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Reply 100 of 104, by BEEN_Nath_58

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Rank l33t
Gamecollector wrote on 2022-12-28, 20:20:
Tnx, looks like my 1st question was answered in this article. Use goldfxa.exe for correct 1.04F -> 3dfx patching... Failed. 1.04 […]
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Njinsa wrote on 2022-12-28, 01:07:

Few years ago I followed this guide and it worked , but as I favored LB2, can't recollect if there were crashes- https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Jane%27s_Longbow_Gold

Tnx, looks like my 1st question was answered in this article. Use goldfxa.exe for correct 1.04F -> 3dfx patching... Failed. 1.04F + goldfxa.exe: the game starts, the main menu works but Instant Action fails with an error:

Well, lb104e.exe modifies flight.dle, objview.dle, tutor.dle, wrapdll.dle and deletes wail32.dll. If I copy these files from CD1 (the \GAME directory) -- then this will "unpatch" the game.
Tested: lb104e.exe -> "unpatch" -> goldfx.exe. The glide version works.

Under my testing, I come to the conclusion to install the goldfxa patch or 1.04 patch on the non-patched game. If I remember, goldfx -> 1.04 or vice versa crashed the game.

BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2022-12-28, 04:44:

Additionally I had to enable EmulateHeap shim (this game works fine on Win11 22H2 fortunately) because the BACKDOORS/HEAP_PERCENT=0 setting IN CA.INI was still crashing in many occasions.

IIRC EmulateHeap is already enabled for lbwin.exe in the WinXPSP3 default *.sdb. EmulateCreateFileMapping, IgnoreAltTab and IgnoreException are enabled too.

Unfortunately, they were removed in Win8 or Win10. IgnoreAltTab is optional, the gam doesn't like Alt Tabbing so it's a stability measure. Ignore Exceptions fixes the initial video crashes, but it doesn't help in the latest Windows (thus remove movies1.tre, EmulateCreateFileMapping is important and it dodges an issue similar to the one you showed in the photo, but happening before the main menu.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 101 of 104, by Gamecollector

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Rank Oldbie

Jane's F-15 and WinXPSP3.
The default MSS32.DLL is bugged -- no sound in the main menu after a short time.
5.x versions fix this bug but freeze in the "campaign" menu (on full screen movies).
Looks like the 4.0b version fixes both bugs.


  • Filename
    File size
    88.39 KiB
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    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Asus P4P800 SE/Pentium4 3.2E/2 Gb DDR400B,
Radeon HD3850 Agp (Sapphire), Catalyst 14.4 (XpProSp3).
Voodoo2 12 MB SLI, Win2k drivers 1.02.00 (XpProSp3).

Reply 102 of 104, by Lesliejmccurdy

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Rank Newbie

Hello everyone,

I have installed this compatibility pack and so far Jane's F-15 and Jane's F-18 are working with no problems.
Now I installed Digital Integration's iF-16 Fighting Falcon and the game animations and menus work as intended.
The problem happens when it's time to play the actual game. I can hear all the game's sounds and effects but the screen goes completely dark.
Do you know how this issue could be solved or have played this game before?

Thanks in advanced for the help and thanks for keeping this games alive 😁

Reply 103 of 104, by witchywoman

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Rank Newbie

I have the same problem. Once you get in the cockpit, you can hear the game but the screen is black. I installed DXwnd correctly and applied the fix. Games not working on windows 11 but the menu screens work. Problem is once you get in the cockpit.

Lesliejmccurdy wrote on 2023-06-02, 01:41:
Hello everyone, […]
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Hello everyone,

I have installed this compatibility pack and so far Jane's F-15 and Jane's F-18 are working with no problems.
Now I installed Digital Integration's iF-16 Fighting Falcon and the game animations and menus work as intended.
The problem happens when it's time to play the actual game. I can hear all the game's sounds and effects but the screen goes completely dark.
Do you know how this issue could be solved or have played this game before?

Thanks in advanced for the help and thanks for keeping this games alive 😁

Reply 104 of 104, by witchywoman

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Rank Newbie

Janes F-15 is working great for me but recently I have a problem. When I enter the game and fly my joystick and throttle is working great but none of the keyboard commands are working at all in the game, its as if the game is disabling the keyboard. whats going on here?