Video card for a Pentium 60

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First post, by AlessandroB

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my Pentium60 has an S3 integrated on the motherboard which creates artifacts (probably a faulty RAM chip. I have thus installed an S3 on the PCI slot which works perfectly, given that the machine will be used mainly as a DOS, but perhaps also to experiment with Win95 , nt4 os2... which graphics card do you recommend inserting to try a more exotic one? tnks

Reply 1 of 28, by kingcake

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Not exotic, but Cirrus Logic 5446 based PCI cards are hard to beat in DOS for the price. Tseng ET series is slightly rarer and a good DOS performer.

Reply 2 of 28, by Gmlb256

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The S3 chip is already a decent 2D performer but if you want to try a more "exotic" hardware, then check Matrox whose cards have consistently higher quality components albeit at the expense of some DOS compatibility.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 3 of 28, by AlessandroB

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Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-10-24, 21:53:

The S3 chip is already a decent 2D performer but if you want to try a more "exotic" hardware, then check Matrox whose cards have consistently higher quality components albeit at the expense of some DOS compatibility.

I was also thinking about Matrox, maybe a Matrox Millennium, I read about it in the newspapers as a child but I'm afraid that the compatibility is really low... any other smart suggestions?

Reply 4 of 28, by Shponglefan

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Matrox cards weren't "low" compatibility. They just had issues with some older games like Commander Keen 4-6.

I had a Matrox Millennium back in the day and remember it being a solid DOS performer.

But if compatibility is the main concern, then an S3 card is your best bet.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 5 of 28, by Gmlb256

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-24, 22:07:

I was also thinking about Matrox, maybe a Matrox Millennium, I read about it in the newspapers as a child but I'm afraid that the compatibility is really low...

The compatibility issues with Matrox are mainly around the lack of low resolution VESA video modes and jerky scrolling with several DOS games.

any other smart suggestions?

Tseng ET6000/6100? Those were the last ones from Tseng Labs before going bankrupt and uses the uncommon MDRAM memory type. Has better DOS compatibility than Matrox but still not good as S3.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 6 of 28, by BitWrangler

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Think there's a GD-5430 PCI in mine at the moment... it works... it's like that old song "I don't want to set the world on fire.."

Might get an S3 Trio when I reorganise, though alternatively a Trident TGUI 9680, those are swift for a trident.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 7 of 28, by AlessandroB

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ok thanks, i stay with the s3, nothing very interesting for spend money. tnks

Reply 8 of 28, by Grzyb

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I've got a Pentium 60 computer, with TURBO button - switching it to de-turbo slows it down a lot, making it a good machine for 286/386 games...
So I thought it would be nice to add a card with CGA/Hercules compatibility modes...
And there is one very appropriate card: one of the earliest (possibly even THE earliest) cards for PCI, which makes it the perfect match for the early Pentium...
Additionally, there's the bonus of 8514/A compatibility...

ATI mach32

Nie tylko, jak widzicie, w tym trudność, że nie zdołacie wejść na moją górę, lecz i w tym, że ja do was cały zejść nie mogę, gdyż schodząc, gubię po drodze to, co miałem donieść.

Reply 9 of 28, by waterbeesje

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Another one for the list:
Nvidia TNT m64 PCI

Note this is a terrible choice of you want to be period correct but it has compatibility, speed and even directX support. Drivers for Dos/W3.1x/W9x are no problem at all.

I know this card is designed for agp and in a Pentium 3 it is considered a real dud but it is fast enough to cope with a lower Pentium (even up to early P2)

Stuck at 10MHz...

Reply 10 of 28, by Babasha

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-24, 21:36:

my Pentium60 has an S3 integrated on the motherboard which creates artifacts (probably a faulty RAM chip. I have thus installed an S3 on the PCI slot which works perfectly, given that the machine will be used mainly as a DOS, but perhaps also to experiment with Win95 , nt4 os2... which graphics card do you recommend inserting to try a more exotic one? tnks

Did you try other versions of BIOS for your mobo?
I get the artifacts sometime when incorrect BIOS flashed (vendor was make different versions of mobo with slightly different freq’s of videocard and users flash non-correct versions).

Need help? Begin with photo and model of your hardware 😉

Reply 11 of 28, by AlessandroB

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waterbeesje wrote on 2023-10-25, 08:11:
Another one for the list: Nvidia TNT m64 PCI […]
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Another one for the list:
Nvidia TNT m64 PCI

Note this is a terrible choice of you want to be period correct but it has compatibility, speed and even directX support. Drivers for Dos/W3.1x/W9x are no problem at all.

I know this card is designed for agp and in a Pentium 3 it is considered a real dud but it is fast enough to cope with a lower Pentium (even up to early P2)

Interesting, I was looking for a comparison of this type, would this be an extremely fast card for a Pentium1 computer? could it make the P60 do things by relieving the CPU in a voodoo-like way? I'm not interested in voodoo, I had it but I'm not interested in Glide games for now

Reply 12 of 28, by Babasha

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-25, 08:40:
waterbeesje wrote on 2023-10-25, 08:11:
Another one for the list: Nvidia TNT m64 PCI […]
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Another one for the list:
Nvidia TNT m64 PCI

Note this is a terrible choice of you want to be period correct but it has compatibility, speed and even directX support. Drivers for Dos/W3.1x/W9x are no problem at all.

