First post, by GabrielKnight123

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This board has been in a box for a long while and besides the barrel battery leakage it has only one ISA installed though there is places for more so I tested for shorts before powering it up and it still posts but either this was a parts board or did they actually make them this way to use a riser card with? From other boards I have I usually see can capacitors in line with all places of ISA installed and this board only has caps for the one ISA installed so I guess it was made that way to use a riser card, is this right?

Reply 1 of 4, by dionb

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Looks very much like it was designed for a riser. I think I have a system that would accept a shorter version of this board, it's a very low profile 486SLC (also 16b bus like 286) system with a short riser with two slots, one on each side.

Reply 2 of 4, by Deano

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I'd expect the holes to be filled if it was shipped without those slots. I think due to the wave soldering used back then but not sure?

Here is a picture of my 286 which has only 8 bit slots in 2 places, even though it could support 16 bit. The 16 bit segments have closed holes as they were never fitted.

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Reply 3 of 4, by GabrielKnight123

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Ah I'll now dig out my riser box because this is my first 286 with just one ISA and I also think it's made this way because the solder pads look to clean from factory instead of someone removing them for parts

Also you can see there is battery leakage and I'll have to use vinegar though I'm concerned about the chip above where I removed the battery, all the legs are green up to the silicone could the vinegar travel into the chip and damage it?

Reply 4 of 4, by GabrielKnight123

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Rank Oldbie

I've seen some of my boards here the same deano but they are 386 and newer I think even my only other 286 has filled holes so maybe just some manufacturers were different and left them unsoldered