First post, by claunia

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Greetings programs,

Ok this may not be the ultimate comparison for you but...

There are 1997 comparison videos (nice number eh!?) as of this writing so it's pretty big.

I have compared 17 games across 10 sound cards (plus a few extras), in different modes, and separated everything in playlists I'll paste below.

At the end of the lists I have some FAQ before you shout at me 😉

Blake Stone: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 0-jWlkAcIgda73J
Descent: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … QlsV5h9ZvM2xQ9K
DOOM II: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … K8SB7sgEm-JIV37
Duke Nukem 3D: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … ToGMnJGE4aiJLb7
Duke Nukem II: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … qgoV91qyCc_abo0
Dune II: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 5ZBBNOYWoBWkvSX
Heretic: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … dw323aZm6I4B39p
Hexen: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … E4UNejkuTFVyw9L
Lemmings: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … E8LUwPdBBNcVrq1
Master of Orion: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … gzAKt_ngI28F_P9
Monkey Island 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … TDbzdd_mwPaVCLb
The Secret of Monkey Island: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … w8kyBatcYHL_R5-
Ultimate DOOM: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 9JYsjnSDvwRd2ds
WarCraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 67mE7ItSgjSHEzQ
WarCraft II: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … cJrseBjPEPwvEsj
X-COM Terror from the Deep: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … IVvjVCsKWAZe-eQ
X-COM UFO Defense: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … lPzW6D6RLAYdjLn

After testing all these games with each corresponding sound card there is a conclusion. This conclusion is personal, subjective, and you may arrive to a different one. You're welcome to have your own opinion, that doesn't make it right, or mine wrong, just a different one, enjoy it!

Aztech AZT2320:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … LtHAluet1SnjGxN

A nice OPL3 clone, it is hard to find it sounding different from the real deal, but being ISA only your experience may vary depending on the age and state of the capacitors.

Centris 650:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … fxnJZEn2yV6D0mt

A little extra. Macintosh computers did not have a sound card so the music synthesis is done via software using a Roland licensed soundfont. This is one of the most, if not the most, powerful Macintosh computers in the Motorola 680x0 generation, with a 8-bit 22KHz DAC, however you can see the developers needed to choose between cycles for the game or cycles for the music, and it shows.

C-Media CMI8738:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … r0knkayretouDoE

As an OPL clone it sounds a little worse than the original, but is something manageable. The good thing is that the PCI chipset compatibility is not so bad, you can find brand new cards still being manufactured, and most of them have, or can be modified to have, SPDIF output, for the cleanest signal.

Creative CQM:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 40qi7pRB132NRgd

Creative OPL clone, "an enhancement" in their own words. In my opinion it's the worst clone I have tested, it adds some kind of rattlesnake sound to everything, it's just awful.
I tested it in a Sound Blaster 32 PnP but it can be found in a lot of the Creative cards, so be sure to check the card before spending money on this clone inadvertently.

Creative CT5880:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … wuCK6faStoA-Lpj

Found in the Sound Blaster PCI saga, an evolution (and supposedly the same as) of Ensoniq's AudioPCI ES137x chips. It supports emulating the OPL via software, as well as General MIDI and MT-32 modes.
As for the MT-32 mode is very easy to enable or disable.
But the OPL mode. I would not say it is a bad clone. It's not OPL, it just replaces the OPL commands with wavetable sounds, and it sounds, all, wrong, and, bad.

However if your game supports MT-32 or General MIDI, it sounds incredible, specially with the 8MiB optional soundfont.

Also PCI compatibility is very good, and most cards can be modified very easily to add SPDIF support.

Creative EMU10K1:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … pnr5MOdtTjqDtBV

A mixture of Ensoniq's and E-MU's wavetable technologies. Not very different in DOS from the CT5880 except when in OPL mode.

While OPL is emulated via software, it sounds much better, more similar to a real OPL chip. However in CPU intensive games the music gets out of sync. And one of the games in my test could not work, in any mode, with this card (X-COM UFO Defense).

It also supports MT-32 mode but it is a tad bit more difficult to enable, needing to manually open the mixer to enable it. Also it doesn't sound as good as the CT5880 using the default font, but sounds very good using the 8MiB one.

For General MIDI there's no difference with the CT5880. PCI compatibility is also very good and most cards already have the pins to add SPDIF, just search for the pinout on this forum.

Creative EMU8801:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … EFH2lZuI0cdEpcm

As a wavetable it's good, if you can add more RAM to the card add it, and use a better soundfont. The advantage is that you can load SF2 so you're not limited to the three ones made by Ensoniq as with the SB PCI and Live cards.

