Video card for a Pentium 60

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Reply 20 of 28, by BitWrangler

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:30:

And instead of that… thinking about a 3D card that allow this P60 doing something “that i not belive is possible for the poor 60mhz?)… changing point of interest in my search? still good DOS compatibility but also squeeze the maximum ot this P60 can be fun…

I'll have to remember this thread if the SiS 6326 PCI I thought I had turns up, it's way past P60 era relatively, and it was seen as way slow, due to being an architecture that would have prospered had it been 18 months earlier, but it has some FPU and triangle functions, MPEG II decoding and later revisions have DVD features... So for a lot of stuff it was "no faster than doing it on CPU" at 500Mhz, but I think it might lift up slow CPUs with a breakeven around 200. Anyway, if I find that I'll give it a try in my P60, see how it does. What I have in my head is the idea that if it functions with TV out also, it might give you something like Playstation 1 experience in a couple of early 3D games hooked to TV.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 21 of 28, by Shponglefan

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AlessandroB wrote on 2023-10-25, 12:30:

And instead of that… thinking about a 3D card that allow this P60 doing something “that i not belive is possible for the poor 60mhz?)… changing point of interest in my search? still good DOS compatibility but also squeeze the maximum ot this P60 can be fun…

For a processor from 1993, just being able to play Doom with high frame rates is pretty amazing. 😁

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 22 of 28, by STX

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I had good luck with an ET4000/W32p and a Permedia 2 (PCI version) when my family had a Pentium 100.

Shponglefan wrote on 2023-10-24, 22:30:

Matrox cards weren't "low" compatibility. They just had issues with some older games like Commander Keen 4-6....

I've read that there are new patches for this Commander Keen 4-6 screen refresh issue. About 15 years ago, when G200s were almost free on eBay and nobody was buying them, I disposed of a Matrox G200 because I wasn't interested in using a video card in my retro PC if it couldn't play Commander Keen 4. Oops.

waterbeesje wrote on 2023-10-25, 08:11:

...Nvidia TNT[2] m64 PCI....Drivers for Dos/W3.1x/W9x are no problem at all....

Elsewhere on this forum, I've read that Nvidia's Windows 3.1x driver often doesn't work and is unstable when it does load. But I agree that the DOS and W9x compatibility are good.

Reply 23 of 28, by marxveix

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BitWrangler wrote on 2023-10-25, 13:39:

What I have in my head is the idea that if it functions with TV out also, it might give you something like Playstation 1 experience in a couple of early 3D games hooked to TV.

ATi Xpert@Play has PCI version and has TV-Out that works in DOS and Win9x for sure, Rage Pro should have drivers also for Windows 3.1, NT3.51, NT4, OS/2 Warp, Win95 and so on. This card supports D3D, OpenGL and 3DCiF with Win95.

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 24 of 28, by AlessandroB

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I have these arrows to my bow, what do you think? do you see a suitable one?

Reply 25 of 28, by AlessandroB

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Reply 26 of 28, by arnovdheiden

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Probably not the best choice for dos compatility, but our pentium 60 in 1995 was equipped with an ati mach64. It has a quite good image quality 😊

Reply 27 of 28, by BitWrangler

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Yah I'd stick the ATI Rage II in there to see how it does. I was put off from thinking about Rage cards for slower speeds with seeing ATI call for 233 PII minimum, but someone here had one on a Cyrix PR166 and it was doing okay on that so maybe a "works best if.." rather than a "really sucks below.."

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.