First post, by pshipkov

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Rank l33t

Are there are commercial or custom built 132-pin PQFP-to-PGA adapters (386DX CPUs) ?
Searched online, nothing came up.
Have some blurry ideas, but nothing that can be assembled from spare components coming from standard consumer retro-electronics.
Want to check i am not missing options before go on a path of my own.

retro bits and bytes

Reply 1 of 2, by Daniël Oosterhuis

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Rank Member

They do exist from back in the day, but as a fully assembled CPU product with the AMD 386DX40 attached. They appear to be more common than the ceramic PGA equivalent CPU.
I haven't seen anyone recreate it these days, though, which would be neat as there are cheap PQFP 386s available from China that could see use in desktop boards with such an adapter.
