First post, by Gamecollector
- Rank
- Oldbie
echo off
if %1a == a goto Drv
if %1 == c: goto begin
if %1 == C: goto begin
if %1 == d: goto begin
if %1 == D: goto begin
if %1 == e: goto begin
if %1 == E: goto begin
if %1 == f: goto begin
if %1 == F: goto begin
goto Drv
if %2a == a goto Drv
if %2 == 1 goto getvid
if %2 == 2 goto getvid
if %2 == 3 goto getvid
goto Drv
echo Creating directory %1\FMPLAY...
if exist %1\FMPLAY\*.* goto dirct
md %1\FMPLAY
if %3a == a goto SourceA
copy %3\fmplay\*.dat %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\*.lo? %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\fmmap.pak %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\*.ter %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\sentinel.exe %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\fm-*.exe %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameA.* >nul
copy %3\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameB.* >nul
if %2 == 1 goto EGA
if %2 == 2 goto CGA
copy %3\fmplay\song0?.kt %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy %3\fmplay\sfxwar.kt %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy %3\fmplay\grafxtan.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
goto copydone
copy %3\fmplay\song0?.kp %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy %3\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy %3\fmplay\grafxega.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
goto copydone
copy %3\fmplay\song0?.kp %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy %3\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy %3\fmplay\grafxcga.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
echo Sentinel Worlds GAME DISK now installed on HARD DRIVE %1.
echo Now Insert DATA DISK and use 'INSTALLD' command
goto done
copy a:\fmplay\*.dat %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\*.lo? %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\fmmap.pak %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\*.ter %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\sentinel.exe %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\fm-*.exe %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameA.* >nul
copy a:\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameB.* >nul
if %2 == 1 goto EGAA
if %2 == 2 goto CGAA
copy a:\fmplay\song0?.kt %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy a:\fmplay\sfxwar.kt %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy a:\fmplay\grafxtan.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
goto copydoneA
copy a:\fmplay\song0?.kp %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy a:\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy a:\fmplay\grafxega.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
goto copydoneA
copy a:\fmplay\song0?.kp %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul
copy a:\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul
copy a:\fmplay\grafxcga.exe %1\fmplay\fm-grafx.exe >nul
echo Sentinel Worlds GAME DISK now installed on HARD DRIVE %1.
echo Now Insert DATA DISK and use 'INSTALLD' command
goto done
echo ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
echo ║ Sentinel Worlds Hard Disk Installation ║
echo ║ ║
echo ║ There are several parameters that can be used in this installation ║
echo ║ program. The format for this command is: ║
echo ║ ║
echo ║ installh t: v [s:] ║
echo ║ ║
echo ║ where t: is the target drive you wish to install Sentinel Worlds onto ║
echo ║ Drives C:, D:, E:, F: are the only valid target drives. ║
echo ║ v is the video display adapter you have (1=EGA, 2=CGA 3=Tandy 1000). ║
echo ║ ║
echo ║ [s:] is optional, and is the source drive that contains your orignal. ║
echo ║ if you do not specify any drive, A: will be assumed. Use this if you ║
echo ║ are installing from a drive other than A: ║
echo ║ Examples: ║
echo ║ installh c: 1 This installs Sentinel Worlds onto drive C: from ║
echo ║ drive A: using the EGA graphics driver. ║
echo ║ installh d: 3 b: This installs Sentinel Worlds onto drive D: from ║
echo ║ drive B: using the Tandy 1000 graphics driver. ║
echo ║ ║
echo ║ If you don't want to install Sentinel Worlds now, press Ctrl-c. ║
echo ║ When the message asks if you want to terminate the batch job type Y. ║
echo ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
goto error
echo Installation Error!
echo Sentinel Worlds has been installed on the specified drive.
echo To reinstall, delete all files in the FMPLAY subdirectory, then try
echo installing again.
goto done
echo Sentinel Worlds has not been installed successfully. Perhaps there is not
echo room on the disk, you need at least 720K of free disk space.
"Copy a:\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameA.* >nul", "copy a:\fmplay\gameA.* %1\fmplay\gameB.* >nul", "copy a:\fmplay\song0?.kp %1\fmplay\*.sng >nul" and "copy a:\fmplay\ %1\fmplay\*.exe >nul" fail in DOSBox 0.74-3.
I can't use file masks in a COPY destination? Except "*.*"? Seriously?
Asus P4P800 SE/Pentium4 3.2E/2 Gb DDR400B,
Radeon HD3850 Agp (Sapphire), Catalyst 14.4 (XpProSp3).
Voodoo2 12 MB SLI, Win2k drivers 1.02.00 (XpProSp3).