First post, by Jo22
- Rank
- l33t++
Hi everyone,
I've found an easy solution to convert raw HDD images to VHD format.
Microsoft's VHDTool has a converter function for this.
Maybe that's useful to all of you who are 'upgrading' from 86Box/PCem or Qemu to VPC*. ;)
Please just don't forget to rename the file extension to *.VHD.
Best wishes,
PS: I've attached v1 since it is hard to find. I think it's a tiny Freeware utility, as nothing says otherwise.
The wayback snapshot of it mentioned a free download (with source), but the files are not archived.
The website of version v2 (at MSDN) is nolonger online, either. Its wayback snapshot had the same issue, too.
(* Just kidding. It's useful to run your favorite HDD image on a virtualizer at full speed, however.)
(* So you don't need to reinstall all software again. Especially installers may run more stable in clean/slow emulation.)
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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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