However, game support is far from good. OPL mode uses a companion chip and almost, if not all, AWE cards, use the awful CQM.

And for wavetable you need specific game support or loading a TSR that basically only works with real mode games, limiting its use greatly.

ESS AudioDrive (ESS1868F):
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … 3_LHq32GOk3fZ23

Their OPL3 clone, called ESFM, is in my opinion, not just the best clone... in some notes, it sounds more vivid, and real, than the original.

It also has an enhanced mode but on my tests only WarCraft II supported it, and well there, it sounds better than the SB mode (aka OPL).

Definitively the best all-round ISA card except that it only supports up to Sound Blaster Pro digital sounds (unless the game supports the enhanced mode).

ESS Solo (ES1946S):
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … NZelMENzQCj7Xv0

Same OPL clone, ESFM, except in PCI form and still being manufactured and sold.

Of all the PCI cards it's the one with most compatibility with motherboards and games, but it seems to not have SPDIF output in anyway.

Also while it shall have the same enhanced mode, WarCraft II was unable to initialize it and I could not get any ESS mixer application to work to change the volume.

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … rE0rXkdeLLcgmBE

An unauthorized OPL clone of unknown origin that was very common. So common even Creative used it in cards that you would expect to find the real deal.

It is awful, it sounds numb, stay far away.

PC Speaker:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … TM70MoxiVirKPK8

Ok, for the LOLs

PowerBook G3:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … qDao6meoWnS8H91

Same as all Macintosh, software based synthesis, but this time, with enough CPU power to run everything at 16-bit 44.1KHz.

Except if the game is not PowerPC designed, the music will get out of sync, because it is basically running inside an emulator.

Sound Blaster Pro 2.0:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … f5zT2yW9k_AmrQ9

The original, authentic, Yamaha OPL3 you love and hate, nothing else can be said, but these cards are starting to get so expensive when working, better look into alternatives.

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … GYDjTrZm6WwcGjr

One of the VIA chipsets that include Sound Blaster Pro support in hardware.

The OPL support is done via software, and takes quite an amount of RAM, but works will all games. Doesn't sound too crap, mostly, at least better than CQM and LS-212, but worse than ESS or Aztech clones.

Also you cannot get it in an expansion card, but you can get cheap computers that include this chipset, and call it a day.

mt-32 Pi
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqxrhxvMan … LyYIyzIZmgeWu75

It is brutal. Thing is many people don't really know it works on real DOS machines (it does) thinking only does on MiSTeR (it does!) or Atari (it does!!!) or...

Just so you know it even works in Windows 11, but you really do not need for (you can point DOSBox or 86Box to it, but so can also to software running in your Windows anyway).

The included General MIDI font is amazing, the MT-32 sounds excellent (want to think it tries to be a perfect emulation?) but you still need SoftMPU if your card does not offer Intelligent MPU-401.

It is certainly worth to get a PCB and a Pi (at normal, non-scalper prices) to use it with a real DOS machine.

So what would I recommend?
I would recommend going for a Sound Blaster Live!. Many models, very cheap to get, quite new so no capacitor replacement needed for most, and afaik, all of them support SPDIF. Just ensure you enable MT-32 or General MIDI in your game.

As a second option the Sound Blaster PCI offers most of the same as the Live!.

Then, ESS Solo offers the most compatibility of all PCI cards.

And if you do not have PCI, an prefer to go thru the ISA route, get the ESS AudioDrive.


- Why have you not tested the Sound Blaster Audigy?
Afaik it shall sound the same as the Live!. But the reason is just that I do not remember where I stored mine when I moved with my wife, so, wait til I found it.

- Why have you not tested the real Roland MT-32?
Because it is expensive, let me get one.

- Why have you not tested the Gravis Ultrasound?
It is unobtanium, so, yeah, not gonna happen, not going to spend hunders of euros on a card just to record the videos, sorry.

- Why have you not tested CARD XXXX?
Because or it has the same exact FM/MT/GM synthesis chip as one that I already have, or I do not know about it. Drop the name in a comment.

- Why have you not tested GAME YYYY?
I tested the games I liked, the ones that evoke me the most nostalgia, and I won't test any more games. If anything, I may test one Sierra OnLine game, because they were very detailed with the music, but I still have not decided which one is the best (suggestions welcome).

- Why have you not changed this setting and this other one so it sounds better?
Because the idea is to listen to how they sound by default. Yes I know you can disable the echo chamber in the AWE cards. But not everybody does know every option. So defaults are used.

Oh and my main channel is https://www.youtube.com/@TinkeringDaemon so subscribe if you want to see me tinkering with old hardware.


