a drive into a drive bay with no spare drive rails left, I'll usually end up kinda monkeypatching a solution to make the drive stay in place using a wide variety of potential solutions, which includes (but is not limited to) tie ribs or other sturdy wires, some kind of solution involving longer screws or bolts, materials squished in between the drive and the bay, etc.
Because in some cases there are PC cases that I like so much, I'll still keep them even though they may have some of their drive rails missing. But most are from cheaper cases I don't case as much about (and space is not limitless). But if I can, I prefer to not end up with a case like this.
Unfortunately this doesn't bring you much closer to a solution, except that you may have to consider trying to do some kind of material hack to make stuff fit and stay in place.
If you find spare ones that fit (and even if on the pic it looks like they might fit, it doesn't guarantee they will) then that's great. But if you don't or can't, then you're gonna need to get creative 😜