First post, by Anonymous Coward

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Does anyone have one of these boards equipped with a MR-BIOS?
The one that I have uses the AMIBIOS, but I know a MR-BIOS for this board exists as I saw one sell on eBay a few months ago. Just wondering if anyone on these forums might have purchased it.


I finally got around to testing this board with VLB cards recently. Surprisingly the compatibility is VERY good. It worked with every single VLB VGA card I threw in there. This came as a big surprise to me as this is a 386SX/286 motherboard which only has 24-bit addressing and 16 data lines. Pretty much every VLB card I threw in delivered identical DOS performance, as the CPU or RAM seems to be bottlenecking it.
The CPU on my board is the 66MHz version of the IBM 486SLC2 with the 16kb internal cache. Surprisingly this board also supports L2 cache (which I upgraded to 128kb). In DOOM timedemo3 I got about 4730 realtics no matter which VLB card was used. With an ISA VGA card the score dropped to around 5200 realtics. Overall this system benches about the same as a TI486SXL-40.

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V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 1 of 33, by Tetrium

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Wow, amazing board you have there! It even has SIMM sockets and VLB 😁

I'm almost 100% certain I don't have anything similar. Oldest boards I have which should be in working order are a couple 386 boards (they 'should' work as I got them complete NOS years ago and made sure I snipped the barrel batteries before I put them back into storage and even those didn't have VLB I think).

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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Reply 2 of 33, by matze79

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it would be very intressenting how VLB works on this System, maybe it does use some type of multiplexing break down 32bit Bus to 2 Chunks of 16bit ?!?
Does it support asynchronus FPU ?

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Reply 4 of 33, by kixs

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Also got this motherboard. It has standard AMI bios, but with many features.

Did some benchmarks with it.

- upgraded cache to 128KB
- fastest BIOS settings
- VLB ARK1000VL 2MB VGA card


3DBench 1.0c... 34.2
Doom... 4569


3DBench 1.0c... 41.1
Doom... 3806

CPU has heatsink but it's really hot (even at 66MHz). So I put a 12cm fan over the motherboard to cool it.

Main memory is really slow. Otherwise it's quite fast.

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Reply 5 of 33, by Anonymous Coward

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Wow, you even overclocked it to 80MHz. In theory it should hold up, as the SLC2 internally supports 3X (enabled by software) and was originally designed to clock up to 100MHz.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 6 of 33, by FGB

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I had one of these boards in my collection, too. It had the 50Mhz chip and I was unable to overclock it to 66Mhz. No matter what timings I set in the BIOS, it crashed in applications. so I don't think that the 3x multi possibility directly correlates with a good overclocking capability. I'm pretty sure IBM selected the CPUs.

@kixs: Was it just a different jumper setting to get to 40MHz bus speed?

I should get my hands on a 66MHz variation soon, it would be exiting to test it @80MHz 😀

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Reply 7 of 33, by keropi

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I am bumping this after 2 years 🤣 just in case anyone here happened uppon this mobo with a MR-BIOS rom
Got this mobo today 😀

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Reply 8 of 33, by kixs

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Welcome to the club 🤣

@FGB: I guess I didn't see the thread updated... look here for jumper settings, I guess I tried the other options, can't say which now as I don't recall. But it's left all OPEN and all CLOSED on JP7 & JP8.

https://stason.org/TULARC/pc/motherboards/A/A … SLC2-REV-C.html

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Reply 10 of 33, by Mephusto

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I have a pc with this same motherboard and bios! I don't know how to use these old computers though, so I am trying to learn how to even figure out how to set it up. Sorry to necro this thread but I just found it and find myself curious if you ever found the bios you were looking for.

Reply 11 of 33, by Anonymous Coward

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No, I am pretty sure the MR BIOS for this board hasn't been found. But, I am fairly certain it exists.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 12 of 33, by Jed118

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Hah, one just came into my hands. AMIBIOS though.

Anyone remember which jumpers were used to change the bus speed to 40 MHz? STASON shows jumpers with "factory settings, do not alter" - real useful 😉

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Reply 14 of 33, by Anonymous Coward

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No, this BIOS image is surprisingly still missing.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 15 of 33, by mat919

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Anonymous Coward wrote on 2023-01-22, 09:49:

No, this BIOS image is surprisingly still missing.

I have hoarded over some time an extensive collection of MR BIOSes. I just purchased the board with AMI and looking forward to an upgrade, but since I paid a lot of money for it I am afraid to ruin it on the very next day. Is there anything in particular, that would allow me to pinpoint correct version of MR? A string inside the rom?
If you have an advanced knowledge and/or resources to play with and a know-how , to protect yourself from bricking the board I could upload a rom candidate that look promising in my opinion. LMK.

Reply 17 of 33, by Anonymous Coward

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Swapping the ROM BIOS presents almost no risk. If you have a rev A BIOS it might work on a later board revision. Can you upload the ROM?

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 18 of 33, by mat919

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Anonymous Coward wrote on 2023-02-01, 05:59:

Swapping the ROM BIOS presents almost no risk. If you have a rev A BIOS it might work on a later board revision. Can you upload the ROM?


I spent hours going through my library of MR-BIOS images and yet, I think the best candidate was out there at least since November 2022. Let me know if it works. I am still waiting for my board to be delivered.