I know this card is designed for agp and in a Pentium 3 it is considered a real dud but it is fast enough to cope with a lower Pentium (even up to early P2)

Interesting, I was looking for a comparison of this type, would this be an extremely fast card for a Pentium1 computer? could it make the P60 do things by relieving the CPU in a voodoo-like way? I'm not interested in voodoo, I had it but I'm not interested in Glide games for now

Its “overclaim” card for P60((( P60 is too slow for 3D graphics and TNT cards drivers are too complex for this CPU.

Need help? Begin with photo and model of your hardware 😉

Reply 13 of 28, by Vic Zarratt

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For something really special for a socket4, go for a "number 9 ticket to ride" real early pci card that was aimed at the wintel workstation market of early 1994.
Failing that, cornerstone did a pci version of the cirrus 5402 aimed at the DTP market, thus real crisp, sharp image guaranteed.

I manage a pot-pourri of video matter...

Reply 14 of 28, by BitWrangler

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There's maybe one other card that would give a noticeable speedup on early 3D titles on a P60, before the games and engines got too large and complex for the P60. Though by a noticeable speedup, I mean barely takes it out of slideshow. 15fps was considered "full motion" at the time. That GPU is the Rendition Verite https://vintage3d.org/verite1.php and will unload triangle calculations. It's a bit later than when anyone would be buying P60s new still but probably in the timeframe of likely user upgrades. However, it best suits low resolutions and low expectations.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 15 of 28, by marxveix

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AMD K5 @117MHz (PR166 no MMX) managed to work well with some early 3D, like MotoRacer (smooth as butter), still its newer cpu than intel pentium 60, also Voodoo1 was working well for K5, still better to use faster AMD K6-2/3 or Intel Pentium MMX/PII cpu for early 3D stuff.

At the same MHz speed AMD K5 is equal or faster than Intel Pentium cpu, just AMD K5 wont overclock faster than 133MHz (PR200). Slowest Pentium that i had one moment was Socket5 Pentium 75 and that i upgraded to Pentium 133MHz. These non MMX cpus are for 2D (mostly), but 200MHz non MMX intel cpu would work better than rest non MMX cpus i think. 3D is to much for Pentium 60MHz oldie, i would stick with 2D card.

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 16 of 28, by AlessandroB

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ticket to ride is a series or a specific chip? because i see on ebay some s3 with this name and i note thet the Number 9 use the blu IBM chip, whats the function? tnks

Reply 17 of 28, by AlessandroB

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marxveix wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:22:

AMD K5 @117MHz (PR166 no MMX) managed to work well with some early 3D, like MotoRacer (smooth as butter), still its newer cpu than intel pentium 60, also Voodoo1 was working well for K5, still better to use faster AMD K6-2/3 or Intel Pentium MMX/PII cpu for early 3D stuff.

At the same MHz speed AMD K5 is equal or faster than Intel Pentium cpu, just AMD K5 wont overclock faster than 133MHz (PR200). Slowest Pentium that i had one moment was Socket5 Pentium 75 and that i upgraded to Pentium 133MHz. These non MMX cpus are for 2D (mostly), but 200MHz non MMX intel cpu would work better than rest non MMX cpus i think. 3D is to much for Pentium 60MHz oldie, i would stick with 2D card.

And instead of that… thinking about a 3D card that allow this P60 doing something “that i not belive is possible for the poor 60mhz?)… changing point of interest in my search? still good DOS compatibility but also squeeze the maximum ot this P60 can be fun…

Reply 18 of 28, by Gmlb256

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:27:

ticket to ride is a series or a specific chip?

Specific chips manufactured by Number Nine.

because i see on ebay some s3 with this name and i note thet the Number 9 use the blu IBM chip, whats the function? tnks

Likely a S3 Vision968 card manufactured by them, and the blue IBM chip is the external RAMDAC which wasn't integrated until the Trio64.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 19 of 28, by marxveix

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:30:
marxveix wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:22:

AMD K5 @117MHz (PR166 no MMX) managed to work well with some early 3D, like MotoRacer (smooth as butter), still its newer cpu than intel pentium 60, also Voodoo1 was working well for K5, still better to use faster AMD K6-2/3 or Intel Pentium MMX/PII cpu for early 3D stuff.

At the same MHz speed AMD K5 is equal or faster than Intel Pentium cpu, just AMD K5 wont overclock faster than 133MHz (PR200). Slowest Pentium that i had one moment was Socket5 Pentium 75 and that i upgraded to Pentium 133MHz. These non MMX cpus are for 2D (mostly), but 200MHz non MMX intel cpu would work better than rest non MMX cpus i think. 3D is to much for Pentium 60MHz oldie, i would stick with 2D card.

And instead of that… thinking about a 3D card that allow this P60 doing something “that i not belive is possible for the poor 60mhz?)… changing point of interest in my search? still good DOS compatibility but also squeeze the maximum ot this P60 can be fun…

Of course some early 3D would work and i have used my K5 for that early 3D part, even faster 486/586 can be used for 3D,i just like someting faster usually, like i cannot play well with most S3 Virge (S3D) and ATi Rage2 (3DCIF) @ 3D stuff, actually it is possible, but not@30fps and 640x480 or higher resolution, still i love many older videocards, like S3 Virge GX2 / ATi Rage3 for 3D.

Lowering game resolution with right videocard + driver can improve performance, also Voodoo1 accelerator can be used in dos. For my K5 build only older driver version worked for Win9x, same can go with other videocard drivers and retro pc, also older drivers can be faster than newer.

I hope you can find perfect videocard for your Intel Pentium 60Mhz build.

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files