2023/02/01: Added mt32-pi

Last edited by claunia on 2023-02-01, 17:11. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 15, by Gmlb256

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The AZT2320 chip has real OPL3 integrated (some of these chips has the OPL logo on then), akin to the CT1747 chip found on some SB16 and AWE32 variants.

All of these games mentioned barely used the capabilities of the OPL3 chip. At least one that I know that used it very well was Cybersphere (Cybersphere Plus counts too).

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 2 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-01-27, 22:01:

The AZT2320 chip has real OPL3 integrated (some of these chips has the OPL logo on then), akin to the CT1747 chip found on some SB16 and AWE32 variants.

It certainly sounds different enough to consider, that even if licensed, it is different. I'm not talking about license, even a NEC V20 was a licensed 8086 and worked very different.

Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-01-27, 22:01:

All of these games mentioned barely used the capabilities of the OPL3 chip. At least one that I know that used it very well was Cybersphere (Cybersphere Plus counts too).

Interesting, I may add it to the comparisons, thanks for the suggestion.

Reply 3 of 15, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t++
claunia wrote on 2023-01-27, 21:42:

Creative EMU10K1:

While OPL is emulated via software, it sounds much better, more similar to a real OPL chip. However in CPU intensive games the music gets out of sync. And one of the games in my test could not work, in any mode, with this card (X-COM UFO Defense).

FM synth slowdown on SBLive cards depends on the driver version. Later drivers (including the one which ships with Audigy cards) do not have this problem.

ESS AudioDrive (ESS1868F):

It also has an enhanced mode but on my tests only WarCraft II supported it, and well there, it sounds better than the SB mode (aka OPL).

The native ESFM mode was only supported by newer DOS games which use more recent versions of the Miles Sound System. It can indeed sound pretty good if properly utilized. Some tests and observations can be found here: ESFM details

An unauthorized OPL clone of unknown origin that was very common. So common even Creative used it in cards that you would expect to find the real deal.

It is awful, it sounds numb, stay far away.

The LS-212 is supposedly a pin compatible copy of the YMF262-M according to this article. It should sound exactly like the real thing, unless the sound card where it was used botched something with its implementation. Some of your recordings show unusual stuttering and slowdowns, which indicates the latter.

- Why have you not changed this setting and this other one so it sounds better?
Because the idea is to listen to how they sound by default. Yes I know you can disable the echo chamber in the AWE cards. But not everybody does know every option. So defaults are used.

Out of curiosity, did you make the recordings in-game? Or was it done externally from the config utility and/or by playing back MIDI files through a third-party program? Some games like Duke 3D can sound quite different depending on which method is used.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 4 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-28, 04:28:

FM synth slowdown on SBLive cards depends on the driver version. Later drivers (including the one which ships with Audigy cards) do not have this problem.

I used the latest Live named drivers I could find, but as well, I didn't use the fastest DOS compatible machine.

Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-28, 04:28:

The LS-212 is supposedly a pin compatible copy of the YMF262-M according to this article. It should sound exactly like the real thing, unless the sound card where it was used botched something with its implementation. Some of your recordings show unusual stuttering and slowdowns, which indicates the latter.

Yes it is pin compatible, but well I do not have a "sounds amazing with a YMF let's solder an LS212 in it" donor card.
I checked the traces (no rust) and capacitors (within spec) of the LS212 card so all botching is, unfortunately, by design.

And I thing it is important to have that into account, if you get a card that used a cheap clone instead of an original, expect the rest of the card to be garbage as well.

Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-28, 04:28:

Out of curiosity, did you make the recordings in-game? Or was it done externally from the config utility and/or by playing back MIDI files through a third-party program? Some games like Duke 3D can sound quite different depending on which method is used.

All recordings are in-game (that's why in Dune II some videos have the voice over and some don't, the SETUP utility gets crazy sometimes, yes even the updated one).

Reply 5 of 15, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t++
claunia wrote on 2023-01-28, 09:18:

Yes it is pin compatible, but well I do not have a "sounds amazing with a YMF let's solder an LS212 in it" donor card.
I checked the traces (no rust) and capacitors (within spec) of the LS212 card so all botching is, unfortunately, by design.

What card is hosting the LS-212? Can you post a picture?

While I don't have any cards with that exact chip, I do have a few with the FT6116-100 and DXP44Q copies, which are also mentioned in the article that I linked to earlier. The FM synth on those cards sounds exactly the same as on my Yamaha YMF719, and there is no stuttering or slowdown during playback.

And I thing it is important to have that into account, if you get a card that used a cheap clone instead of an original, expect the rest of the card to be garbage as well.

