Gamecollector wrote on 2022-12-14, 21:01:The game not starts on my retroPC in the d3d mode. Cyber.exe is listed in the task manager but does nothing. So CyberGladiators […]
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Meatball wrote on 2022-12-14, 15:07:
As you say it can use Glide (thanks for informing me!), but it also uses Direct3D, meaning, from my testing, GyberGladiators can be confirmed of using Direct3D for acceleration and removed from consideration from Glide only.
The game not starts on my retroPC in the d3d mode. Cyber.exe is listed in the task manager but does nothing. So CyberGladiators was software/glide in my list.
Tnx for the info.
P.S. There is the "-m -3 -g -w -d -s -p -v -f -f i" string in cyber.exe dump. Run keys? Let's test...
P.S.S. "-w" runs the game in the window mode. Without d3d disabling. And with glide.dll.
"-d" forces the fullscreen software mode.
"-3" looks like d3d forcing (can't test).
"-f" starts a 2P game w/o the main menu. What for?
I've done the following tests just now in a VM running Windows 2000, No Glide/3dfx:
DirectX DirectDraw/Direct3D enabled or disabled:
"-w": behaves as Windowed and Software, no acceleration.
"-d": behaves as Software, no acceleration.
"-3": behaves as Software, no acceleration (since Direct3D disabled)
DirectX DirectDraw/Direct3D enabled
"-3": Hardware accelerated Direct3D (same as no switch)
The -f option (which I tested and works as you stated) would be useful if you want to skip the opening movie, but making it jump right into a fight without the ability to select your fighter seems less useful. I suppose for testing or if you really want to play without the slowdown of the menu.
The key option I would like to draw attention toward is when the game is in software mode, the resolution can be dynamically adjusted with the +/- keys. When in acceleration mode (in my case Direct3D), these keys do not function. The open/close bracket [] keys work in both modes to reduce or improve visuals/performance.
I've attached a screenshot of my VM. I didn't attach any additional game screenshots because they are the same as those posted earlier, but I can get specifics if requested.