Tested, cool, those palette corrupted textures fixed, even bronze golem now have green laser, still not become green fully, but i see it changes palette and become little brighter, with one corrupted color (gray) so i guess its some kind of share palette extension might be here or related, like OpenGL legacy had GL_EXT_paletted_texture and GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette. ( https://www.vogonswiki.com/index.php/List_of_ … texture_support )
"so what's going on here?" i can only guess , i once saw somewhere not even remember where, one game had 256 (8-bit) palette with two black colors at various indexes (those two match each other 0,0,0 = 0,0,0)
one black color used as transparency other as just black color, maybe here same case?
ok now, demos rr1 and rr3 only actual , showing transparency and particles , particles already work great in Quake2 so maybe you can backport to vh2, vh2 particles sometimes discard part of particle being drawn under, like alpha blending objects discard to draw something behind them. When you die in lava camera stuck , while on original HW you will drown , move to ground.
tested Quake2 in curiosity how in lava death looks like here, and it crashes game, in console "map q2dm3". (will check in real HW if its same goes here)
played around with AA , i set all antialiasing to max in nVidia control panel for quake2.exe and for vh2.exe and it works for actual resolution (800x600 in game) without any enforcements by rready launcher.
this AA applies on world and models.
if i enforce resolution to higher, AA still works for models, but not for world.
this AA have no effect underwater , no matter of resolution .
i wanted to apply some AA shader based techniques , the ReShade can do postprocessing, but after installation reshade into any rendition verite game it corrupt everything, except 2d elements on screen, huds, game menu etc. Except vh2.exe, here it works.
Thinking of AA, implementing AA like on real hardware valuable for underwater and world, how it will act on scaling while resolution enforcement will be set in rready's launcher i can't imagine.
Currently world scaled as point sampled, if its possible to set linear filtering for scaling world would be little better, it will make very little blur and prevent to spot that game actually a low resolution game.
for particles already everything excellent here (except vh2 case).
for models i think using modern AA provided by video card is best option as modern AA is more advanced than way back on original hw. (only rendition AA approach is useful while underwater.)
applying AA data sent by app for models (while resolution enforcement used) guess is bad idea , because data meant to be for resolution that used in game and not on rlauncher , the models have more advanced geometry on higher resolution and renditions AA data at low resolution, they will not match for each other , not valid information about edges from app, i guess.
Maybe its possible to guess how renditions AA works by making screenshot on real hardware v1k_drawflat 1 with AA and Without. Photoshop can use difference in layer blending. By same exact place in rready maybe possible intercept AA data (data about edges) and having all that start guessing how it all works.
AA at low res on real hw can produce funny artifacts shown here https://youtu.be/krY2t9Xz1Jw