Agreed. Those copy chips were mostly used by "no-name" generic card manufacturers. That said, other than higher self-noise, I haven't had any issues with FM synth music on cards which use the aforementioned copy chips.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 6 of 15, by dionb

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Rank l33t++

What exactly are you testing?

A lot of the comments you make are related to FM synth (OPL3), but you also refer to (MIDI wavetable) sound fonts, and both GM and MT-32. You then list only chips, not sound cards, and some of thost chips can only do one of these options, and for other cards you refer to software (MIDI?) synthesis. You also state that the LS-212, which is known to be a 1:1 knockoff of the YMF-262 sounds different. It doesn't, indeed it can't, any difference is due to the analog parts of the cards you are testing, not the chips themselves.

I appreciate the work that must have gone into this, but as written up here, the comparison seems to miss a lot of rigor to make sure you're comparing the same functionality on different cards, and that when you refer to chips, you are actually describing differences between chips and not just the cards they were stuck on.

Reply 7 of 15, by stanwebber

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i started a separate thread here inquiring about the possible opl3 core inside the aztech azt-2320 chip. i'm now convinced it's either a licensed or unlicensed 1:1 clone, but the sound does have a very slightly different character to my 20+ year cqm-damaged ear. i mean it could be down to filtering or the construction or age of the cards--both cards i'm sampling from are oem builds. someone in yet another thread suggested the opl3 core is from a ymf289, but i've never even heard an opl3-l (or opl3-sax) to discern a difference.

i found this opl3 clone testing tool that might be interesting to try. i don't know how authoritative it is in confirming a 1:1 clone, but it certainly seems definitive if the chip fails the test.

The way to detect OPL3 clone

Reply 8 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
dionb wrote on 2023-01-28, 16:13:

What exactly are you testing?

A lot of the comments you make are related to FM synth (OPL3), but you also refer to (MIDI wavetable) sound fonts, and both GM and MT-32. You then list only chips, not sound cards, and some of thost chips can only do one of these options, and for other cards you refer to software (MIDI?) synthesis. You also state that the LS-212, which is known to be a 1:1 knockoff of the YMF-262 sounds different. It doesn't, indeed it can't, any difference is due to the analog parts of the cards you are testing, not the chips themselves.

I appreciate the work that must have gone into this, but as written up here, the comparison seems to miss a lot of rigor to make sure you're comparing the same functionality on different cards, and that when you refer to chips, you are actually describing differences between chips and not just the cards they were stuck on.

I'm comparing how it sounds.
I'm not comparing what's the best OPL clone.

I'm comparing which chip generates the best sound.

Different cards can generate different sounds with the same chip?
Yes, and 99.99999% of people could not hear them unless:
a) The card is 10x crappier than the others (most improbable, the cheapest the card the more it will follow whatever the manufacturer datasheet says to make a PCB with, making decisions is engineering time and that's more expensive than tracers or capacitors)
b) The card is damaged (and for your comments I'm starting to think my LS-212 card is damaged even if all tests indicated otherwise, I'm searching another)

This is not a "let's compare the waveform" (spoiler: it's different in all cards), it's a "let me listen to it and pick the one I like the best how it sounds", and that is chip dependent, not card dependent.

If an OPL clone makes a note sound too metallic, it's going to sound too metallic whatever the card that clone is installed to, that's not affected by the rest of the circuitry.

That's the comparison, simple, "which one do I like most how it sounds"

Reply 9 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
dionb wrote on 2023-01-28, 16:13:

for other cards you refer to software (MIDI?) synthesis.

Uhm, wait what?

Maybe confusion somewhere?

Creative CTxxxx (as well as Ensoniq ESxxxx) and Creative EMU10K1 and higher use software FM synthesis (OPL emulation), as well as the VIA VT8231.
Macintosh uses software MIDI synthesis.

All others do it on hardware, whichever they support.

Reply 10 of 15, by jwt27

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Rank Oldbie
Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-28, 04:28:

An unauthorized OPL clone of unknown origin that was very common. So common even Creative used it in cards that you would expect to find the real deal.

It is awful, it sounds numb, stay far away.

The LS-212 is supposedly a pin compatible copy of the YMF262-M according to this article. It should sound exactly like the real thing, unless the sound card where it was used botched something with its implementation. Some of your recordings show unusual stuttering and slowdowns, which indicates the latter.

Having an identical pinout does not imply having identical internals. The LS-212 sounds very different, and frankly, horrible.

Reply 11 of 15, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t++
jwt27 wrote on 2023-01-30, 01:59:

Having an identical pinout does not imply having identical internals. The LS-212 sounds very different, and frankly, horrible.

Fair enough, we don't know what's inside the copy chip. As mentioned before, I don't have a card with an LS-212 so I can't really say much about that. But the fact that there are slowdowns and stuttering in the recordings makes me think that something else might be going on with the card hosting that chip.

I can however offer a comparison between the YMF262-M and its (supposedly) 1:1 pin compatible copy the FT6116-100. The original chip is on a Vibra16 sound card while the copy is on an Avance Logic ALS100. I didn't do a full waveform comparison, so I can't claim that these are 100% identical, but they sound fairly similar to my ears. Aside from the ALS100 card having more self-noise of course, and the volume levels being slightly different.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 12 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-30, 03:46:
jwt27 wrote on 2023-01-30, 01:59:

Having an identical pinout does not imply having identical internals. The LS-212 sounds very different, and frankly, horrible.

Fair enough, we don't know what's inside the copy chip. As mentioned before, I don't have a card with an LS-212 so I can't really say much about that. But the fact that there are slowdowns and stuttering in the recordings makes me think that something else might be going on with the card hosting that chip.

I can however offer a comparison between the YMF262-M and its (supposedly) 1:1 pin compatible copy the FT6116-100. The original chip is on a Vibra16 sound card while the copy is on an Avance Logic ALS100. I didn't do a full waveform comparison, so I can't claim that these are 100% identical, but they sound fairly similar to my ears. Aside from the ALS100 card having more self-noise of course, and the volume levels being slightly different.

Waveforms are going to be different, even between same model cards, as analogue components are never 100% identical, not even when new.

Question is WHAT is different.

If the waveform is lower but has the exact same vectors, it's a volume difference. I have normalized the volume on all videos to prevent this, even the LS-212 that still sounds numb.

But filtering (and bad capacitors) can cut a waveform flat, so there is no peak. Yet the rest of the waveform is identical. This is not really perceptible by the human ear in the middle of a song unless it's ALL notes or VERY flattened (and this is what I referred with 10x crappier or damaged card).
You can check if you compare the ESS1868F with the ES1946S videos. The waveform is different, but the notes are the exact same, just my ESS1868F is much older, needs more capacitors that are older, and that means the signal is noisier. But if you notice anything, it's noise, not a different music.

However if in the same exact note the waveform is radically different, that's not the card, it's the chip, that's not doing an identical synthesis.
And this is easily perceptible just by ear in most cases. (And made my life difficult to align the songs in many cases, as except the AZT, CMI, YMF, DaVinci was unable to auto align the rest of recordings!!!)

Reply 13 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
jwt27 wrote on 2023-01-30, 01:59:

Having an identical pinout does not imply having identical internals. The LS-212 sounds very different, and frankly, horrible.

Also, everybody talks about the LS-212, but forget about the LS-215.

The YMF chip generates digital, floating point, sound, that needs to be converted into analogue sound by a DAC, usually the YAC512.

The LS-212 is pin compatible with the YMF262, and the LS-215 is pin compatible with the YAC512.

And combinations have been found, with a Yamaha DAC with the clone LS synth. And viceversa.
This certainly affects the final waveform.

My card is a LS-212 with LS-215 DAC.

Reply 14 of 15, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t++
claunia wrote on 2023-01-30, 08:46:

But filtering (and bad capacitors) can cut a waveform flat, so there is no peak. Yet the rest of the waveform is identical. This is not really perceptible by the human ear in the middle of a song unless it's ALL notes or VERY flattened (and this is what I referred with 10x crappier or damaged card).

My bad, I was watching this video and thought that the slowdowns and stuttering came from the LS-212, when they were actually produced by the VT8231.

The LS-212 sounds as if it's playing underwater, i.e. like a very strong low pass filter is being erroneously applied to the output. I'm still curious as to what card exactly is hosting the chip?

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 15 of 15, by claunia

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Rank Newbie
Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-01-30, 10:04:
claunia wrote on 2023-01-30, 08:46:

But filtering (and bad capacitors) can cut a waveform flat, so there is no peak. Yet the rest of the waveform is identical. This is not really perceptible by the human ear in the middle of a song unless it's ALL notes or VERY flattened (and this is what I referred with 10x crappier or damaged card).

My bad, I was watching this video and thought that the slowdowns and stuttering came from the LS-212, when they were actually produced by the VT8231.

The LS-212 sounds as if it's playing underwater, i.e. like a very strong low pass filter is being erroneously applied to the output. I'm still curious as to what card exactly is hosting the chip?

VT8231 FM synthesis is in software.

The card model is in the video description, it's a Zoltrix 6400